Juego doors windows phone level 33
Level Arrows Image: Key point 7 Image: Set time. A different sound Image: Food chain Image: Connect all the lines without lifting your finger. Shapes of blocks Image: Sequence Image: Connect all the blocks. Count Image: Chess piece Image: Number of colors Image: Find mines.
Total of numbers that equal Jump Image: Number Image: Picture in the button Image: Timing Image: The clock Image: Two starting points Image: From left to right and from upward to downward Image: Different color for different weight Image: Correlation Image: Red flower pattern Image: Mummified pharaoh lying on his back Image: Addition Image: If you use the numbers to letters decoder, you get BAMB. Use the binary decoder to turn the binary into letters. Level Find the binary decoder in the menu.
If you look at the level select screen, the thumbnail for this level shows eight binary groups instead of just four. They go:. To unlock a bonus level, take a photo using the in-game camera and look at it. It says PAGE at the top. Input PAGE. This unlocks after you get the answer for level 9. Invert the numbers so you get:.
Pay attention to the highlighted letters: Use the in-game camera to take a screenshot. Then look at the photo. The letters say SAVE. If you look at the thumbnail of the level in the level select screen, you can see the numbers 16 12 1 I assume there will be a decoder later for this, but if you want to solve it now, just count the letters of the alphabet. Click on the little numbers below to continue to Levels 16 — 30, or click here. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Yeah I noticed that, too, but at least for one of them I think I need another decoder like from the first game. Trying to avoid brute forcing it or using outside tools. If you look closely in Level 19, there are small dots under certain letters.
They spell the password. If you know how to solve Level 20, I would be happy. More hints: From the fact that 2 of the dots above the keypad in level 29 have turned blue — it appears we need to enter another two names. Ah — and then the 4 numbers I imagine we will get from levels give the password for level So 42??

Oh wow its so obvious. Does anybody know the answer for 37?
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The four? The level after that, use the new decoder to get MIX. Then the next level is just a grid of the alphabet with numbers added at the end to make a 36 grid. Next is a cipher wheel where I think we need to rotate 3….
The Guides Axiom: Walkthrough Guide and Solutions
X Level Lever Lvl 8 clue says R 8 … using the 2. Btw… lvl input on top gives different tunes for right and wrong numbers… just a nice treat. Lvl 35 decade coded in roman gives a string of six numbers , fitting in lvl 29, greatness it opens lvl 83 for you, providing one of the central binaries as stated by …[ ]… being e. This results in , opening the white screen on lvl Great note I had note noticed the blinking yet, was looking into the same. Just see a slight typo as the one said as 44 is actually Under number 40 seems a empty spot.
This is why the side solution to Level 8 and using the cipher wheel makes sense. This takes you to another document. After having the first three, you get the fourth to click on.
Doors 2 Solutions, Answers and Walkthroughs
Anyway, the 5 clocks in the middle of 16 are still unsolved. Pointers seem to point at with light above them in brackets: Put them in as morse code,.. Comes out as boobs. Unsure if joke or important? Just thought i would tell you that the clocks are solved with a key found in the first game The Guides. I want to say that it is found somewhere in the second area level either 14 or Those are the only two levels still outlined in gold. Even though 41 is shaded in I thought the rest of the binary codes you get from moving the grid around might come in handy down the line and save some time.
Level 33 Bonus: Oh nice work. Privacy Policy. Sometimes a promo code is provided for a game, but it does not affect the review in any way.
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