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Repo BigBoos a un precio de 4. Grouptones: Tonos de llamada por grupos Gridlock: Permite colocar los iconos en cualquier lugar y dejar espacios libres. HideMe8 : Sirve para ocultar iconos de la barra de estado, de bloqueo, etc.
Alternativa a Springtomize 3. I iAnnounce: Al recibir una llamada, antes del timbre te dice quien llama. InfiniBoard: Agregar mas iconos a tu springboard. Infinifolders: Pon todas las aplicaciones que quieras en tus carpetas. K KillBackground8: Cierrar todas las aplicaciones que tengamos abiertas en multitarea con un solo click. Aplicacion gratuita. LiveClock: Anima el reloj del HomeScreen.
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Repo de ModMyi y es gratis PkgBackup: Permite realizar copias de seguridad y restaurar todos paquetes de cydia intalados en tu iphone. Quicklock2: Permite dejar de lado el boton de power para poder asi bloquear facilmente tu iPhone desde un icono del springboard y de esta manera darle larga vida a tu boton.
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Gratis en Cydia Springtomize 3: Modifica el springboard a tu gusto. Stampr: poner fecha y hora a las fotos y videos que hagamos en nuestro iphone. Repo BigBoss y es gratis. StatusNotifier: Muestra iconos en el SpringBoard si recibes mails, llamadas, etc. Repo ModMyi y es gratis. StatusWeather: Muestra el tiempo en la barra de estado. U Unlimtones: Descarga Tonos para tu iphone.
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Pantalla rota iphone 4 que hacer
De la repo de BigBoss precio 3. Precio: 0. Que tiene este icono:. Este tweak hace que los tweaks de pago pasen a ser gratuitos. Le dais a "Apply" y listo. I tried enough times that it required me to enter the passcode to reenable Touch ID. I was convinced that my phone was now completely useless because I couldn't enter the passcode, but your voiceover tip saved me!

I'm so glad the tip helped Craig! A wet finger putting the iPhone out of commission would have been really terrible! Unfortunately, some of the latest iOS changes have made this more and more challenging. I'm trying to brainstorm new techniques to work around this, but so far I haven't come up with anything workable yet.
You could definitely take the phone into a Genius Bar and see if they have any tools or suggestions to help get a backup made. I restarted my phone and now when i try to connect my charger to the computer it wont let me charge. The voiceover trick may help to unlock the iPhone to connect a USB accessory, but the USB keyboard trick wouldn't help since you can't be connected to both the USB accessory and the keyboard at the same time. You're getting the unlock iPhone to use accessories just connecting with a USB cable directly to your computer?
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If there's a USB hub connected to your computer that you're going through, try connecting to the computer directly. Or is there another actual "accessory" usb connection involved? I'm getting the same problem. My husband's touch screen died. He did a hard restart home button and lock button together to try to get it to work, which it didn't. Now it won't let him use Siri, and it won't connect to the computer. When I plug in the keyboard which works as expected on my phone it says "Unlock phone to use accessories.
Do you know what kind of keyboard it is? Since the iPhone is stuck on "Hello", that makes me assume that it is currently blank and not set up? Since the hello screen is part of the setup screen. Is that correct? Hi there. I've attached the keyboard using the lightning adapter and I cannot get it to bring up the lock screen by pressing the spacebar twice. Nothing is happening. The voiceover is on. Help pls!!
My screen is completely shattered. If you tap the right arrow button, does voiceover say anything? Trying to get a sense of whether Siri is still "up" on the screen right now. Most likely though, since voiceover is on, you need to follow the steps lower down in the article about that. Here's a paste of that part of the article:. Here's how to get your passcode entered via keyboard with VoiceOver on: 1.
Press spacebar once, to bring up the lock screen. Press the right arrow key until you get to "Press home to unlock button. Press the up and down arrow keys simultaneously to "click" that button. Enter your passcode via keyboard again. Voiceover is on bc it keeps talking to me when I move the phone. I single and double tapped the spacebar and Ive tried pressing the right arrow button.
Nothing happens. It doesn't say anything. When I use the keyboard on my new phone, it requires me to press a code into the keyboard to allow it to connect.
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With my phone with no screen, I can't do this. Is there a way around this? Thank you in advance for any help you can offer! There shouldn't need to be a code for a wired USB keyboard. Does the keyboard also have bluetooth connection?
Yes it has bluetooth connection. Should it just connect automatically then if bluetooth is turned on on both the phone and the keyboard?
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Do you have access to a regular wired USB keyboard? Use the adapter to connect that wired keyboard via USB. That bluetooth keyboard likely just uses the USB cable for charging, not for connecting. That must be why it isn't working then. The charging light is on too so makes sense. My sisters screen is completely black, it doesn't acknowledge any touch, not even the iphone 8 home button.