Phone electronics from the 90s
Manufactured by TIGER, the Talkboy functioned as a simple handheld cassette player with attached microphone, allowing for instant playback. In other words, you either sounded like a demon or a caffeinated chipmunk. Watch the commercial here. Intended as a more compact, inexpensive version of the Talkboy, Yak Bak was developed by Yes! Gear in the mid-'90s. The name of the handheld device essentially signaled its two functions: Users pressed the "Say" button to record six seconds of voice or sound, then pressed "Play" to repeat the recording.
17 tech toys and gadgets from the 90s that we want back
Remember these dope pop culture-themed handheld games? Even though they were essentially the poor man's Gameboy, these LCD screens entertained us for hours. Raise your hand if you drove your boyfriend around the cul-de-sac in this sweet ride every day after pre-school. Just me? Power Wheels manufactured these beauties in partnership with Jeep so driver's license-deficient tots everywhere could feel all grown up.
Toys R Us still sells an updated version today, and surprisingly, it doesn't look too different.
9 Tech Products You Had in the ’90s
Why mess with a good thing? Tamagotchi, Giga Pet or Nano Pet. The original Tamagotchi was manufactured by Bandai in Japan in The handheld digital pet was an instant sensation — soon, kids worldwide demanded multiple pets 76 million units have been sold since its release. But junior high teachers reacted by implementing super strict and lame classroom bans on the devices, which caused our pets to die from malnourishment. Talk about teenage angst. Watch a Giga Pet commercial here. Originally introduced in by Kenner, the toy oven didn't truly take off until the early '90s, when Hasbro took over and introduced an updated product.
Until , the oven baked pastries with only an incandescent light bulb, which has since been replaced with a heating element. Fun fact: Did you know Hasbro released a version for boys in ? It was called the " Queasy Bake Cookerator " arguably the worst product name in history and baked cakes, which boys could top with "dirt," "gravel" and "worms.
Milton Bradley released the Electronic Dream Phone board game , around the same time people began taking mobile phones seriously. The object of the game was to find out which boy had a crush on you by dialing "phone numbers" and receiving clues from his friends. Using process of elimination, you'd be able to discover which hunk had the hots for you.
Tee hee hee! The Pocket Locker is one of the more obscure items on our list.

It seems teen girls weren't eager to exercise their electronic thumbs with this address book organizer, released in by Sharp. Soon after, my mind was blown.
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The battery-operated device sent vibrations through the lollipop stick, so when you bit down on the candy, you could hear music inside your head. It was like a transcendental, private rock concert.
18 Gadgets You Forgot You Were Totally Obsessed With in the '90s and '00s
First released in the '90s, the Password Journal is still popular today. The toy essentially locked your journal and tiny keepsakes in a box, which could only be accessed via a voice recognition password. Boys, keep out! Cry me a river! This hangman game was the most fun you ever had in the backseat of a minivan. Home Health Beauty St. Type keyword s to search. Today's Top Stories.
How to Watch the 91st Academy Awards. Getty Images. Nintendo Game Boy. BlackBerry Curve. See also: The best way to convince your parents you were ready for a real pet. Polaroid I-Zone PocketCam. Portable DVD Player. Flickr via Jaysin Trevino. Yak Bak. Flickr via Jim Abeles.
16 High-Tech '90s Gadgets That Are Pretty Lame When You Think About It
Courtesy of Casio. Casio Pocket Color TV.
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Motorola Beeper. Courtesy of Sony. Sony Sports Walkman. Courtesy of Conair. Conair Quick Braid. Courtesy of Hasbro.