Ios remote app for android tv box

For controlling your Android TV right from your iPhone, this remote app is up to the task. What makes it a handy tool is the neat Interface and touchpad gestures that make it pretty simple to handle your TV. You can easily enter text with the software keyboard. Relish multiplayer games?

Use your phone as a remote control for Android TV

It offers you to connect multiple remotes to your Android TV for a fascinating multiplayer gaming experience. One notable feature of this app is that it allows you to create commands for all of your devices. Hence, controlling them becomes dead simple. You can also set commands to be executed based on the time of the day. For instance, if you enjoy watching comedy flicks in the evening, you will be able to set the app for it. The free version of the app comes with ads.

Change the remote layout

With the support for as many as 6, brands and more than , devices, this remote app has you fully covered. However, there are a couple of things that I would want to see in this app: This is yet another universal remote control app that I have included in this lineup. Talking about the UI, it seems to be on point.

It makes it quite simple to adjust volume and switch channels. There is also a navigation pad to let you control the TV with ease. Now that you have glanced through top remote control apps for iOS, let me know about the ones that seem ideal for your requirements.

Use your phone as a remote control for Android TV - Android TV Help

And also tell us about the features you want to see in every such app. Reviews Apps iPhone. Dhvanesh Adhiya. Sponsored Links. Next article Best iPhone Apps for Christmas This other device pairs with your phone and acts as the interpreter to help your app communicate with Infrared command and other supported modes of your devices. Turning your phone into a universal remote will give you control over your home without always worrying about misplacing the remote or which is for which device.

Dijit is a universal remote control app for your TV, players and other devices from your smartphone. The key features of this app are custom menus and program guide for your favorites TV shows. It is supported on android and iPhone and requires the Griffin Beacon to function. This device pairs with the iPhone or android via Bluetooth and acts as the transducer changing the commands from the app on the phone into the respective IR ones that are understood by your remote controlled devices. This app is totally worth every buck as it has real functionality and can replace all your remotes with just the one Android smart phone and iPhone available.

Using a special hardware that is prerequisite this app will give you control over all your Wi-Fi enable home devices. Any device that is capable of trans-receiving Wi-Fi signals be it your AC, lighting system iRule is the ultimate control center app for your smart home. And you can get support on the devices supported at iRule Support. This app will give you control over a wide variety of home appliances not just your PC as with some apps. You must have a pre-existing home Wi-Fi network without which you cannot really use this app.

You Can Finally Control Your Android TV With Your iPhone

The RedEye app takes after the Dijit, it has a base station that acts as and the intermediary between the smartphone and your remote controlled devices. You can put away all your remotes and enjoy universal control from your, iPhone and your PC. You can control a wide range infrared signal controlled of devices on this app If your family and friends want to share the fun they can all download the app and use your station simultaneously.

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Well, this app crashes every time you try to use the voice feature and most of the time when you try to use the keyboard feature. Google Nexus was discontinued and this app is probably dead too. Goodbye google products.

Account Options

App Store Preview. This app is only available on the App Store for iOS devices.

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  • Best Android Remote Apps - Control Your TV, PC or Smart Devices.
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Screenshots iPhone iPad. Bug fixes. May 6, Version 1. Size Category Entertainment. Compatibility Requires iOS 9. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

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