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Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Cartoon Wars 2: Heroes Act 6 is impossible on normal mode? User Info: Same-time posts: Impressive Right? Ye the key for that part is to not let the dragons get to your castle. Send out as many powerful air units as you can, and as the 'mob' of dragons is making its way across, hit them with special attacks. Then, as soon as they're in the range of your castle's arrows should be max range start firing them, and keep adjusting their range to make sure you're hitting them.
I actually thought the last level was much easier than the second last one since I finished the it in my very first try or I may have gotten very lucky.

I was stuck at the end as well. It was getting really frustrating but I chose to keep trying. Here's what I did: My main weapon was the convert-gold-into-mana skill, so make sure you have LOTS of gold.
iPad - Cartoon Wars 2: Heroes | TouchArcade - iPhone, iPad, Android Games Forum
Mana management and arrow energy management is key early on as you try to build up to Level 5. Do not send out units; kill everything that gets sent at you with the arrow. If your arrow energy runs out, use the convert-mana-to-arrow energy skill. The normal dragons aren't too much of a problem; they can be killed by arrows before reaching your castle.
When you see an elite dragon coming, send out a powerful unit I sent out the Gear-X mech - high defense, lower mana cost than the angel to intercept its progress towards your castle so you have time to kill it with arrows. Also, don't be afraid to use AoE skills to finish it off if it does reach your castle.
Once you reach Lvl. Start building up your mana towards the max. Using any other unit was pointless.
Try to have at least mana to spare as you build up your mana for your offensives so you can at least send out a Mech in case an elite dragon comes. Its the exact same sprites from gunner. Exact same music as well.
Cartoon Wars
I'm startin to see why this was a dollar, though this may be an intro sale. Other cool thing: No gunner-style survival mode. I don't know about anyone else, but that was my favorite part of gunner, it was a nice, relatively short version that put all my favorite elements into the game in a nice neat package. I'm sad to see it gone, though hoping for an update. Overall gunner feel: Way better than original. Character moves around more fluidly, weapon starts stronger than in gunner. However, at least in act 1, much less enemies to kill, no big swarms like in gunner, at least so far, likely easing my into the carnage.
Overall Castle Defense feel: There are 10 "classes" of ground units to use. Some can be ugraded many times, others much less. While the game says there are 80 units, thats true, but really, once you've ugraded the 10 units to the max, there are only really those 10 units. Also, when playing castle defense, can only use 5 units at a time. The cool new addition is air units, which are separate from ground units, giving you 5 additional types of units to use at any given castle defense level, for a total of 10 units to choose from at any given time to build and kill with..
They seem neat.
One problem with air units: Can only purchase and start to use at the beginning of ACT 4. I feel like the game would be too easy in the beginning if you could use the air units, but the idea is so cool that I'm pissed I can't use them yet. And, since they are only usable for 3 acts, well, it feels kinda stupid. There are 6 acts. In each acts there are about 15 levels of castle defense, 15 levels of gunner, and some extra bonus gunner levels if you so choose.
Decent amount of content, but once again, there appears to be an actual limit to this game, unlike the never-ending gunner. For some reason, that saddens me, because maybe I'm just too into gunner. I'm not sure if the game has auto-save, though i'd be shocked if it didnt. I only say this because there is a big ass save button, and the game constantly reminds me to save.
I'm spoiled by app store and flash game autosaving, BAH. Overall, the best combination of castle defense, gunner style, and a storyline I've seen yet on the app store. If you like this kinda stuff, then go for it.
Cartoon Wars
Whosatm Well-Known Member. Jan 1, 1, 0 0. Jan 27, 2, 0 0 Stuck in traffic. That icon looks sick. Too bad the game doesn't. JGary Well-Known Member. May 1, 68 0 6. This is like the 2 combined, but kicked up 10 notches.
Screenshots for Cartoon Wars 2
Love the game so far. Just one question, what does LK Luck? Rivozzz Well-Known Member. Oct 6, 0 0. Dec 18, 28 0 0. Oct 3, 5, 1 0 the 56th realm of existence. Oct 15, 2, 1 38 Coordinator Seattle https: Rezur Well-Known Member. May 10, 65 0 0.