Iq apps for iphones cheats
App Store Preview. This app is only available on the App Store for iOS devices. Screenshots iPhone iPad. Dec 15, Version 5. Minor SDK fixes. Size Category Games. Compatibility Requires iOS 9. Languages English.
What's My IQ Walkthrough, Cheats & Guide - What's My IQ App - Cool Apps Man
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Family Sharing With Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app. Mike Khoury's Drink Water. Guess Me? Edges - Save The Ball. String Rush. Juju on the Beat. I am playing with my iPad and I cannot find all the answers on your page.
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You are missing some, like how many apples are on the tree. Help me please!. Skip to content. Puzzle 2 — What number is the biggest? Puzzle 3 — 5 is equal to 1. Puzzle 7 — Which direction is the torchlight facing? Puzzle 14 — Clean up the car. Scrub the car with your finger until it is clean. Puzzle 17 — Tap quickly reflex test with lightbulb. Pages: 1 2 3. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Name Email Human Test - What is the missing number?
This creates rain which scares him off, allowing you to slide Peter to his home. Tilt your device so it is facing downwards, and high in the air so it would simulate being a hat. Basically you are pretending to wear it on your head. There are two grammar mistakes here, one in the question and one in the statement given.
Then pick the second compass and you are done.
Bubbles IQ Hack Tool
For this one you need to invert your device, and then drag the dart from the right to the left. The trick to this one is to move the photo area to the left side of the screen, so you can catch the star easier. Touch on the photo area and drag it to the left, then tap on it when the star runs through. Combine all the campfires into one big campfire by dragging each of the left, bottom and right ones into the top one.
Then tap on it and you are through. Remember how you created the rain? This time simply undo it. There are multiple white clouds on the grey cloud, so separate them out and you stop the rain. Tap on the 20kg then on the 10kg, then rotate your device slowly until your device reads 25kg. There is another fish under the second fish.
Best IQ Test Answers & Cheats
So move the second fish out of the way, then select this fish to pass through. You can separate the second cloud in half, producing two smaller clouds. Tap on one of these to pass through.
Move the screen far to the right so it is off-screen. This turns it into night time, showing the owl. Hold on the charge button and it will eventually charge the batteries up, just wait a second for it to happen.

You need to wait for the bomb to explode, so wait for the timer to run out then tap on the bomb 3 times. Solving this, you get the answer of the number 8. Grab the cups but dragging a cup off the pile one at a time, and put them in the lines on the right side.
Words with Friends Cheat
Take the front tire off of the car and drag it off onto the side. Now grab the spare tire and move it on top of the space you created to replace the tire. Simply tap on the balloons in order… new balloons will appear as you pop other ones. To solve this one, tap on the food in this order coffee-cake-cola-coffee-cake-cola. This solves the requirements. The trick this time is that you need to turn your device upside-down to turn the 9 into a 6, and vica-versa, when needed. So tap [9 upside-down, which is then a 6][6 upside-down, which is then a 9].