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You can change your status to inactive whenever you please. This tutorial will walk you through how to turn off your Active Status in Facebook and Messenger. Open your Messenger app on iPhone and iPad.
Then, do the following turn off your Active Status. Head to the Facebook website , log in if necessary, then follow these steps to disable your Active Status. Make your selection, add details as needed for the second two options, and click Okay.

Now over to the Messenger website , log in if you need to and then do the following to turn off your Active Status. Policies and Reporting. How do I turn my active status on or off on Facebook?
How to hide/unhide a conversation?
This is about using messages on Facebook. For help with the Messenger app or messenger. You can show when you're active or recently active by turning on your Active Status. When you turn Active Status off, you'll still appear active or recently active from any other places where you're using Facebook or Messenger unless you turn off Active Status in those places, too.
Facebook Messenger Secrets: How to Check Your 2 Hidden Inboxes on iPhone | phon-er.com
Learn how to turn Active Status off in Messenger. Was this information helpful?
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How do I ignore a conversation on Facebook? How do I leave a group conversation on Facebook? How do I chat with more than one friend at once on Facebook? How do I block messages from someone on Facebook?