Print screen samsung galaxy s2 not working
Archived from the original on 16 February Retrieved on 28 November Samsung Semiconductor. Retrieved 29 September GSMArena Blog.
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Retrieved 21 April Retrieved 19 February Samsung Hub. Retrieved 20 August Retrieved 5 April Samsung Mobile. Retrieved 1 September MSN India. Retrieved 21 December Retrieved 13 March Retrieved 16 August Unwired View. Android Community. Sybase Enterprise Mobility Blog. YouTube Retrieved 6 August Retrieved 4 December Wolfson Microelectronics.
Camera & gallery: Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 | T-Mobile Support
Archived from the original on 2 October NFC World. Know Your Mobile.

Le Journal Du Geek in French. Galaxy S2 Accessories. Retrieved 5 October Retrieved 2 June Retrieved 27 September Retrieved 15 May Retrieved on Sprint Newsroom. Archived from the original on 7 September LA Times. Archived from the original on 30 September Retrieved 17 December Archived from the original on 7 May Retrieved 14 May Antara News.
SamsungTomorrow Flickr. You'll find this button along the right side of the S2. Find your Volume Down button. This rocker button can be found along the left side of the S2.
Back button not working after display replacement
Press and hold the Power and Volume Down buttons. Start pressing both buttons at the same time. Release the two buttons when you see the screen dim. This indicates that a screenshot was taken.
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Find your new screenshot. The screenshots will be labeled by date. What if pressing the home and volume buttons just brings up the shut down screen? Make sure you press the volume first, then quickly slide your finger up to the power button. This works for me. Yes No. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 1. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other.
Edit Related wikiHows. Article Info This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. The last app will be the one causing the problem. I have now deleted all the apps on my phone and it still turns its self off randomly. The first phone did the same and thats why I got it replaced within the first 7 days of having it. Any other ideas that the problem could be?
Okay I will take my phone there. Will they need to keep my phone to fix it? If so would I get a temporary replacement? The answers are, respectively, yes and no. Hi I'm just wanting to know what it mens if the battery appears and there is like a little warning sign next to it, I keep putting my phone on charge and it just won't charge or turn on. This could be a number of things, but I'd suspect a faulty charging circuit.
To eliminate the charger itself which is easy to replace , are you able to try another charger, or a USB cable plugged into a computer? I've seen this mentioned before, it that instance it was the Charging circuit board that was faulty and was replaced under Waranty. Try the things mentioned by Hrym but I suspect that you will need to send the Phone away for repair? Turn on suggestions.
Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for. Search instead for. Did you mean:. My Samaung Galaxy S2 wont switch on! View more options. Find other posts tagged with: Faulty. Re: My Samaung Galaxy S2 wont switch on!
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HI Shanie and welcome to the forum. The white Galaxy logo should appear, let go of the buttons. You are now in the recovery menu. If you cannot get into this menu, then the phone may have died?