Convert windows application to wcf service

Delegates experience solely in Windows application development or earlier versions of ASP. Net will also find the content beneficial.

Overview In this lab you will create a WCF temperature converter service. It can be hosted at a remote location, and then called by a client using a choice of communication protocols. The service can be tested independently, that is, without creating a client to consume the service. NET application. A host listens for calls to the service from client. It then creates instances of the service class as to respond to those calls.

A client application can call the methods of a WCF service.

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It does this by creating a local proxy class that represents the remote service class. This is a common and straightforward way of publishing services. Run ServiceModelReg.

How to Create SOAP Services with Core

WPF is a client-side UI stack — it has nothing to do with the web service stack on the other side of the wire. MVC 6 has value far beyond its cross-platform capabilities, which is why I recommend it for scenarios such as yours, in which your web services require the full capabilities of Entity Framework 6, which only runs on Windows. And in general, MVC 6 is designed to play well with cloud-based deployment models, even with Windows Server virtual machines. Whether you favor IQueryable depends on your preferences and needs. Content syndication is all about using a format such as RSS or AtomPub to provide data in a RESTful manner, that is, with embedded hyperlinks to aid in further queries.

Ok i think i keep that in mind, thanks. Suppose we have huge model, classes with lots of properties, lots of navigation collections in them that could be loaded. But depending on different checkboxes, user settings, company settings the query need to differ, another filtration, grouping, include or not include some related collections. So as i get it with TE we have 3 options: 1 make separate functions for every such need or atleast some big part of logic 2 get all info and apply logic on client could be huge traff and client load, but we have full linq and no leaky abstraction 3 calculate all this conditions like checkboxes, settings etc on server and return correct info, but for that also need to pass some object inside of methods Another common scenario when you want to query some big data but to show only first rows in datagrid, then load more when scrolling, thats how i discover Odata — some controls like Devexpress have outofthebox capability for that, i know that theres Breeze.

What you can recommend in such cases? Can you please point to some links why IQueryable itself is anti-pattern. I can see when leaky abstraction is bad ie when some of the linq methods just dont work cos odata doesnt support them but could it be solved by making your own layer that defines what we can and what we cant do? As for security you can manipulate expressions to avoid injections as well as unauthorized access to certain properties on server.

If you were self-hosting with ASP.

Calling WCF Services and Entity Framework in Windows Forms Application

But TE has no role to play when it comes to querying. The other option would be sending a query object from the client and have the service translate it into an EF query, as suggested by the SO answer. That might be true if you had no other consumers of your web service.

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With OData you just need to be a bit more careful about that. The best way to exchange email might be for you to follow me on Twitter and send me a message there. Any idea when? Hi Andrey, So glad you asked about it. Thanks for your reply and promo code. Tried to watch the video. We are currently using WebApi v1 SelfHost 4. The advantage of OData is its support for both change-tracking and IQueryable, which it sounds like you need. The disadvantage is that some people view it as a leaky abstraction and not as architecturally clean as implementing Repository and Unit of Work patterns. You could also have a look at ASP.

NET 5 , but it is still pre-release and is a complete re-write.

How to write WCF service?

NET Core. If you are able to upgrade to. NET 4. I had seen Your Trackable Entities and another e-tier Entity Framework as possible solutions, Good to see you still recommend your own code today. Repository and Unit of Work pattern is exactly what I need, but one which is remote. I could resort to. Net Remoting, Nancy or other Proxy solutions, but again the point of the discussion was aligning for the future which seems to be WebApi.

Just would have loved along with OSx and Linux support they would have included 4. I have rebuilt many 4. I think they also added faster Socket handling in 4. But Trackable Entities does require. The OS X and Linux support are for. NET Core , not. Yes, you would need to upgrade to. If there were a way for you to upgrade your servers, it would be worth the effort because of compatibility with OWIN.

The reason is that architecturally OWIN is similar to vNext and uses a Startup class with a middleware-based pipeline that is host independent. If you can wait until later this year, you could consider using ASP. NET Core, which will stabilize by then. But the problem there is that Entity Framework Core aka EF 7 may not yet have all the features you need. If it does, you could use. NET Core and you would not have to upgrade your servers, because. NET Core is not installed on a machine but is instead copied to a directory.

Sounds like Asp. So my reading continues…. According to this , you should be able to install.

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And according to this from Scott Hanselman, you should be able to install. I believe you should be able to use.

How to: Host a WCF Service in a Managed Windows Service

NET Core on just about any version of Windows. And while there is a central location for the Core CLR and BCL, it is also possible for an app to have its own version that is completely isolated from other apps. The repository pattern is implemented server-side only. It is simply a way of insulating your service from any particular data access API, which enables you to more easily switch from one API to another without impacting the rest of your service.

I recommend a generic implementation of Repo-UoW. Have a look at the source code for TrackableEntities. Patterns for an example this library is not actually tied to Trackable Entities. You would probably want to use some sort of Dependency Injection framework as well. I recommend Simple Injector for performance, features and documentation.

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