Dog whistle app that really works
Dog whistle free to train dog iPhone. This app is going to help you a lot in order to make your dog trained and calm.
Top 10 Best Dog Whistle Apps (android/iPhone)
Whistles are great training instrument and it is have great role in training dog. This is great dog whistle app created by JetMob. This app is great tool for training dogs and this app provides you numerous sound frequencies to choose from. This app now comes with ear protection mode for all sensitive ears and this app will work as great dog training tools and will make your dog not to bark and will train them different tricks.

This app will help you to deal with loud, annoying and misbehaving dogs. This app will also work as dog repellent.
Review: Whistle 3 Pet Tracker
This app is type of whistle which emits sound in ultrasonic range which normally people cannot hear but dogs and cats can hear and this tools helps in their training. This sound will make quiet hissing sound to human ears and the best part of this dog whistle is that this tool does not produce a loud irritating sound for humans. This app allows you to teach your dogs new tricks and also make them stop from barking and stop them from making mess.
This app will also help you to teach them to behave well. Dog whistle by Fun Buddy Android. This app will help you to train your dog. Have this dog training app now! Dog whistle Free Android. This is another great dog whistle app created by MIsonicon Ltd and this app will help you to deal with loud, annoying and misbehaving dogs. This app provide you feature of adjustable dog whistle frequency and you are allowed to change it while dog whistle is whistling.
This app is type of whistle which emits sound in ultrasonic range which normally people can not hear but dogs and cats can hear and this tools helps in their training. This sound will make quiet hissing sound to human ears and the best part of this dog whistle is that this tool does not produce a loud irritating sound for humans which normal whistle produces. Thus this app can be used to train dogs without disturbing nearby peoples.
Hope this article helps you in training your dog. Please do like, share and also share your dog training experience with above dog whistle apps. Thank you. Your email address will not be published.
Many dog owners have awed at how shepherds can give several different signals to their well-trained shepherd dogs with a single dog whistle! No longer a tool for shepherds and hunters alone, the dog whistle is a handy tool for training any pup. It can be a great way to make a fresh start with an older dog whose owner has developed a few bad training habits.
Dog whistles are consistent, great over long distances and easy to use! There are many different whistles available to buy. The whistle that you choose to get depends on what you will be using it for. This useful whistle also comes with a free lanyard so that you can keep your whistle around your neck and not worry about losing it while out and about with your pup.
Blow the whistle on bad manners with this 2-in1 training tool!
Dog Whistle Apps For The iPhone
Oh, that clicker! This is a handy whistle training gadget for obedience training of any pup, from Chihuahuas to Great Danes. Train your dog to sit, stay or come back to you with this light-weight plastic clicker-whistle combo. These whistles are very effective and easy to use.
Resilient and long-lasting. It is easy to use and emits a lower-pitched sound that carries far. The art of training and working with dogs using whistle sounds goes back centuries. Long before the whistles that we use today were being manufactured.
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Back then, shepherds would use their powerful voices to signal to their dogs at great distances. In more recent history, the whistle became popular among hunters. The frequency of a whistle has the added benefit of being able to travel a greater distance than that of the human voice. What you hear at 20 feet, your dog can hear from 80 feet away!
Acme Silent Dog Whistle
The range of frequencies that people can hear is between 20 hertz Hz and 12 — 20 Hz. Dogs can hear in a frequency range of between 40 Hz and 60 Hz. That is twice that of people! The sound of a dog whistle falls in the range of 16 and 22 Hz. That is out of hearing range for many people, but right in the middle of the range in which dogs hear. For the most part, the anatomy of the middle and inner ear of humans and dogs is very similar.
Where dogs get one up on us is with the outer ear. Although the human ear may not be able to hear the difference between the different frequencies of two whistles, your dog and other dogs can. If you often work or train with a group, you might like to have a whistle that emits a sound that is unique for you and your dog.
This is especially applicable for people competing in field trials where several dogs may be working in the field at the same time. Another aspect of dog whistle training with different frequencies is that you can use the same whistle if it is one which you can set to whistle at different frequencies to relate different signals. For example, you can train your signals at one pitch and then a reprimand indicator at a higher pitch.
This whistle is not actually silent. It emits a sound in the ultrasonic range, which most people do not perceive, but animals do. This is beyond the scope of human hearing, but crystal clear for most hounds.