Ghost radar classic download blackberry
Good story young lady I enjoyed it. Please get an education, please! I just saw the paranormal investigations team use the app. In the show, Haunted Case Files. They have sofisticated devises that do work, so why did they use the Ghost Radar App.? And maybe, just maybe an intelligent spirit may be able to use the fake app and manipulate it to actually prove their existence. Never know!! Thank you for reviewing. Lisa, I used this app last week when I was at gettysburg. I was walking through the cemetary.
I know it says that it is for entertainment purposes only, but there just may be something positive about this app. Or, are they? Alice is the name of one of my cats. Now I mentioned Giant when the app was off but I never ever mentioned Alice… very coincidental if not real. I sing all the time in my house, and yesterday I got the word sing. I got a little scared and got a lot more results, then I got the word fear. I think not. I was and when I finished I ram the app and right await it spit out cream, again, quickly.
Seeiously… also I was smoking Marijuana in my basement I live in one the app said smoke. Then 1 minute later said Seed. Also spoke of my step father andy brother. It seems highly sensitive in the basement area. Are you kidding me???? Oh my. I am very scared there might be spirits around me. This radar works.
Ghost Radar Classic
It said, health a few days ago and my health had been declining because of my exercising. Okay your taking the information wrong. Reading it to make it say what you want it to say. All of the ghost hunting apps have that statement made about them by the developers of the program, they say what the app does and what its made for and than say its for entertainment because if they outright say its an official real ghost detecting app than they can be held responsible for all the impatient people who cant get it to work.
And geophone as well is able to pick up the absolute smallest vibrations from anywhere in the room.
Ghost Radar Classic v1.9.6
I can see why maybe an android phone doesnt work for this purpouse though because android OS and every android phone is a piece of shit not capable of doing anything at all, but the iphone is a very usefull tool that can be used in ghot hunting and paranormal research. Just look around the internet about it. Im using the app right now in my den at 2am. It had me very freaked out. Pretty freaky man.. Im trying to remain calm and understand this. Not just because of this app.

Those things going on in November-Im not going to lie, they had me scared as hell! But like I said, I think I jumped to conclusions of it being evil. Maybe its something trying to warn me? Pennsylvania-I was just reading in the contents below that people took this app with them to Gettyburg, which is in PA. The orbs are shown in 3 dimensions. Maybe it was on the floor above or below the one you were on.
Alexa, I believe you! My house Is indeed with ghosts in it, my whole family experienced things here and this app confirmed it by the weird things it said. This house has been here for over years. Quite the contrary. Apple phones are a joke. Android can do the same if not a lot more than an Isuck. Yea I phones are boring over priced and limited.
I have a Samsung galaxy s2 and s3 while my mother in law has iPhones for her whole house 5 people. Guess what,the Android phone I had blew her iPhone away,she is switching to a galaxy cause her iPhone is lame. And the market is rediculous anyway for stuff that should be free. My galaxy was worth the money I paid cause I got more then the name. I got a versatile phone that amazes me every day. As for this app it sure is crazy the way it words things together,maybe spirits find a way to manipulate the phone.
Even my parents had to deal with it. I do think some people are prone to it so maybe that makes the app more accurate. I had a strong blip on the screen it stayed for a while I asked a name I got Martin,I said Im sorry your dead how did it happen the reply was accident I asked how I got the words farming clay ground nails and fall. Today I got the words avoid the chamber room I asked where and it said the words below the kids. Then just a bit ago I asked if anyone was here and got the word girl I asked what she wanted and right away got the word help I asked with what did she need help and the word I got was human buried…Needless to say I turned it off.
The more I mess with the the more I start to have activity. So maybe the energy manipulates the phone. Hey, I asked for a name and got Martin. I also have recieved Sally. Anyone else recieve these names?
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- Does Ghost Radar Classic Really Work?!
Also, the relevance too my questions is strange. I am here to fooer you closure. Please talk to me. I am here too help. Deal Me: So we have a deal? What do you want out of it. Entirley Me: Oh, so, what do you want Device: Sunny… Dude…what? I know youre trying to say something. Electronic ouiji board is what it is. If I remember right, those were sold in the toy department for entertainment purposes too. Be careful what you may let in when you open the door.
I, Alexa, can see ghosts. I am friends with a ghost. Her name is either June or April. Alexa I believe you. IV been researching the other world for most of my life. Since my first experience as a child. Tho I do not have a spirit friend I have met many. I am glad you both said you see ghosts my husband and I both see spirits as they used to be and we have been attacked by spirits as well. Well I am off to use my ghost radar again to talk to my gram who lives at my parents house.
Are you a real ghost inspector, hunter? I want to believe we can somehow reach out this way because I do believe! Recently, I had the opportunity to test out this app in my old ass probably haunted apartment.
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For the longest time it did nothing, just a blank radar. I decided to say the words: To my surprise, a dot finally appears where my window was which was directly behind me and says in that creepy robot woman voice, window. I was very much so creeped out. I was a skeptic…a psychic medium told me about the app.. I ended up really respected her too!
The room has been sealed off by the way due to unexplained events, so we were just standing outside the room. My husband and I were both wearing red, The word Respect came up right after my husband banged on the door! And come to find out a little girl was murdered in that room by her dad when the family had gone to visit…seriously!!!
I put the app on at work and got nothing.. Also how could it say all those words and just be a coincidence??? Check my little story that I wrote about it. Another word….. These are not common names that it would spit out. Have numerous other examples but you get the point. My aunt and I freak out like every time a new word pops up. Last night me and a few friends played the Ouija Board and also turned this app on while we were playing it.
