Applications of nanotechnology in physics ppt
Nanoparticles of silver are added to a special type of sock. These silver nanoparticles kill the bacteria that lead to smelly feet. Catalysts speed up reactions.
An introduction to nanoparticles and nanotechnology - Book chapter - IOPscience
The reactions take place on the surface of the catalyst. The greater the surface area of the catalyst compared with the volume of the catalyst, the more effective the catalyst will be at speeding up the reaction. Nanoparticles have a very high surface area to volume ratio and make excellent catalysts.

Self-cleaning window panes have nanoparticulate coatings. When light hits these coatings, they break down dirt on the glass.
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A cube has a side length of 10 nm. Calculate its surface area to volume ratio. The cube has 6 faces.
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A cube has edges of length 2 nm. How does this compare with the larger cube?
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The surface area to volume ratio is greater than the ratio for the larger cube. Nanotechnology Nanotechnology is the use and control of very small structures that are 1 to nanometres in size. Key properties Nanoparticles have distinctive properties, including: very small size high surface area to volume ratios Properties and uses Very small size Nanoparticles are so small that they can enter biological tissue. High surface area to volume ratios Catalysts speed up reactions.
By significantly reducing the amount of rocket fuel required, these advances could lower the cost of reaching orbit and traveling in space. Check our Nanotechnology Applications in Space page for details. Fuels Nanotechnology can address the shortage of fossil fuels such as diesel and gasoline by making the production of fuels from low grade raw materials economical, increasing the mileage of engines, and making the production of fuels from normal raw materials more efficient.
Nanotechnology can improve the performance of catalysts used to transform vapors escaping from cars or industrial plants into harmless gasses. That's because catalysts made from nanoparticles have a greater surface area to interact with the reacting chemicals than catalysts made from larger particles. The larger surface area allows more chemicals to interact with the catalyst simultaneously, which makes the catalyst more effective.
Check our Nanotechnology and Air Qualit y page for details. Nanotechnology is being used to develop solutions to three very different problems in water quality. One challenge is the removal of industrial wastes, such as a cleaning solvent called TCE, from groundwater. Nanoparticles can be used to convert the contaminating chemical through a chemical reaction to make it harmless. Studies have shown that this method can be used successfully to reach contaminates dispersed in underground ponds and at much lower cost than methods which require pumping the water out of the ground for treatment.
Check out our Nanotechnology and Water Quality page for details. Nanotechnology can enable sensors to detect very small amounts of chemical vapors. Various types of detecting elements, such as carbon nanotubes, zinc oxide nanowires or palladium nanoparticles can be used in nanotechnology-based sensors.
Because of the small size of nanotubes, nanowires, or nanoparticles, a few gas molecules are sufficient to change the electrical properties of the sensing elements. This allows the detection of a very low concentration of chemical vapors. Check out our Nanotechnology Applications in Chemical Sensors page for details.
Role of Nanomaterials and their Applications as Photo-catalyst and Senors: A Review
If you're a tennis or golf fan, you'll be glad to hear that even sporting goods has wandered into the nano realm. Current nanotechnology applications in the sports arena include increasing the strength of tennis racquets, filling any imperfections in club shaft materials and reducing the rate at which air leaks from tennis balls. Check out our Nanotechnology Applications in Sporting Goods page for details.
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- 1.1. An overview of nanoparticles and nanotechnologies.
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- Nanotechnology - Definition and Introduction. What is nanotechnology?!
- Nanotechnology Applications | Nanotechnology Uses.
For details see our Nanotechnology in Fabrics page. Nanotechnology Now. Medical Nannotech. Toggle navigation MENU. What is Nanotechnology? Nanotechnology Applications The Understanding Nanotechnology Website is dedicated to providing clear and concise explanations of nanotechnology applications. Nanotechnology Applications in: Medicine Researchers are developing customized nanoparticles the size of molecules that can deliver drugs directly to diseased cells in your body.