Telephone is an example of which type of communication

Different Types of Wireless Communication with Applications

But, Cordless phones have a limited range. Similar to GPS devices, some phones make use of signals from satellites to communicate. The main function of the Bluetooth technology is that permits you to connect a various electronic devices wirelessly to a system for the transferring of data. Cell phones are connected to hands free earphones, mouse, wireless keyboard.

Communication Skills | Meaning, Examples, Types, Importance - Careerizma

By using Bluetooth device the information from one device to another device. This technology has various functions and it is used commonly in the wireless communication market. Applications of wireless communication involve security systems, television remote control, Wi-Fi, Cell phones, wireless power transfer , computer interface devices and various wireless communication based projects.

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WiFi, WiMax, Bluetooth, Femtocell, 3G and 4G are some of the most important standards of Wireless technology The information which is given in this article will be helpful to the viewers. Furthermore, any queries, suggestions or electronics projects , you can comment us by commenting in the comment section below. Hi Thank you so much for your feedback For any technical queries or for customization of projects please email us on team elprocus. Hi Thank you so much for your feedback For more latest project ideas please check out the link.

For any other technical queries please email us on team elprocus. Hi I have project in which i am using arduino to do some test and monitoring. By the way my project title is automated testing and monitoring of emergency lighting system. For any more technical queries please email us on team elprocus.


Hi Maryam Thanks for the response. As per your requirement please check the below links for wireless communication concepts. For any technical queries please email us on team elprocus. HI Shabitha Thank you so much for your feedback Please go through the below links for more information and project ideas on wireless communication. Hi Samuel Thank you so much for your feedback Please go through the below links for more information and project ideas on wireless communication.

Hi tom Thank you so much for your feedback Please go through the below links for more information and project ideas on wireless communication.

Communication Channels- Channels of Communication (Optical Fiber, Telephone, Satellite Mobile Radio)

Thank you so much for your feedback Please go through the below links for more information and project ideas on wireless communication. Hi uppada chandra Sekharam I sincerely appreciate your kind response regarding my article. But, as per your requirement we are not having that project. Thank you. Hi Khels As per your requirement Check the below link. Billions of telephones are in use around the world. This article describes the functional components of the modern telephone and traces the historical development of the telephone instrument.

In addition it describes the development of what is known as the public switched telephone network PSTN. For discussion of broader technologies, see the articles telecommunications system and telecommunications media. For technologies related to the telephone, see the articles mobile telephone , videophone , fax and modem. Within 20 years of the Bell patent , the telephone instrument, as modified by Thomas Watson , Emil Berliner , Thomas Edison , and others, acquired a functional design that has not changed fundamentally in more than a century.

Since the invention of the transistor in , metal wiring and other heavy hardware have been replaced by lightweight and compact microcircuitry. Such advances supplement, but do not replace, the basic telephone design. As it has since its early years, the telephone instrument is made up of the following functional components: a power source, a switch hook, a dialer, a ringer, a transmitter, a receiver , and an anti-sidetone circuit. These components are described in turn below. The first sources were batteries located in the telephone instruments themselves, but since the s current has been generated at the local switching office.

The current is supplied through a two-wire circuit called the local loop. This communication skill is best used in situations where establishing a personal connection is important, such as conflict-resolution scenarios, team-building exercises and while selling a product. But as more and more businesses go global and they work with partners, clients and customers all over the world, verbal communication is losing out to digital platforms.

Read how to improve your speaking skills. This is another powerful business communication skill, which embraces the gamut from email, internal business memos, formal letters, bulletin boards, posters, flyers, PPTs etc. Effective writing requires careful choice of words that send out a message cogently and accurately. This form of communication is reliable; it can be used to reach multiple individuals all at once; and is the best way to convey technical information.

Since it is precise and explicit, written communication is an effective tool to explain complex concepts and to issue instructions. It is unambiguous, and when the writer is articulate, he or she leaves no room for misinterpretation. Written communication also creates a paper trail for future reference and it also helps the legal teams of large companies do their job.

Read how to improve your writing skills. This is tough to master simply because more and more people, especially young people, are spending less and less time reading. Yet, to be a successful employee, executive, manager or CEO, you need to master the art of reading simply because at least half your business communication is in written format. Read how to improve your reading skills. Perhaps the most difficult business communication skill to practice, listening implies that you not only hear what someone is saying but also understand the content, decode all the non-verbal signals and filter the message without bias or prejudice.

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  4. Take that attitude to a much larger level and you have a company that listens to what its clients, customers and even the competition has to say. A company that listens effectively is one that is open to ideas, feedback, innovations, has good organisational relationships, is willing to correct its mistakes and inevitable marches forward. Read how to improve your listening skills.