Joikuspot premium for nokia c5-03
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Free Nokia C5-03 JoikuSpot Premium App Download
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I make sure i purchased the premium latest version which is version 3. Network name, Access point, Encryption this is where you can secure your wifi connection so that only those you want to connect will connect to your hotspot make sure you write down the WEP key assigned to your device from the settings menu this it the key you will give to anybody that wants to connect to your device Unfortunately encryption is available only on the premium version. Next click on the start icon to take you through the setup process which is very easy and user friendly both on the light and premium versions.
After you might have finished your side of the installation process ask the person that wants to connect to your HotSpot to scan for wilan and once found, give him or her the WEP key and that is all that particular phone can connect to your phone anytime your Joikuspot is on as long as you have not changed your key.
Howevr with the light version no encryptionit is direct connection. Just make sure your computer has wireless then scan for available wireless networks once detected simply enter the wep key to connect.

In conclusion i will advice any body that wants to be sharing his connection with many people at once to please upgrade his joiku to the premium version for security reasons, Secondly please if you are nokia hater you can get a very cheap nokia Symbian s60v3 and above phone for the purpose of this application pending the time a version of it will be released for Android and iOS. With JoikuSpot you will have a choice of sharing your internet connection be it 3G, edge e. Multiple devices can connect to internet via JoikuSpot internet WiFi network. Imagine e. Hi, i have joiku detected by my laptop dell with win 10, but my ipod touch 6th g does not detect it, any ideas?
Would greatly appreciate, thanks. Thnk u for all this sir, bt what will b the disadvantage of connecting many items or laptops to a phone using this joikuspot. JoikuSpot Premium comes with connection securing with a password, full internet and email protocol support, VPN, and no forced landing pages. JoikuSpot enables "1-click internet". Scan available WiFi networks, discover JoikuSpot, and click "connect". JoikuSpot allows you to connect multiple devices in parallel to the internet. We recommend unlimited high speed data plans with your network operator for cost-efficient and optimal use of JoikuSpot.
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Joikusoft is the first in the world to share phone's 3G over WiFi and enable WiFi tethering on a mobile phone. JoikuSpot has won multiple industry awards for its innovations. You can change operator SIM card freely in your device. To be always updated on new JoikuSpot releases, please subscribe for Joiku updates at the main page of www.