Reduce battery usage samsung galaxy s3
The OS will also calibrate the battery over the same period and this can improves things as well. One thing: don't let your battery go completely flat as this shortens the overall life considerably. Lithium batteries actually prefer frequent top ups, so don't be afraid to do that. It's also worth investing in a car charger if you travel a lot in one as this can be used for a top up as well. The response and tips have been incredible - just shows what an organised and useful forum this is!
With regard the screen brightness, I have it on maximum due to difficulty seeing the screen when out and about. I will watch this, and as I get more acquainted with the phone this will be reduced at sometime. A great tip apart from all the others was the quick push of the power button to close the screen. What I had done previously when playing the FM Radio was to close the pouch around the phone not noticing that the screen was still on while the radio was playing!
Thanks for the update. I'm really chuffed to see hyrm managed to help with the tips provided. It's thanks in no small part to the community and its members that the eForum has such a rich wealth of knowledge!
Looking after your battery
Let us know if there's anything else we can help you with. Cheers, Ben. When in Brightness I just have the brightness slider fully to right side at moment and two buttons below it Cancel and OK. So, I do not have or can't find? If you have the screen set to full brighness, you might find that turning it to auto might help with the batttery life as it'll be darker when you're indoors.
However, I do find that it takes a moment to react and that the screen isn't immediately visible in bright light when a call comes in. I've got auto brightness, 1 min timeout and power saving turned on on my S2 and it normally lasts all day. Remembering to turn wifi off when I go out helps, too.
- Looking after your battery!
- Can we help you find anything??
- Battery life is terrible on my Galaxy S3! Need help ASAP! - Android Forums at
- How to fix your Samsung Galaxy Note 8 battery that drains quickly after an update (easy steps).
Bluetooth is off, but GPS on for apps that use location though they can do that through the network too. I recieved my s3 mini on Tuesday and so far cannot get a full 24 hours charge from the battery. I charged it last night at 6. I don't understand a lot of what people are saying regarding battery life, these are the numbers listed under battery in settings. There are various things you could try, but as you're within the 7 day cooling off period, I'd simply return the phone for exchange.
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There was a similar issue on one of the other threads and a new handset solved the problem. Interestingly, there seems to have been a small rash of this across the range recently and I wonder whether there's a software installation issue.
Make sure your screen is turning off as it should and that apps are not updating every few minutes. The other thing that will shorten battery life is allowing it to go flat, which lithium-based ones really don't like.
How to maximise your Samsung Galaxy S3's battery life - CNET
If this has happened at all frequently, the capacity will be considerably reduced and this will, of course, shorten the charge life. I suspect hrym is right about the phone searching for a strong signal and constantly switching from 3g to 2g? Have a look at what type of signal the phone is recieving. I have actually seem OS Services using quite a high percentage if the device has been inactive ie in my pocket for a considerable period.
It doesn't itself actually mean the usage is high, merely that it's the highest user. The other possibility is a battery that's either faulty or has been allowed to go flat and, in both cases, doesn't have its full capacity.

Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for. Search instead for. Did you mean:. Galaxy S3 Mini - Battery Life! The battery with the S3 Mini is: 3. View more options. Accepted Solutions. So for now Problem Solved. Thank you so much everyone. Dave, the phone is great - no doubt about that. Batteries do have a bedding-in period, but this is a bit extreme. Thanks again for any further help. Moderator Retired.
9 Tips to Boost Your Android Phone's Battery Life
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