Minecraft pocket edition 0.5.0 iphone mods
How did you get it o work for mcpe master? Im soo soo sorry for bothering you,Mr Editor but when i tried re-downloading it, the crystal ball isnt in my inventory..
Minecraft - Pocket Edition iPhone- / iPad-App
Try using X-Commands http: Hey can you put more pictures up there like what the kids look like and what other villagers please? Editor just about when will the other options be released because I love this mod and I really want the options to work. You have to do better and update it already.
You can follow the progress here: Sorry I go out from game and came in my friend is changed it was Gina change to elisabet and how to marry her and how to upgrade friend ship?? Try going to Google Play for each app and see if you can find an available update. I cant complete the guide when it says about your destiny. It says that i have to wait but it doesnt work, the only option that works is the one that you dont have any family or nothing.
I also cant interact with the villagers, i can only make them follow me, none of the other things. Please reply fast. This is still an early version of the mod and as a result many of the features are still a work in progress. No need to get all hostile. Please show some respect.
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I have no control over when the new release will be out. Error msg: If the downloaded file is a. ES File Explorer to change the file extension renaming the file to end with. Hi did they already put an update? I wish that you can answer this soon so I can download the next update. Follow us on Twitter to be updated: When I try to enable the mod it says: Error message: Did you load it as a. If it is called something else than a modpkg file then you need to change the file extension to end with. Use a file manager app such as ES File Explorer. Select the file and then choose an option to change its name.
You need to rename it to modpkg then. Use a file manager such as the ES File Explorer app to do that. Can you fix this please? Then go and get an update for it here: Waiting for update: After you import the modpkg file you need to have patience and let BlockLauncher restart. Does this have something to do with anything? I tried re-downloading it, what should I do????? Try downloading it again. Use this guide to install it: Did you load the. Guide how to install this mod is included in the post.
The downloaded file should be a. Since one person before you have reported a similar issue I have sent a message to the developer of the mod asking him about the problem. Got an answer, see here: Can you help me?? Awoke dude I think this will be the best comes alive ever for pe pls add beta 2 soon witu people you can marry thanks. Oh, sorry about my reply. It actually leads to Mediafire, I only forgotten.
Sorry to adfly… sorry if I interrupted your job, Mr. Simply use the instructions found on this URL to load the. Editor, can you please check the status of the creator of this mod? We are connected with most mod developers through Twitter.

This way we are always informed when new updates are available. And when they are, we update these posts. It should be called. If it got a file like that but got.
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Your rating: Anti-Spam Quiz: What's the name of the original creator of Minecraft? Notch or Herobrine? Better Quarry Mod 20 Jan, Clone Mod 10 Aug, Enchanted Addon 18 Jun, Installation Guides Android iOS. A MCPE player says: February 18, at January 23, at 7: Anna says: January 19, at 5: Anonymous says: February 12, at 4: January 18, at 3: Jyce Relaford says: January 12, at 6: January 10, at 1: Ana says: January 3, at 7: Pizzapi says: January 1, at 8: Cody says: December 31, at 9: Kiyanaz says: December 31, at 6: December 24, at December 19, at 2: December 15, at 8: Alexis says: December 11, at HaiderTeam7 says: December 7, at Kate Potato says: December 4, at 6: Craftergirl says: November 30, at November 20, at 9: November 9, at 3: Scarlett says: October 30, at 6: October 29, at I Like Pizza says: October 16, at October 12, at 2: Kathy says: October 7, at 4: ThisGirlNesaBug says: October 3, at Darkgamer says: September 22, at 1: September 22, at 2: Ahmad says: September 20, at 6: Fantdm says: September 13, at 1: Isis says: August 31, at 8: August 29, at Undead Unicorn says: August 20, at Sarah says: August 18, at 7: Mincrafter says: August 17, at August 15, at Mia says: August 7, at 3: August 6, at 1: Em says: August 4, at Tennis says: August 1, at 7: Didrik says: July 30, at 3: DEmpoleo says: July 30, at 2: A derpy being says: July 28, at 1: July 24, at 8: July 24, at Ebony says: July 23, at 8: Miku says: July 22, at 8: Nikki says: July 18, at 5: July 15, at 4: July 8, at 4: FuntimeLolbit says: July 