Good cell phone ringtones ideas
Around the time that these devices were starting to appear on shelves, a British musician named Thomas Morgan Robertson was working on his debut album, The Golden Age of Wireless , a name in reference to radio, not cell phones. You might know the guy as Thomas Dolby. It's a rather ironic album name given the second stage of his career.
10. Dial-Up Modem Sequence
As Dolby noted in a interview with The A. Club , he stumbled into the ringtone space because of a piece of software his company, Beatnik, had created. The technology was intended as a website plugin not unlike Flash or Java, but it checked off most of the marks for working in simplistic cell phones. Nokia, which used monophonic sounds previously, was looking to add more layers of depth to the tones coming out. This licensing opened up an opportunity for the record industry to make money from digital music—something still not entirely clear as a path in or so—particularly outside of the U.
The Making of Mobile Services Worldwide , the Japanese and European markets particularly gravitated to the ringtone model, while the U. It wasn't a Napster-like situation: That chart ran out of steam, eventually, ending in , but it was a decent way to line the pocketbooks of the record industry for a while. He says he actually mailed two—one to Tim Cook, one to Craig Federighi. These tones blare from the purses of inconsiderate theatergoers and train passengers and on the bedsides of people waking up first thing in the morning.
In fact, neither do most of his friends. This is not uncommon in the country; as mobile operating systems go, iOS has a marketshare of Part of the reason for this, according to the local TV channel Ukraine , involves higher taxes than other parts of the world.
Pole, who has played music in bands and worked professionally in sound engineering for about 15 years, saw an opportunity to solve a basic wrong, and he recorded lots of tiny compositions with the help of collaborators Iryna Tuzenko and Sergey Sitnyk—a mobile phone production team called ZEPHYR. It has a very minor chord change right near the end that is subtle, but prevents the sound from getting annoying. For example, Microsoft gave a lot of money to Brian Eno to create a startup sound for Windows 95, and later paid Robert Fripp to do the same thing for Windows Vista.
Such actions have a social and commercial vector.
The Top Ten Cell Phone Ringtones
Plus, considering the problems the company is having with Siri at the moment, they might be in the mood for a little outsourcing. Retro is in, and there's nothing more old school than the familiar sequence of a dial-up modem. All technies born before have it memorized by heart, and can duplicate the entire string of beeps and buzzes with their vocal chords.
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- 2. Classic UK Phone Ring.
Oh, it's just the internet calling me. Download the ringtone here: Cancelled before it had an opportunity to jump the shark, Futurama is three parts space drama and five parts pure genius. The catchy theme was inspired by a song called Psyche Rock, and contrary to popular belief, was not written by Danny Elfman. But you knew that, of course. Flight of the Conchords are the epitome of geek cool, and nothing says "I like both offbeat humor and mad beats" like the second verse of Hiphopopotamus vs.
All PC users should recognize this classic arpeggio, which greeted you at the Windows 95 splash screen. This six-second chime ushered in the modern PC computing era, and was appropriately composed by ambient music master Brian Eno. Before Wall-E strolled into the hearts of moviegoers, R2D2 was the little robot charged with charming a generation of science fiction buffs.

As your ringtone, R2D2 becomes your personal co-pilot and starship mechanic. Who needs shields or life support? TIE fighters are agile and speedy starfighters, powered by large solar panels and armed with rebel-toasting lasers. Use their theme as a ringtone to let Jedi-fanboys know that your loyalty lies with the empire.
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One of our favorites? Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me! This nerd anthem by impresario Jonathan Coulton quickly captured the souls of legions of hard-working, warm-hearted code monkeys everywhere.
Coulton, the quintessential geek singer-songwriter, releases his music under the Creative Commons license, and has inspired fan videos, dances, remixes, and even machinima. Nothing gets between us and Jack Bauer power hour except maybe ridiculous plot twists.