Phone dying on the charger
Don't worry you'll still be able to make and receive your calls, text, etc. Shut off your phone and Actually Google that part and enter your model and make of your phone to get the accurate instructions on how to do it correctly. Before buying a new battery or phone you could do a factory reset. This will delete all apps that aren't one of your pre-installed apps. Don't worry, you can back up everything first through Google by syncing your phone it will save all of your data. ALL of your data basically. Also you can backup with your Samsung account. Once you get that done simply shut off and when you power on press the volume down and power buttons at the same time until you see the android robot screen and choose WIPE PHONE.
Confirm your decision and give it a few minutes to do its job and it'll restart automatically and begin to restore your phone if you are connected to WiFi. But don't do that yet. Let your phone completely charge normal with all of your usual settings going. This will let you see that it was clearly an app draining your battery or if indeed your battery is shot.
Android phone battery suffering? Here's a simple fix
My Motto 5 started shutting down when I unplugged it. I had two cords and two plugs but could not localize it to either. Then, I was driving with the phone plugged in and I noticed it was losing charge by the second. I plugged it in the house and it was doing the same thing. I shut it off and it charged fine. When not charging, I think it was OK. I moved various things to the SD card and eliminated several apps that I do not use. More importantly, the phone was now charging in car and house and not shutting down when unplugged.
My friend told me it was one of the apps — malicious.
He told me if I had gone to battery and looked to see which app was draining a real lot of charge, I would have caught it. I think he is correct and this is the first thing to do in such a case. August 1 by Stanley Levinson. August 2 by Jalen Scrivner. Lithium batteries ARE Consumable.
This means they will go bad over time. In which case, replacing the port will fix the issue. John Marasco jmarasco. Posted: July I changed the charger and its not working so i bought a new battery for my phone. I also did a factory reset too. Now it works better because i have no more lag. Jed Patrick Poblete. July 24 by Gary Evans.

Gillian Palmer samara I have this problem also on galaxy tab 4,I. September 3 by carl. Bob Robbins. While i havent solved this issue with my LG V20 on Android 7, i have gathered some interesting data points. When the condition ocurrs, 2 of the 4 cores are static above 1. A battery app shows a very low mA charge rate or even negative rates. After a reboot, all 4 cores are back to dynamic fluctuating. The battery app now shows to mA charging.
- It's rare, but cell phone electrocution can happen if you're not careful!
- How To Get the Most Out of Your Smartphone Battery.
- 1. Turn your handset off and then on again.
Also worth mentioning, the play store begins updating apps right after the reboot. So either there was a process out there nailing up 2 cores preventing the play store updates from running or the play store service itself could be suspect. Next steps is now to find a cpu core app that shows what threads and app are running during the event.
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Betty youngblood collards. Ohireme Folorunso ohireme. Posted: January Fantasy Gaming. This is a simple fix 80 percent of the time it's just the cable of the charger has a fault or is dirty in the phone charge socket or wall socket. Which can be cleaned with an ear bud or tooth pick. If the wire of the charger has a fault just have it replaced with a brand new one or a spare if you have one.
The other 20 percent of the time it's the storage on your phone which can drain battery power. The best way to see what's draining it is to get this recommended app called cleaner. This will show the drainage on your battery power. Finnaly the last thing to do with this 20 percent of the time is in the settings go on to developer settings and put change the SUB to charge only at socket. Simple right. C Fern.
How To Get the Most Out of Your Smartphone Battery | WIRED
Posted: August As spotted by BusinessInsider , it offers a host of tips for prolonging the life of your phone:. But it turns out that juicing up frequently and in small doses might actually be the best option for your battery's health. We're often told that you should fully deplete your battery before you charge it right back up again. According to the experts, a "deep-discharge" where you run it down to a fraction of its power is actually bad for batteries and will wear them out quicker. It turns out there's an optimal point to maintain your phone's power - kind of like the optimal speed limit for burning gas and covering distance in a car.
That's because modern lithium-ion batteries do "not need to be fully charged, nor is it desirable to do so. The website states: "In fact, it is better not to fully charge, because a high voltage stresses the battery". Image: Getty Get the biggest daily news stories by email Subscribe We will use your email address only for sending you newsletters.
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