Applications of redox reaction in everyday life
- Definition and Applications of Redox Reactions.
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In the examples given above, mercury II oxide, oxygen, and the copper II ion are oxidizing agents, and carbon, hydrazine, and zinc are the reducing agents. You are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience and security.
Oxidation-reduction reaction
Oxidation-reduction reaction. Article Media. Info Print Print. Table Of Contents. Submit Feedback. Thank you for your feedback. Introduction Major classifications Oxygen-atom transfer Hydrogen-atom transfer Electron transfer General theory Stoichiometric basis Oxidation-state change Historical origins of the redox concept Combustion and oxide formation Electrochemical reactions Examples of oxidation-reduction reactions Significance of redox reactions Oxidation states Oxygen-atom transfer reactions Half reactions Redox potentials for common half reactions Oxidation-reduction equilibria Reaction rates Predictability Biological processes Mechanisms of redox reactions.
Written By: Maynard V.
Frequently Asked Questions On Redox Reactions
See Article History. Major classifications Most oxidation-reduction redox processes involve the transfer of oxygen atoms , hydrogen atoms, or electrons , with all three processes sharing two important characteristics: 1 they are coupled—i. Facts Matter. Start Your Free Trial Today. The chemical that is produced in the most volume in the United States is sulfuric acid.
- Introductory Chapter: Historical and Newest Perspectives.
- Oxidation-Reduction Reactions - Real-life applications.
- Applications of Redox Reactions!
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- Oxidation-Reduction Reactions - Real-life applications.
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It is made by oxidizing sulfur with oxygen to produce sulfur trioxide SO 3. This is dissolved in water to give sulfuric acid, H 2 SO 4. Not all important oxidation-reduction reactions involve oxygen. A commonly produced chemical that does not contain oxygen is ammonia. The nitrogen is oxidized and the hydrogen is reduced. The resulting ammonia can then be used to make fertilizers , dyes, explosives, cleaning solutions, and polymers.
Hydrogen acts as a reducing agent in many manufacturing processes.
Chemical Reactions and Equations
It can be used to make shortening from vegetable oils in a process known as hydrogenation. It can even reduce ions of metals such as silver and tungsten to pure metals. Oxidation-reduction reactions are an important component of chemical analysis. Potassium permangante and cerium IV solutions can be used as strong oxidizing agents in the analysis of iron, tin, peroxide, vanadium, molybdenum, titanium , and uranium.
Potassium dichromate is an oxidizing agent used in the analysis of organic materials in water and wastewater. Oxidation-reduction reactions can be used for bleaching materials and sanitizing water. Sodium hypochlorite is used in solution as a liquid laundry bleach and as a solid component of dishwasher powders and cleansers.
Calcium hypochlorite is often used for swimming pool sanitation. The hypochlorites kill bacteria in water by oxidizing them. Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent that can also be used to purify water. The ozone destroys bacteria and organic pollutants. Water that has been sanitized by ozone is free of the unpleasant taste, smell, and byproducts associated with chlorinated water.
Metals are rarely found free in nature, but occur in ores. The metals are in their oxidized form in the ores and must be reduced to the metals oxidation number zero in order to be used. Some metals are easily reduced. For example, mercury can be produced from a mercury sulfide ore simply by heating it in air.
Oxidation-Reduction Reaction - examples, body, used, water, process, life, plants, chemical, form
Iron is produced from ore by heating with coke impure carbon and oxygen. The coke reduces the iron in the ore. Other metals are more difficult to reduce and are only obtained after electrons are pumped into their ores using electricity. Aluminum is such a metal. As long as oxygen is around, corrosion will act to reverse the reduction of the metals achieved in metallurgy.
Metals that are most resistant to corrosion are those with high standard reduction potentials such as gold and platinum. Oxidation-reduction reactions are responsible for food spoilage. The main source of oxidation is oxygen from the air.
Preservatives that are added to foods are often reducing agents. Oxidation reactions are important in many reactions that keep our bodies going. But oxidation has also been blamed for aging, cancer , hardening of the arteries , and rheumatoid arthritis. Research is being done to evaluate the benefits of antioxidants in foods and dietary supplements. Antioxidants are natural reducing agents such as fat soluble vitamin E and vitamin C ascorbic acid. These substances might inhibit damaging byproducts of oxidation reactions that can occur in the human body after exposure to some toxic chemicals.
One concern that scientists studying antioxidants have is that substances do not always act the same way in the human body that they do outside of it. For example, vitamin C is a reducing agent.

If lemon juice is squirted on a cut apple, the vitamin C in the juice will prevent the browning of the apple that is caused by oxidation of the apple by the air. However, vitamin C might act as an oxidizing agent in the body. The reaction can be harnessed as a source of energy. When hydrogen and oxygen are carefully fed into an electrochemical cell called a fuel cell, the oxidation-reduction reaction can be used to provide electrical power, for example, for space craft.