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Oct 2, vpnMentor. Yes No I need help Open your Settings application. Tap About. Tap Reset your phone. Tap Yes twice. Your phone will now be brought back to its original factory settings.
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This should take care of your Windows Phone Store issue since you're wiping your software and starting new. If you still can't open the Windows Phone Store, you will need to contact Nokia to ask about getting a repair for your device; a Factory Reset only fixes software issues, and if you're having problems with software after you perform one, there may be something wrong with your phone's hardware.
Was this helpful? Yes No I need help. More questions and answers on this topic can be found here: My phone Nokia Lumia , apps not downloading in phone, error If you have problems with any of the steps in this article, please ask a question for more help, or post in the comments section below. Categories : Software.

Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read , times. Meet Donna , She is a stormchaser, photojournalist, and foodie who is into cookie, eclectic crafts and pop culture. On the Lumia you can fix this by removing the battery and connecting the phone to your charger. See if it will boot up without the battery but you may have to put the battery in to get it to boot up. If this is the case then wait 10 minutes for it to be connected to the charger.
Then put your battery back in and boot up the phone. The Lumia is running version 8.
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I can log into the store perfectly but cannot install WhatsApp. If you have problems with any of the steps in this article, please ask a question for more help, or post in the comments section below. Categories : Software. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read , times. Meet Donna , She is a stormchaser, photojournalist, and foodie who is into cookie, eclectic crafts and pop culture.
How to fix Windows Phone Store error code
I enjoy hiking, exploring old and haunted buildings, swimming and camping with my fireman spouse. Watching and making movies is my passion. Log In via Login Sign Up. Home Articles Community My Profile. Article Edit Discuss. Home Tech Software. Turn off your Data Sense if you have it enabled and within 24 to 48 hours you should be able to download again higher than 20 MB. Was this step helpful?
Technical support
After 48 hours or if you do not have Data Sense enabled. Log out of your Microsoft Account. Log back into your Windows Account on your Nokia Lumia. You will now be able to download again properly.