6, at 7: July 8, at QueenKexino says: June 28, at 6: Georgecraft06 says: July 3, at 1: Reanna says: June 27, at 4: Mcpe Lover says: June 21, at 9: INZIQ says: June 14, at 1: June 11, at 6: Oka cola says: June 8, at KoolGainer says: June 5, at SFCV says: June 5, at 1: Oka says: June 4, at 2: Eros says: May 20, at Rizky says: May 8, at 6: May 5, at 6: April 28, at TheDarkLord says: April 28, at 9: Ryder Gonzales says: April 27, at 8: Cookies love says: April 24, at JodiWagner says: April 19, at Seward says: April 16, at 3: April 15, at 5: Alexia says: April 9, at 4: April 8, at Alex laurann says: March 29, at 9: Little Cherry says: March 14, at 7: Haru says: March 2, at 2: Loisont says: February 26, at A random person says: February 21, at 1: Taylor says: February 17, at 1: MiaAsMyLife says: February 17, at 6: MarieLilly says: February 10, at 4: February 8, at 9: SideOne says: February 5, at 8: Victoria Hamrick says: January 26, at 1: Shaniya Hendricks says: January 20, at 5: Doe says: January 14, at 3: Eva says: December 31, at 5: MadderMods says: December 30, at 5: December 27, at 4: Chara says: December 26, at 1: Fan says: December 19, at 6: Love you says: December 16, at 9: Jennifer says: Podenco says: December 9, at 8: Arisa Zaki says: December 6, at December 2, at NervousPotato99 says: November 26, at 3: Nanam says: November 26, at Harvey says: November 25, at DEW Minecraft says: November 25, at 6: CreeperGamerGirl says: November 22, at 4: November 20, at 4: Ada says: November 12, at 2: A-Gamer says: November 10, at November 1, at 7: October 27, at Jeffy Slayer says: October 26, at 8: Sally says: October 24, at 1: Kelly says: Ryuuma says: October 20, at 9: Jeff says: October 19, at 7: Burrito says: October 17, at 3: Gabrielle says: October 1, at 9: Taufikul hakim says: October 1, at 3: William says: September 26, at 2: TheTipArrowNations says: September 25, at Teen says: September 18, at 2: Ichigo says: August 25, at 2: Current Location says: August 23, at 3: Extravegent chair says: August 19, at 5: Mollieeee says: August 18, at August 17, at 3: TLM says: August 14, at 5: August 8, at 5: Michael says: August 7, at 9: August 5, at 8: CaptinKitty says: August 3, at 8: Bao says: August 2, at Dominique says: August 2, at 6: Gamer says: July 18, at 2: August 2, at 7: DatBoi says: July 10, at Cassandra says: July 9, at 9: July 6, at July 2, at 8: Waffle eater says: July 2, at 6: Nadine says: July 1, at Jen30 says: June 27, at 3: Jennett says: June 26, at LG says: June 21, at 6: June 13, at 2: Anon says: June 12, at 2: Rye says: June 3, at 8: Bernard says: June 3, at Aoibhinn says: May 21, at 1: Bella Cornfield says: May 15, at 2: Editor says: May 15, at 5: Xaydi says: May 13, at The fake Mojang says: May 10, at Hannah says: April 24, at 9: Lexie says: April 21, at Sky says: Hanx says: April 16, at 7: Kitty says: April 14, at 3: Zaydi says: April 7, at 4: Gisele says: April 20, at 2: April 5, at SkyPanda05 says: March 31, at 1: Charlotte says: March 29, at March 25, at March 25, at 9: ChocoPlays says: March 24, at 3: March 19, at 7: Juvielyn says: March 16, at 4: Ruby says: March 11, at 7: Tyler says: March 11, at 5: FantasticTrinityjh07 says: March 11, at 3: Akira says: March 7, at 6: March 7, at 2: Mikutatoe says: March 4, at 7: Bay says: February 24, at 4: Kenya says: February 21, at 9: Anoynomous says: February 20, at 3: Cutecatgirl says: February 19, at 5: Infernogamez says: February 18, at 4: February 16, at 5: February 11, at 8: Ayden says: January 30, at January 29, at 5: Hyunae says: August 11, at 1: Riley says: January 29, at 2: I have read others with a similar problem with Jellybean.
Player who is host of game can open chests without crashing. This also happens in creative mode.
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Very annoying when I want to get bones or gunpowder. Version 0. Whenever the farmland is created and a melon seed placed on it, the farmland patch reverts back to dirt in a few seconds, and when re-hoed, the melon seed is gone completely. I have duplicated this glitch on several worlds in several locations. The dirt basically consumes the melon seed and makes melon farming impossible.
This occurs during both day and night. Tested on Android Huawei ascend. When hosting a world on survival multiplayer, the guest has water which is not present in the host's world. This seems to be related to blocks that were originally ice on the host's device. If ice blocks are broken and replaced with another block type, these will appear as water to guests. For example, build a wall over ice, place torches on the wall, and then fill the water holes that develop with any solid block: The guest will see these blocks as water and continue to fall in, appearing to the host as though he is floating in the solid blocks.
