Philippines application for marriage license
Website showing application procedure and requirements for obtaining a marriage license. Guide for Application for Marriage License.
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How to Get Married in the Philippines – An Ultimate Guide
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Reglamentary Period and Place of Registration Where a marriage license is required, each of the contracting parties shall file separately a sworn application for such license with the proper civil registrar which shall specify the following: Full name of the contracting party; Place of birth; Age and date of birth Civil Status; If previously married, how, when and where the previous marriage was dissolved or annulled; Present residence and citizenship; Degree of relationship of the contracting parties; Full name, residence and citizenship of the father; Full name, residence and citizenship of the mother; and Full name, residence and citizenship of the guardian or person having charge, in case the contracting party has neither father nor mother and is under the age of twenty-one years.
Requisites in Applying for a Marriage License 1.
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Number of Copies to be Accomplished It shall be the duty of the contracting parties to accomplish four 4 copies of the Application for Marriage License for registration. But preparing for your wedding day is not all beers and skittles. You also need to know the legal documents and preparations required to ensure a hassle-free celebration.

We have scoured the Internet for the best information that every soon-to-be couples ought to know. Here are some of them:.
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The marriage license is the most important legal document you need to secure when preparing for your wedding. To apply for the license, both parties must go to the local civil registrar of the city, town, or municipality where either one of them habitually resides. The marriage license is usually released 2 weeks 10 days after you apply for it. However, the law is clear Article 17 of the Family Code that the waiting period for the marriage license should be 10 consecutive days. Anyone of the applying parties can pick up the marriage license from the local civil registrar.
Getting Married in the Philippines
No delivery option is available as of this writing. Once issued, the marriage license can be used wherever you want to get married in the Philippines. If no record of birth, the latest original copy of baptismal may also be accepted. Foreigners must obtain their birth certificates from their country of origin.
Notarized affidavit of parental consent or advice for applicants below 25 years old. The father, mother, or guardian in the order of mention can either personally appear with valid ID original and photocopy or provide notarized consent.
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Meanwhile, for applicants between 21 and 25 years old, notarized parental advice is necessary. In case the parents refuse to provide notarized parental advice, you may submit a sworn statement telling the reason why they refused, after which the marriage license can only be issued 3 months after you filed the application.
To secure a copy, please follow the same procedure in ordering birth certificate—either walk-in at the nearest Census Serbilis Center or apply online via PSA Helpline. Certificate of Attendance in a pre-marriage counseling, family planning, and responsible parenthood seminar if applicable. In most areas, family planning and marriage counseling seminar are combined into one program and conducted at the same venue. Be sure to check the schedules as some are conducted daily while others have a specific schedule within the week.
Note: Young couples are required by law to attend the seminar.
Marriage Licenses
In fact, bypassing the pre-marriage seminar is grounds for annulment. Most local civil registrars no longer require pictures but better be prepared just in case they request for it. Now that you know the basic requirements to bring, here are the steps you need to follow in order to get the marriage license:. For most Filipinos, a civil wedding is a cheaper, faster, and more convenient alternative to a church wedding. It is usually conducted by a judge of the RTC court, but it can also be performed by the mayor of a city.