Android background color gradient xml
It is also possible to have the third color center. And different kinds of shapes. Remember to add gradient.
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Also there are few different kind of shapes: Hope it helps, cheers! Pacific P. Regmi Pacific P. Regmi 14 Hi, how did you achieve transparent status bar? If I set it transparent in styles.
Try removing android: Here is one that works for me: Unfortunately that is not working for me. I have updated the original question with what I have now. Does it still not work when you add a widget in the layout for instance a TextView? Correct - it still does not work with a TextView inside the layout. Again, if I apply a static color rather than a drawable it works just fine. One thing I have noticed is I can sometimes get it to work using a selector but that shouldn't be necessary from my understanding.
I don't know if this will help anybody, but my problem was I was trying to set the gradient to the "src" property of an ImageView like so: Ray Hunter Ray Hunter Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Start color of the gradient. Thickness of the ring. When defined, thicknessRatio is ignored. Thickness of the ring expressed as a ratio of the ring's width. Default value is 3.
Amount of top padding inside the gradient shape. Whether the drawable level value see Drawable. Scaling behavior varies based on gradient type. For "linear", adjusts the ending position along the gradient's axis of orientation. For "radial", adjusts the outer radius.

For "sweep", adjusts the ending angle. The default value is false. May be a boolean value, such as " true " or " false ". Scaling behavior depends on the shape type. For "ring", the angle is scaled from 0 to For all other types, there is no effect. The default value is true. Indicates whether the drawable should intially be visible. Width of the gradient shape. Width of the gradient shape's stroke.
Constant Value: Gets the current alpha value for the drawable. This method is implemented by Drawable subclasses and the value returned is specific to how that class treats alpha. The default return value is if the class does not override this method to return a value specific to its use of alpha. The default implementation returns whatever was provided through setChangingConfigurations int or 0 by default.
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Subclasses may extend this to or in the changing configurations of any other drawables they hold. Returns the radii for each of the 4 corners. The corners are ordered top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left. If the radius was previously set with setCornerRadius float , or if the corners are not rounded, this method will return null. If the radius was previously cleared via passing null to setCornerRadii float[] , this method will return 0. Returns the radius of the gradient in pixels. Returns the drawable's intrinsic height.
Intrinsic height is the height at which the drawable would like to be laid out, including any inherent padding. If the drawable has no intrinsic height, such as a solid color, this method returns Returns the drawable's intrinsic width. Intrinsic width is the width at which the drawable would like to be laid out, including any inherent padding. If the drawable has no intrinsic width, such as a solid color, this method returns The returned value is one of the abstract format constants in PixelFormat: An OPAQUE drawable is one that draws all all content within its bounds, completely covering anything behind the drawable.
Generally a Drawable should be as conservative as possible with the value it returns. You can use the method resolveOpacity int, int to perform a standard reduction of two opacities to the appropriate single output. Note that the returned value does not necessarily take into account a custom alpha or color filter that has been applied by the client through the setAlpha int or setColorFilter ColorFilter methods. Some subclasses, such as BitmapDrawable , ColorDrawable , and GradientDrawable , do account for the value of setAlpha int , but the general behavior is dependent upon the implementation of the subclass.
Called to get the drawable to populate the Outline that defines its drawing area. This method is called by the default ViewOutlineProvider to define the outline of the View. The default behavior defines the outline to be the bounding rectangle of 0 alpha. Subclasses that wish to convey a different shape or alpha value must override this method. Positive values move toward the center of the Drawable set Rect. Inflate this Drawable from an XML resource optionally styled by a theme.
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This can't be called more than once for each Drawable. Note that framework may have called this once to create the Drawable instance from XML resource. Indicates whether this drawable will change its appearance based on state. Clients can use this to determine whether it is necessary to calculate their state and call setState. Make this drawable mutable. This operation cannot be reversed. A mutable drawable is guaranteed to not share its state with any other drawable.
This is especially useful when you need to modify properties of drawables loaded from resources. By default, all drawables instances loaded from the same resource share a common state; if you modify the state of one instance, all the other instances will receive the same modification. Calling this method on a mutable Drawable will have no effect.
Changes this drawable to use a single color state list instead of a gradient. Calling this method with a null argument will clear the color and is equivalent to calling setColor int with the argument Color. It is recommended to invoke mutate before changing the color. Changes this drawable to use a single color instead of a gradient. Specify an optional color filter for the drawable.
If a Drawable has a ColorFilter, each output pixel of the Drawable's drawing contents will be modified by the color filter before it is blended onto the render target of a Canvas. Setting a non- null color filter disables tint. Sets the colors used to draw the gradient. Each color is specified as an ARGB integer and the array must contain at least 2 colors. It is recommended to invoke mutate before changing the colors.
Specifies radii for each of the 4 corners.
It is recommended to invoke mutate before changing this property. Specifies the radius for the corners of the gradient.
What we are going to do.
This method is deprecated. This property is ignored. Set to true to have the drawable dither its colors when drawn to a device with fewer than 8-bits per color component. Sets the position of the center of the gradient as a fraction of the width and height. Sets the radius of the gradient. Sets the type of gradient used by this drawable. Sets the orientation of the gradient defined in this drawable. It is recommended to invoke mutate before changing the orientation.
Set the stroke width and color state list for the drawable. If width is zero, then no stroke is drawn.
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This method can also be used to dash the stroke. Set the stroke width and color for the drawable. Specifies tint color for this drawable as a color state list. A Drawable's drawing content will be blended together with its tint before it is drawn to the screen. This functions similarly to setColorFilter int, PorterDuff. Mode overrides tint.
Specifies a tint blending mode for this drawable. Defines how this drawable's tint color should be blended into the drawable before it is drawn to screen. Default tint mode is PorterDuff. Sets whether this drawable's level property will be used to scale the gradient. If a gradient is not used, this property has no effect. Scaling behavior varies based on gradient type: This property corresponds to the android: Changing this property will affect all instances of a drawable loaded from a resource.
Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. Last updated January 23, GradientDrawable public class GradientDrawable extends Drawable java. GradientDrawable A Drawable with a color gradient for buttons, backgrounds, etc. Summary Nested classes enum GradientDrawable. Orientation orientation, int[] colors Create a new gradient drawable given an orientation and an array of colors for the gradient. Public methods void applyTheme Resources. Theme t Applies the specified theme to this Drawable and its children.
ColorStateList getColor Returns the color state list used to fill the shape, or null if the shape is filled with a gradient or has no fill color.