This bug can also lead to flooding within structures visible only only the guest's device. The host is not affected by this bug. Tested on iOS 6. Has only been tested on iOS. In CMP, if you place a torch on top of a block, it will be placed on the side of an adjacent block, and if that block is removed the torch will stay there in midair. Tested on iOS 0. They can however be mined by a pickaxe as if they were stone. Tested on iOS. Your head will be in the 2 slabs. Tested in both iOS and Android.
Sometimes after you sleep, you will spawn on top of the roof of your house, and in the case of my friend, if you are at the bottom of the world in a giant hole, if that has a roof on it you will spawn on top of it. There does not seem to be anything causing this and it seems to be a somewhat rare occurrence. This is a very annoying bug espescially if you need to keep animals away from trampling your crops. This bug is quite beneficial.
Tested on IOS Survival singleplayer and multiplayer. Tested on iOS —Zefaxet. Howevr, the world host cannot be hurt by the joining players. In survival single player not tested on multiplayer if you sleep in a bed then "obstruct" it, you will spawn where the bed once was.
On iPhone, I was playing a survival game, quit either quit-to-opening-screen or closed the minecraft app; don't remember , I then started playing a new creative game and flew very high, and quit while flying again, don't remember if it was a quit-to-opening-screen or if I just closed the minecraft app , then started the minecraft app, deleted the creative game because everything was on fire from lava , then started up the survival game; I then started floating in mid air way above my castle. The instant I moved, I fell to my death. I didn't check my inventory before I died so I don't know if anything other than height position changed.
The survival game seed was minecraft and the creative game seed was nyan. If you manage to walk in the right direction and re-enter the world, you will be at the top, and fall to your death. This happened to me twice, both times near the bottom corners of the world. I thought at first it was related to being within 5 or 10 blocks of the edge of the world, but after a dozen such incidents I've decided that's not always the case.
The sandstone looked like dispensers, the flowers looked like nether warts, and everything else was changed, I don't know how this happened, but it is definitely a major glitch. This happened in CSP 2 blocks below the surface with the seed: It stills produces light but is much dimmer. By doing this without taking it out, will crash the game!! Since there is no way to scroll yet, it is only possible to see part of the description. There is no way to create infinite water supplies without natural water, and no way to transport liquids incase you want lava for cobblestone generators, or water for a sugar or soon wheat farm.
Every time I try sleeping, it brings up the message "Monsters are nearby". I look around and there are no monsters within 20 blocks. Also, the red obsidian takes the same time to break as cobble with my fist. The game also crashes when armor is picked up, qnd when this happens. Tested on kindle fire. I didn't have peaceful on, and didn't have my diamond pick, so I was trapped for at least two MCPE days. Also, the glowing obsidian took the same time to break as cobble with my fist. Tested on Android. Android logging on to IOS server.
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If you type the world name, you can press next in the text box, and you will be able to type on your seed. Quite an unusual bug. Tested on IOS 0. When they spot you they start moving towards you very slowly and very quickly move towards your left which I notice a lot in my mineshaft when they start walking straight into a wall. They sometimes trap themselves behind a wall until you move past them.
Their aiming also gets very messed up when they are on the wall and they usually just shoot the wall right next to them. It can cause a visual bug where they appear to be facing the wall yet will occasionally shoot you even though you are behind them. When they get within their traditional 8 blocks from the player, they will not stop but instead continue to move slowly towards the player and to the left. Once they are touching you it becomes very hard to kill them since they are constantly circling you. Caucow I'm not sure about other monsters too. Dlpham I mined a block and shot one there.
Something turned red like when you hit a mob and looked at me. It looked like a giant spider, but was blue textured almost like a cave spider. I shot an arrow at it, and it died. Tested on Multiplayer iOS. Appears when torch is placed during the day. If you remove and place torch again in the night the bug will disappear.
Reproduced in version 0. I have a screenshot in my dropbox but the spam filter blocks the link: This is particularly noticeable on cows, where the pink of an udder can be seen near the top of the rear. This can only be fixed by exiting the app and re-entering. This only happens in your inventory, and they look normal on the ground. Sometimes if this happens and the inventory space goes back to normal size it will throw out all items in the extra space of inventory. It happened on 2 survival files on the same iPod touch 4.
Devices for the servers was iPod touch 4 and iPhone 4s. Only it didn't look like bone meal. The bone meal looked like lapis lazuli! On his hotbar it still looked like and was called bone meal, and it still worked like bone meal.