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No problem, I flashed the Nordic Firmware on it. Message 4 of 7 3, Views. Tags: 5. Message 5 of 7 3, Views. Thats quick, any more info on the Z5 Compact coming to three? Message 6 of 7 3, Views. Not yet, as soon as I have any news I promise you'll be the first to hear about it Send me a PM Setting up your new phone. Message 7 of 7 3, Views.
Sign In. How to tidy your phone contacts. How to set up Scheduled Top-Ups. Quick Links. Register Sign In. A phone like the Sony Xperia is usually expected to be perfect with all the hype surrounding it and the impressive specifications. I thought id demonstrait NFC and send her a few photos from my z1 compact. Xperia T'nin halefi, Xperia Z1 'in selefidir. Sony has better camera sensor and has Exmor sensors which takes beautifull shots.
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In the options there is a section to choose which statuses the status bar displays and nfc is not an option. Features 5.

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I have given up. I tried removing it, thinking it was just a sticker, and it seems quite hard to remove. Still nothing. Xperia Z1 Compact ile ilgili detaylar haberimizde. Dual core xperia acro S has 1. Based on a command line tool written by Bin4ry Andreas Makris , I brought a user interface to sin files flashing. Today have put together some information on how much memory you will need in your NFC Tag. Xperia L hafif bir telefon gram. A friend has just bought a Sony xperia M2 phone.
The data on this chart is gathered from user-submitted Geekbench 4 results from the Geekbench Browser. All we get every time though is "read error, try again" over and over. Packed with entertainment, powered by Android. It comes with your Sony camera and includes some of the essential editing and workflow features found in Capture One Pro for Sony so you can boost your Sony images.
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The stylish Xperia Z5 boasts a fingerprint sensor integrated into the power button and offers a 5. Use Near Field Communications NFC to share data with other devices, such as a video, photo, web page address, music file, or contact. WAP push is a type of text message that contains a direct link to a particular Web page.
Tolong di bantu gan.. FW release : Flash operation canceled. Please fix nya gmna gan udh ubeg-ubeg belom nemu??? Kasih solusi donk.
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Coba turunin versi flashtoolnya gan. Saran : gunakan versi 0. X Klo msh gagal coba bundle ulang fwnya pake flashtool 0. Kalau dari kebanyakan pengalaman teman2 yg lain banyak yang gagal gan. Ini kemungkinan dari perbedaan hardware SOH dengan E Tidak seperti Z1, Z2 Z3 yang secara hardware hampir sama antara docomo dengan global.
Sehingga untuk Z1, Z2, Z3 itu bisa di instal rom global. Jadi pendapat saya ini kemungkinan perbedaan dari sisi hardware antara SOH dengan E Karena berbeda hardware berbeda kernel juga gan. Seperti pada seri X. Ini hampir smua tdk bisa di instal ROM globalnya. Saat mau beli oleh penjualnya di sebutin bisa nangkap sinyal internet apa gak gan? Coba di tanyakan ke penjualnya saja gan.
Saya baru beli Sony Xperia docomo c bekas dari jepang… jaringan 4g tidak bisa, karena type nya berbeda… Apakah dengan flashing bisa merubah type 4g lte nya bos…?
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Kalo boleh tau caranya bagaimana ya..? Biasanya di flash ke global bisa gan. Btw sekarang posisi firmware sdh pake global atau masih docomo?
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Maaf gan, saya beberapa kali mencoba flash xperia z C saya tapi selalu gagal. Kemungkinan belum benar-benar mati gan hpnya. Masih nyantol gitu. Batrenya tanam ya gan. Biasanya ada tumbol rahasia untuk mematikan paksa gan. Dulu di xperia m2 saya ada tombolnya di dekat simcard. Dari 41 ke 39 harusnya tidak ada masalah bisa di lakukan. Untuk versi flashtool klo blm tersedia di atas mungkin saya blm update postingan.
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Agan bs nyari flashtoolnya di flashtool. Gan numpang nanya, xperia m2 dual ane sering hang.. Apakah Ngeflashnya sudah wipe data gan? Reset data maksudnya.. Coba lakukan percobaan tanpa instal aplikasi tambahan selain bawaan selama 2 minggu. Mungkin yang nyebabkan hang aplikasi yg di instal setelah flashing..