Iphone with flappy bird app

Every blink will make the bird fly up on the vertical axis.

If you stop blinking, the bird will be pulled down by gravity. If the bird collides with the obstacles or touches the bottom of the screen, it's game over. In the end, you'll see your total score and have time to take a screenshot or record a video. You can do this also during the game of course by tapping the record button.

How to Play Flying Face (Flappy Bird) Game — Instagram Filter Review

If it's comfortable for you, you can download a screen recorder app to record everything on video and have your hands free from holding the camera button for video recording. What I recommend is to create a story with your total score and tag dvoshansky in it use dvoshansky in the description. This way, dvoshansky can see the shared post and might add you to the 'Flying Face Top' story.

An Instagram story he opened on Instagram. You can send even low scores or even funny videos playing Flying Face, and they might be featured there. Hopefully, in the future, a global leaderboard will be an integrated feature in Spark AR. Maybe it exists in the platform but I didn't come across yet. This is it. I hope you enjoy and have fun.

Don't forget to share this post with other people who don't know how to locate the game and play it. How to get Flying Face filter on Instagram?

iPhones With Flappy Bird Installed Available for $90, on eBay | iPhone in Canada Blog

Follow Via browser - If you use a browser, visit dvoshansky's Instagram profile page on Instagram. Make sure you are logged in to Instagram so you'll have the follow button available. If it says 'Following', this means you are already following this profile so you can proceed to step 3. Follow Via Instagram app - If you want to follow dvoshansky through the Instagram app. Tap the search button magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the app.

Tap the 'search' field at the top of the window. Tap 'Accounts' and write 'dvoshansky'.

How to get flappy bird on IPhone iOS

You should now see a profile called 'dvoshansky' at the top of the list, tap it. Now tap the 'Follow' button. Once it's installed, launch the app. Open the camera section - Now you need to access the camera app within the Instagram app. Tap the home button to go to the main screen. Now locate the camera icon at the top-left side of the screen. Tap it to access the built-in camera app.

Access the filter drawer - the filter drawer is the list of filters. In the camera app, look for the smiley icon on the bottom-right side and tap it. This will open the filter list. Locate the game's icon - Search for Flying Face filter icon in the filter's drawer see image below.

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