Iphone 3gs call volume problem
Fix 4: This has fixed my problem. Fix 5: Install Insomnia from Cydia: Install Insomnia as your last resort. When you press the power button on the top, iPhone goes into sleep mode after 30 seconds, in the process turning off your WiFi, sound and other stuff. This should fix your problem if all of the above solutions have failed to fix it.
Also let me know if any of these solutions fixed your problem. Subscribe to our RSS Feed! Tried everything, re-set device, backed up and re-store from my MacBook, installed insomnia, reboot device so many times. My iPhone has been jailbroken using Spirit, it was working ok until I tried to change my ringtone, as I was flicking one sound to another, speaker suddenly stop working and stayed like that since.
I can't hear it when charger plugged in, can't hear my song, phone vibrate instead of ringing etc. It work when I plugged my headset on though. I tried number 2 and it worked for me!
Fix for No Sound Problem in iPhone | Redmond Pie
But when I first turned the phone on it still didn't work. What I reccomend is after doing step 2, toggle airplane mode and turn off WiFi. It should be fixed then. I acessed the cyndia, and load the packages, I reinstalled the blackrain program and reset the system both booton pressed.. My problem is that when I connect in the input jack on my car system the sounds works on all speakers , but when I connect via the other connector so it charges at the same time it only works on the left side speakers… Before the latest firmare upgrade it seemed to be working fine.
I wonder if it is the upgrade or the connector that is bad….
THX, paxtonpat! For my iphone, I went through the list and when getting to 3, I got out a can of compressed air.
iPhone 3gs low call volume
I blew out the headphone jack AND the dock connector — It looked like some junk was blown out of that end! Now I'm back in business with sound. Iphone 3 issue: Such a fail! Thank you for this post. My phone stopped ringing. It would only vibrate. All other sound worked fine. It was not on silent. After trying everything, well except for the simple logically thing to do, I did the simple logically thing. Hi am having my phone with 4.
Fix for No Sound Problem in iPhone 3.0
Thanks so much you guys!!! Mute button on the top left.
I had to always rely on headphones in order to listen to music. Now the iPhone goes on mute mode on music with headphones plugged in that I have to replug my headphones back in to hear the music. The song pauses automatically that I have to press play again. I think it could be down to my friend dropping it but am unsure. Please help somebody?
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Akil hussain. Tom tiarunic. After replace my dock, the speaker wont work anymore. What is the problem i tried brush pin connector and headphone input it is same.
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Please help? Select a Language: Help Translate iFixit. Back Answers Index. John Rep: View the answer I have this problem too Subscribed to new answers. Is this a good question? Yes No. Voted Undo. Score 2. The All-New. The high performance electronics repair kit. Most Helpful Newest Oldest. Chosen Solution. Was this answer helpful?
Hi, good thinking but I tried that now, there was a little dirt but still no sound.

Most Helpful Answer. El Ishak Rep: Score 6.
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Like your avatar--have one like it. El Ishak, just to understand if it is really the same problem, confirm these questions to me: Score 1. Yann Serra yann72 Rep: So, who has a REAL solution to this issue, please? Mark Choi Rep: There are a number of solutions presented here: Score 0. I dropped my iphone and ever since then its been weird.
Pretty sure he meant "brush". Ashton Rep: Akil hussain Rep: