Build ios app on linux

Zanna Ahmad Darwesh Ahmad Darwesh 30 1 5. I have been looking for that for a while and I find these answers to be very informative read them in order: Mostafa Medhat Mostafa Medhat 2 6. If your answer is essentially a referral to another question, it would be better to flag this question as a duplicate of the other once you earned 15 reputation. If you have the reputation, don't forget to vote for the answer s there that you found useful!
Thank you so much for clarification. I'll follow that from now on. Melebius, I upvoted his answer because it is very clear, and you don't have to read any more posts. So for me, it is a good answer and he deserves more than 15 reputation for it.
How To Develop iOS Apps On A Windows PC
Thank you Nulik for your words. I hope I always be concise and explicit as much as possible. Linked Related 0. And you can find many more projects like these, especially once you start looking at hybrid and mobile web app frameworks like Appcelerator. There is no technical reason at all that you wouldn't be able to develop ios applications on linux.
In fact it already happens on windows in Delphi XE. There you can develop your ios apps totally in windows. The only thing in the end needed is that your apps need to be signed. This can only be done on a mac. Many of the frameworks are identical or very close. The iOS Simulator makes use of that to provide a very fast testing environment.
How To Develop iOS Apps On A Windows PC – LearnAppMaking
When Xcode compiles an app to run in the simulator, it creates x86 binaries which link against frameworks that mostly thunk down to OS X frameworks. You end up with a debug build that runs natively on your Mac, which has great performance. If you look at Android, it creates platform independent apks which are then emulated in one Android emulator or another. This runs a virtual machine which runs the whole Android stack for you to debug.
There are emulators which are faster than others, but all of them are much slower than the simulator. The benefit, though, is that they are cross-platform. For Apple to allow iOS apps to be built on other systems, they would either need to port the frameworks to those OSes so they could write a simulator, or they would have to build an emulator.
Either of those would be a chunk of work that would take time away from building new features. While you cannot sign applications for iOS on Linux, and thus distribute them through the accepted methods, you can develop with the same APIs on Linux using Theos. This is the toolchain used by the jailbreak community to develop apps for iOS, and it is cross-platform. If your iOS device is jailbroken, I believe you'll be able to push the compiled application to your device via libimobiledevice, but someone may correct me if I'm wrong.
iOS Development from Linux
Some more information: Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count. Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead? Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Is there a technical reason why you can't develop iOS apps on a Linux computer?
Linux and iOS Development
Ask Question. I imagine the answer to this question, sadly, is going to be "no; Apple just said so".
- Developing an iOS app on Linux in .
- iOS Development from Linux - Theodo.
- free application for touch screen phone.
On a side note, you can get "Mac Mini" machine. It is cheap not to mention it is really a fine machine.
The Legend of I misread fine machine as time machine , and experienced an instant of simultaneous boyish excitement and contempt of Apple. I know for a fact that it isn't true in Germany, because Microsoft tried to pull the same stunt, people ignored it, Microsoft sued, and lost. I'll change it to "contractually" for more precision.