Android 4.0 4 download for htc desire hd
And yes HTC has more internal storage on their high-end phones, but they still release mid and low ranged phones with minimal storage.
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- HTC cancels Android Ice Cream Sandwich Update for the Desire HD | Digital Trends.
What the hell are you talking about??? I think HTC makes the best android phones hardware wise.
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At least HTC has the courtesy to speak to consumers. You must not be planning on upgrading your handset beyond JB.
How to Update HTC Desire HD with the latest Jellytime 4.1.1 Firmware
Believe me when the next version of android is put i'm probably going to have a new handset;. Yep Samsung surely do make capacity phones no wonder they they are the only android oem doing well and no1 oem in the world The s3 is doing bad where the one X Just sold 10 million Come on crapsung your phones are rubbish its why you are doing rubbish in sales.
The s3 looks exactly like the iPhone please stop it lol. Because take from everybodys UI something and try to make it their own and it still looks ugly,for example,the iconography is obviously from APPLE and some android features like pinch to view all homescreens is from HTC,the list goes on, a lot of people who were affraid to cross from ios to android did so because the UI fron samsung looks so similar to apples that it gave them a sense of comfort.
My point is samsung is sucesfull no doubt about it but the fact is they have a terrible UI and no originality. Well thats why they are in the courtroom right now; Sory Sammy the truth hurts. Lol snake..
Step by Step Guide for How To Install ICS Android 4.0.4 Firmware On HTC Inspire 4G
Listen no one is copy free.. I wasn't comparing HTC to Samsung I'm well aware of what cheap junk Samsung phones are, I own 2 of them. It's the carriers' fault, not HTC's. HTC could build a phone with the highest possible specs that current technology allows if they wanted to. But they sell it to the carriers, who turn around and provide it to the general public in order to get new monthly subscribers.
The carriers do a lot of math in figuring out both the per unit cost to buy from the manufacturer and the per unit cost to consumers. Both factor into the bottom line goal of gaining subscribers.
How To Install ICS Android Firmware On HTC Inspire 4G
Basically, the carriers tell the manufacturers what they want in a new phone. HTC just gives carriers what they want. Biggest limiting factor is cost. I suspect that in this case more storage would have made the phone too expensive for the carrier based on their calculations. Oh really great!
HTC you are going downhill. Your devices are low on specs, obviously they are not gonna be upgraded! Idk why inspite of making great androids you don't put ample memory or atleast include a micro-sd slot.

As far as I'm concerned, HTC does well on the hardware side of things. They need work in their software department though. They need to shell out top dollar to hire some top talent to further optimize Sense on their devices and start to future-proof their devices from here on out. Internal memory is decent on their latest devices, camera tech keeps getting better as well as having SLCD2 in the mix. The only gripe is with devices still only having 1GB of ram where they should at least have 1.
Oh and put SD card slots back in the damn phones. The desire hd is years old now,who cares?! You can't expect phones from a few years ago to get the most up to date updates when they are running on older hardware. Besides anyone who still has a desire hd has it for ages,and is probably due an upgrade and or the phone is on its last legs wear and tear wise anyhow.
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When a phone like the Nexus s which is lower spec than the dhd gets jb and dhd doesn't even get ics it is just ridiculous.. Dhd owners should at least been give the choice to update to ics like desire owners were given the chance to update to gingerbread. It's just sad that a phone that is better spec than the Nexus s is 2 major os behind. Want to comment? Please Log in or sign up. PhoneArena Comments Rules.
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- Produce an official Android 4.0 (ICS) ROM for the HTC Desire HD?
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