Best free dictionary apps for ipad
Cambridge Dictionary also supports offline mode and other small features such as bookmarking definitions.
While not bringing enough to the table to justify its high price, this dictionary does work well and is pretty stable as well. Overall, a decent option for those who are looking for a Dictionary app on their iDevice. CED includes biographical and geographical data, scientific terms and data, and lots more.
Best Dictionary Apps for iPhone and iPad: Vocabulary Building Apps
It is stuffed full of over , words, and also covers world, regional, and dialect English. Collins English Dictionary Unabridged includes the latest vocabulary based on their database of over 2. This dictionary is very well recognized and is the official dictionary of the Associated Press, if that holds any water for you.
The one thing this dictionary lacks is the etymology from the print edition.
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Eleventh Edition
If that were a deal-breaker, then I would avoid this one. Otherwise, go download it! This dictionary app has , definitions, an advanced spell check, and short, simple definitions, unless you have an Internet connection, in which case you will have access to longer and more detailed definitions.
This app is free with the option of purchasing the full version inside the app for ad-free searching. Enjoy all the usual aspects of a great dictionary plus a number tool that automatically converts numbers to text, a search-as-you-type tool, a search history that holds that last 50 searches automatically, and a verb tool that conjugates thousands of regular and irregular verbs into standard tenses.
This Longman Advanced American Dictionary app has your expected features of any standard dictionary, but has two versions: one with audio and one without. The difference? Besides the obvious audio definitions, there is a whopping MB difference in file size.
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That is huge. The storage space of your iDevice may determine which one you go with. Night Mode. Font Size. For proper use of this site, you need to enable javascript in your browser! You are using an outdated browser. Book Clubs.
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Sign Up for Our Newsletter! Receive book suggestions, reading tips, educational activities, and great deals. Preschool View Sample. Elementary School View Sample. They also include over 1, graphical illustrations and over 20, additional entries covering people, places, and foreign terms. Our premium app and our free app install separately on your device.
The premium app does not replace the free app.
The 8 Best Dictionary Apps to Help You Learn English Faster
Therefore, you may have two Merriam-Webster Dictionary apps on your device. If you are still seeing third-party ads after purchasing the premium version, please check that you are opening the premium app and not the free app. The premium app icon features a golden circle around the Merriam-Webster logo. Please follow Apple's advice for troubleshooting app problems. If the problem persists even after following these steps, please contact us via the contact form on our main web site.
Please feel free to contact us via the Feedback link in your app or the contact form on our main web site.

App suggestions may not receive a response. However, we do review and value your feedback. Please check to make sure that you are connected to the Internet. Also, please note that while the Word of the Day article itself updates daily, the Word of the Day icon in the app which looks like a small calendar does not change. Finally, if the Word of the Day widget in the Today screen is not updating, please note that you may need to unlock your device in order for the widget to refresh its content.
The vertical scrolling index is visible only when the iPad is oriented horizontally landscape view. Tap on the "Thesaurus" button to view the word's thesaurus entry.
In our iPhone app, if the bar with the buttons is not visible, place your finger near the center of the screen and slide your finger slightly towards the bottom of the screen. The bar should then appear. Please note: Not all words have synonyms, so not all dictionary entries have corresponding thesaurus entries.