Mobile vs desktop browser usage

Digital Personal Assistants Study. Voice Usage Trends. Links as a Ranking Factor. Page Speed Guide. YouTube Marketing Resources. Featured Snippets Guide. Image Recognition Accuracy Study. This is the latest edition of our study on the state of the mobile web. This update demonstrates the growth of the mobile web last year versus the desktop.

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The stats in this and our prior studies were pulled from SimilarWeb and reflect U. During , SimilarWeb made some shifts in its data sources. For that reason, the charts show the data separated from the and data. The new sources in have slightly lower mobile usage, but this does not reflect an actual drop in mobile usage—just a change in the data sources used.

Browser-usage statistics 2018

Nonetheless, SimilarWeb has one of the largest data samples on the web, and was picked by Rand Fishkin as the best tool for getting data on web traffic. For that reason, we will continue to use SimilarWeb as the data source for this study on an annual basis. The most common stat that people talk about is the percentage of their visits that comes from mobile devices.

Here is a look at the percentage of visits sites get from mobile vs. The data continues to show that for most sites, the majority of their traffic comes from mobile devices. This is a critical fact of life for all business and media websites.

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Here is what we see across the three years:. The total time users spend on sites when using desktop devices is still larger than the total time for mobile.

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This suggests that the time per visit must be longer, as we see here:. With the new data sources from SimilarWeb, the mobile bounce rate is back up a bit, but still lower than it was in For one thing, the use cases for people on mobile devices often involve the need to look something up quickly while they are on the go. Because of the new data sources from SimilarWeb, we see a drop in the percentage of total page views from mobile devices vs desktop, but this number is still higher than it was in The page views per visitor remain significantly higher on desktop than mobile.

This is consistent with the differences in time on site and bounce rate data shown above. The variance between categories remains significant:. By next year, these should also get most of their traffic from mobile. Here we see that every industry has a longer time on site for desktop over mobile, except for books and literature.

Email is the second biggest driver of revenue, both on mobile phones and on tablets. Opens and conversions on phones decrease the older the age group is.

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Revenue per mobile email click was 40 cents, more than double that of a desktop click. Brands hardly optimise email for smartwatches.

Where is the Mobile vs. Desktop Story Going?

Younger customers are much more likely to sign-up overall, and via mobile in particular. The adoption of responsive email differs per ESP. When marketers optimize their messages for mobile, they go for an entirely responsive email design average of Reducing the number of nav items or hiding the navigation completely in retail emails when opened on mobile. Moving the navigation from top to bottom or shifting them into place below logo instead of next to it when opened on mobile. Be sure to share at parties, but know that there are multiple ways of measuring the number of opens and market size of mobile email.

You could measure all opens, unique opens or opens during a period of time e. The only discussion and party safe mobile email stat, compiled out of all stats available is noted below. Below is an overview of the mobile email stats from gone years, either too old or already replaced by newer versions of the same research. Mobile email has developed so fast. But they do give a unique perspective on how things used to be. Have fun looking into the past of mobile email: Stats about email on mobile from Additional stats about email on mobile from Redemption rates for mobile coupons are 10 times that of mail- or newspaper-distributed coupons.

Some 70 million US consumers accessed email through a mobile device , with Mobile Email usage varies with the day of the week. With more than average number of opens on Friday, the mobile email is most often used in the weekend. This is not specifically email or advertising related. See chart With iOs devices like iphone, ipad and ipod account for These are non-exclusive stats, as many people use more than one emailclient.

The percentage of people that use on E-mail on their smartphone is very different per country. FMCG has the biggest increase in the number of mobile clicks. Desktop clients show a consistently higher CTO rate than Phones. Tablets outperform Phones when it comes to CTO. Earlier stats: 2nd half 1st half 1st half There is probably an Android smartphone email user in your database for each iOS smartphone user you identified.

Smartphone use has increased for almost every measure of email usage since last year.

Navigation menu

Smartphone use for reading email dominates throughout the day, desktop use peaks during the mid morning hours and tablet use spikes at night and increases on the weekend. Gmail now has million users. Mobile email click-throughs grew This increase is noteworthy because mobile opens were up only 2. The Gmail App reaches Apple users are quick email readers ; Ipad and Iphone both show a higher percentage with a seconds email read length.

An average of Shoppers signal they are more comfortable buying apparel items on mobile devices than non-apparel items.

Desktop vs Mobile vs Tablet Market Share Worldwide

The majority of email opens occurred on mobile phones or tablets for catalogers, consumer products and services and multi-channel retailers. Business products and services, travel and publishers still received most of their email opens and clicks on desktop devices in Q2 By the end of , worldwide mobile email users are expected to total over 2. Mobile readership across industries ranged widely. In North America, Mobile opens accounted for Tablets accounted for For the first time ever, mobile represented the largest proportion of email clicks in North America with Mobile accounts for Consumer services has the highest average percentage of total opens on phones with Health Care In 2.

Have a look at the ultimate Marketing Automation Statistics overview. The ultimate mobile email statistics overview. I last updated in Oct Feel free to share these stats with everyone, a link back would be appreciated. Stats about email on mobile from Additional stats about email on mobile from Redemption rates for mobile coupons are 10 times that of mail- or newspaper-distributed coupons. Stats replaced by newer. Stats replaced by newer — Smartphone use has increased for almost every measure of email usage since last year.

About the Author: Jordie van Rijn. Jordie van Rijn is an independent email marketing consultant.