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Case Laptop. Cooling Stock. Browser IE11, Firefox, Tor. There are actually lots of videos on YouTube and instructions on random websites I found through Google. Well I am keep looking and hoping to upgrade my phone before May, if you find something then please post here.
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Thank You Wenda. I can't help with your specific device as I don't own one myself but I am a big fan of Android. I recommend you head over to the XDA forums, they are a dedicated website full of talented developers with teams and individuals who do this stuff everyday. I've had numerous android devices over the years and I always find what I need over there.
I also run custom ROMS from there on my devices. You should not worry about them being cracked or containing malicious code. Android is open source and google release the code to the public, which means that the developers there can get the latest android running on existing devices way before the actual manufacturers push them out, and that's even if the manufacturer still supports it, as many of them never do.
There is always a chance that someone might booby trap a ROM but the all the people over on XDA would notice straight away as they all tend to check out each others work so they know if something is amis. My advice is to stick to the big and well known developers, at least your safer with them. The beauty of this ecosystem is that many developers actually get the ROM's running better than the manufacturers, as they spend more time optimising them, and they also add many useful features that otherwise would not be there.
Depending on your device you may also have the option of installing a clean android ROM, which is a pure android experience without any customisation or UI overlay on top which the manufacturer may put on. Many ROM's are built from the pure android experience and also some are built from the device specific manufacturers which they say "built from stock ROM's".
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If your still uncomfortable running a custom ROM you can also find many "stock" ROMS there, which means they have been untouched are are usually direct from the manufacturer. I always unlock, root and install custom Rom's on my devices as the benefits far outweigh the negatives. Sometimes it takes a bit of figuring out as it can get quite confusing over there, but if you do decide to go down that avenue I would recommend study and read all instructions.
I have been confused in the past and it can sometimes take some trail and error, but don't be put off, I've spent days flashing diffrent ROM's until I've found one I am happy with. Eventually you will even get to the point where you might enjoy experimenting with new ROMS. System One OS windows 7. I wasn't sure if they were credible source but I take your suggestion and will try them out.
I am not really picky about getting exact 4. Android 2. Thanks Burtie. McNeil said:. If you don't get an answer here, ask these guys on theis specialized forum. I was expecting to download generic version Stock ROM from Google or my phone's manufacture's Samsung website, not from some random person's MediaFire account. But they haven't published one for my device, all those are for expensive Nexus and Galaxy S.
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Link 1 , Link 2. Like I said both of them are custom from random people, I am not comfortable installing them. Thanks for you all's reply. Gold Member. Apr 2, Posts 5, This is kind of why I don't like android, it's turned into something it shouldn't be. A smartphone shouldn't be dual booting OS's, a smartphone shouldn't be acting like a PC in general. It's a communication and information device, not a productively and management device. It shall be fantastic. Why would one want to install this heavy weight, overbearing useless Windows ROM on an Android phone. There are plenty of svelte Android ROMs that can do the job a lot better.
I have no problems with Android, to be honest I think it's great! I love discovering new Roms and flashing them The latest versions of Android are nice and sleek, and no problems with bloat at all.
How to install Windows Phone 8 Monochromatic custom ROM on Samsung Galaxy Y S |
But I can fully understand not everybody likes to be doing things like this to their phones or tablets. All OS have minimum system requirements. This tells you that JB requires a lot of data space on your device to be able to function fluidly. But you may still be able to do it by rooting your device and making your expansion slot as the main memory storage.
It is a lot of work which may not be worth all the trouble at all. Apr 7, You can checkout some on YouTube. They even suggest you the download link to the custom ROM that they used to upgrade to the Jelly Bean but like I mentioned in beginning of the thread I am just not comfortable using random ROM that I do not trust. Anyway although being able to use Adobe Flash and other apps and Jelly Bean are very appealing but after a long search I can't find any appropriate ROM for my phone so I've give up finding one now.
Nope, your phone will not be rooted after doing the above procedure. Please Help.
Install Windows 8 Monochromatic custom ROM on Samsung Galaxy Y
Try using a lower version of Odin, preferably Odin v1. That should fix the problem for you. If not then the. MD5 file which you have downloaded is either corrupt or not completely downloaded. Please inform me if the solution worked or not. But this should do it for you. My Samsung Galaxy S3 i is running on cyanogenmod In download mode, the binary counter have 5counts. Is it okay to directly flash stockrom via odin without resetting the flash counter?

I recieved my, in China ordered, phone yesterday and this seems to be rooted allready. It seems, after some searching, that the software is most likely from Samsung Galaxy Note 3.
But, how to be sure about this? Hey Ive upgraded my Galaxy Y S and i cant press any buttons in the screen and iwant do downgrade my android to stock how do iknow the exact firmware? Skip to content. Is this article useful? Yes No. Comments Facebook Tweet.
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May 13, at pm. Mahesh Makvana. May 30, at am. Hello Abbood, Thanks for your suggestion.