Applications of microprocessor and microcontroller pdf
Vinay Kumar , Student at sgi,samalkha. Ramesh Chandra Huika. Kaushal Zade , Show More. No Downloads. Views Total views. Actions Shares. Embeds 0 No embeds. No notes for slide. Applications of microprocessor 1. A microcontroller is a small computer on the single integrated ckt. MPU implies a complete processing unit with the necessary control signals. The availability of low cost, low power and small weight , computing capability makes it useful in different applications. Now a days , a microprocessor based systems are used in instructions, automatic testing product, speed control of motors , traffic light control , light control of furnaces etc.
Some of the important areas are mentioned below : 7. Frequency counters, function generators, frequency synthesizers, spectrum analyses and many other instruments are available , when microprocessors are used as controller. It is also used in medical instrumentation. From the first commercial microprocessor 4-bit which was developed by Intel in to the more advanced and versatile bit Itanium 2, the microprocessor technology has shifted to a whole new realm of next-generation architectures. The advancements in microprocessor technology have made personal computing faster and reliable than ever before.
If microprocessor is the heart of the computer system, microcontroller is the brains. Both microprocessor and microcontroller are often used in synonymous with each other because of the fact that they share common features and they are specifically designed for real time applications.
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- Evolution of Microprocessor - Types and Applications.
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However, they have their fair share of differences too. Microprocessor is a silicon-based integrated chip with only a central processing unit. They are to be added externally to make them functional. It consists of the ALU which handles all the arithmetic and logical operations; the Control Unit which manages and handles the flow of instructions throughout the system; and Register Array which stores the data from memory for fast access.
They are designed for general purpose applications such as logical operations in computer system. Since it lacks external components, the power consumption is less which makes it ideal for devices running on batteries.

Simple speaking, a microcontroller is complete computer system with less external hardware. Microprocessor is a programmable multi-purpose silicon chip which is the most critical component within a computer system. Microcontroller, on the other hand, is the heart of the embedded system which is a byproduct of the microprocessor technology. It basically refers to the central processing unit of the computer system which fetches, interprets and executes commands passed to it.
Applications of microprocessor
It incorporates the functions of a CPU into a single integrated circuit. Microcontrollers, on the other hand, are more powerful devices which contain the circuitry of microprocessor and have RAM, IO, and processor all in a single chip. The ALU performs all the arithmetic and logical operations coming from the memory or input devices and executes the results onto the output devices. It stores data temporarily and keeps intermediate results. Microprocessors execute several instructions that are stored in the memory and send the results to the output.
The CPU fetches the instructions from the memory and executes the results.
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Microprocessors are based on von Neumann architecture also known as the von Neumann model and Princeton architecture in which the control unit fetches the instructions by assigning control signals to the hardware and decodes them. The idea is to store instructions in memory along with the data on which the instructions operate. Home Journals Microprocessors and Microsystems.
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Difference Between Microprocessor and Microcontroller
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