Facebook application download for android
This version includes several bug fixes and performance improvements. Hi just wanted to let you know of an issue I have been having with the fb app for iPhone users, I do have the latest update and this issue has been going on since the last 5 updates, I keep thinking it will be fixed but it has not yet, when I comment on a post in a group it automatically has me follow the post, so when someone else comments I get notified about it, I click on the notification and it just brings me to the group page, it does not bring me to the post, so I have no clue what post was in that group the notification was for, in a large group the post can be long gone down the page so I never find it, if they comment up under my reply and I get a notification I click on that notification and it brings me to the group page, it does not bring me to my comment so I can see what they replied to my comment, sometimes I search my name so I can see all the post I comment on to look for a reply but really if I made like 20 comments on 20 different posts I am not searching them all!
Ever since the update back in June I think it was, something happened to where both me and my sister in law can no longer view eachothers profiles. So when I tried to tag her into something, it Did the same thing with me too, I tried searching her name into the search bar and her profile will not come up at all anymore And I guess she had the same situation happen with her and a coworker but other than that Nobody else we know is having this issue.
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I just want an answer to why that happened and I want something done to fix it this is ridiculous. I had closed my Facebook account years ago due to all the info they collect on someone starting a new business now and signed into a new account to start a page for the business within an hour of posting only three pictures of my business and adding info about my business I was asked to do verification through email then verification to telephone number then to send a picture of myself then to send a picture of my ID and my account has been disabled.
Requires iOS 9.
Facebook Touch
Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Apple TV. App Store Preview. Description Connect with friends, family and people who share the same interests as you.
Aug 15, Version Information Seller Facebook, Inc. Size Category Social Networking. Compatibility Requires iOS 9.
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Location This app may use your location even when it isn't open, which can decrease battery life. Photos missing.

Please let me see my family and friends. Still not seeing my family and friends post. There is an almost schizoid approach to the interface design, wherein FB keeps switching where things are located, adding or removing features as they see fit.! This being said, it sometimes feels like an arms race and ongoing cold war between the company and the user, whereby content is increasingly being intruded by an incessant need for the user to react rather than passively enjoy communicating and sharing things without an overbearing app presence.
Further, settings and user controls are deeply buried, making it very difficult to opt out of data tracking or minimizing your online presence, away from data hungry companies which should require a transparent opt in process instead.
GitHub - facebook/facebook-android-sdk: Used to integrate Android apps with Facebook Platform.
The worst part of the experience is usually video related, whether it is the terrible interface itself, or the annoying funneling of design, making it difficult to track through a video or to ignore overlays for comments and emotes over live and recorded content. On top of that are the bugs which plague this latest version with its frequent crashes.
I used to enjoy the simplicity of this app, but the more unwanted features they continue to cram in, the more bloated and annoying it has become. Requires iOS 9. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Apple TV. App Store Preview. Description Connect with friends, family and people who share the same interests as you.
Nov 7, Version Information Seller Facebook, Inc. Size Category Social Networking. Compatibility Requires iOS 9. Location This app may use your location even when it isn't open, which can decrease battery life. Price Free. License Agreement. Family Sharing With Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app.