The app said James and right after that the ouija board spelt out James. I was impressed. I am A Ouija board was used in a a possession by a demon. Ir was made into a movie based on a true possession of a year old boy. I wouldnt recommend using a Ouija board. Actually the supernatural activity was made into a book first. It was written by WIlliam Peter Bladdy. It was then made into a movie.
Check your facts. That will be awesome. This app works!! I swear on my life! It detected and spoke to a confederate soldier, woman named Deborah, original home owner who built the house and a seven year old little girl named Sally. I shit you not!!! DO NOT play around with this app. I ended up having to have my priest come in to bless the house and did a lot of praying!
All I know is that app has been deleted from my phone indefinitely. Ok so…. I am using this app right now and in my house we are getting the air fixed bc it is broke so me and me and my were talking bout the temp and all the sudden i got tempature and hot then it said ring and about 45secs laater the phone rang THIS IS REAL!!!
One night at about 3: I decided if turn on the app just to mess around. I quickly turned off the app. They there Trent. It seems to talk a lot when i use it. Weird or Coincidence? I experimented with 2 iphones with the same app. The only things that they were able to do the same was the activity. When one was active the other was too. I believe this works I live here on the reservation in arizona.
Some scary fucking shit!!!!! This is not bullshit….. Why not take it to a cemetery? Should be lots of ghosts there. Shawn, ghosts are more likely to be at I thought I would get this app as a a joke.. I was extremely skeptical at first but then remembered that smart phones have a ton of sensors including one that detects electromagnetic waves.
Anyway, you asked although sarcastically how a phone does is and there ya go. I have had this app for quite a bit, sometimes it is very talkative other times not. When i saw a blip i would take a picture using a cannon digital camera in the direction as the blip. Almost everytime an orb would be in the picture. As follow up i started taking pictures of after the blip went away. I have never had the app respond to direct questions, so i am unsure if it can be used to communicate but the orbs tell me it is picking up something. I am not saying it is paranormal or not but it is something.
These are the random words mine said this morning. I think this just says random words that some people could relate to. For example, of the fifteen things mine said this today. Richard is I have a friend named Richard 2. Led no meaning to me 6. Some people might be able to relate to some of these words. I youse d It by a friend of mine at her home first I got some English words but I thought okay its an Enkidu app but then it sayed brief its a Dutch word it means letter so my Dutch friend said yesterday I rote a letter to my boyfriend and then it said operation her father had the day before a operation how creepy is that… Greets from Holland.
Mine just said grandfather and then seat. Does that mean anything? None of my grandparents are dead. Kinda scared…. Not bad. The cage is the home of a prey animal no fight, all flight. Stuffed nutella into marshmellows. The last word it said was biggest when I was watching Buffy.
So biggest Buffy fan? Biggest dork? Who knows. At first i laughed and thought it was just a game its not. Alot of the information was valid, It got so bad i had to remove the app from my phone. Maybe every experience is different but for me it turned out to very real!!!! And im glad its gone. I personally believe that this might actually work.
To b e honest it is very unlikely that two seperate devices could pick up the same reading if there was no credibility to their function. Also, ghost radar has called out my name on numerous occasions while running evp sessions. When crazy claims are made, I do have to wonder. Palace strong fight. This is interesting to say the least.
A couple of hours ago the spirits I have into my mother house I know since 20yrs, when I moved into the house, about it is haunt by spirits and presences told to my sister about a chemical strike which will impact London, where the terrorist will probably use a defective machine into a sort of barn to start their strike…. Yet, most people will argue that a ouija board is a doorway for spirits. Went on a ghost tour this past Saturday and learned about the application for the first time.
I have the Samsung Galaxy 3 and love to try new apps! Leaving the tour, I did get to plug in the phone to the car and get the application working. On my ride home which is down a freeway close to midnight, there was a lot of energy, yet no words…. This was the actual jail that has been converted in the last few years by a builder I know. We had to laugh…. After a bit, both the hubby and I started to get a few hits on the scanner.
It was fun and entertaining. About my second beer, I started to get some hits just behind me to my right. The blips seem to come and stay for just a few seconds and then fade, I noticed…. Well, as I held out my beer, a couple more joined and then faded.
Now we are really getting into this app and sure enough, a few times all I had to do was hold the beer out and there would be a gathering of blips…. Off the app went! The hubby left his app running and much later, after everyone was asleep, the little was at the side of the bed and one woke me. Immediately the application said: I woke the hubby and demanded the application be turned off immediately.
Alhough I am not sure about sully we do call the little one Lolly , my name is a derivative of Robert and the thought of something surrounding us in the night — it was surely enough for me to see a connection to something unseen. This morning, I tried a different venue. My office! If the spririts are electro magnetic fields of energy, I wondered if I would get anything at work. I did. All around me for about 30 minutes this morning I could see energy blips. I watched the positions and the intensity of the hits. Then words started — so many that I started to jot them down:.
A few more as I was responding to emais: All relevant to the task at hand… I had to get busy and lost interest; everything stopped on the scanner. The words are very different depending on what I am doing and where I am. The words have been mostly relevant for what I was aware.
My hubby was having similar responses. The hits seem to be most prevalent when water is involved, music is being played and possibly being engaged. This is a fun thing for October. I feel open to the application with limits, of course. I also live in Conroe! My hubby and I took a trip to Costa Rica last week. I threw my dads ashes in the ocean. No one knew that but us. GR said: Pacific, tropical, foreign, shore, whale, near, Europe! A few days ago it said: Reply was: My grandfather was an engineer for Amtrak trains and died on the train from heart attack! Coincidence maybe. Next one that tripped me out was when it said: Vote, border.
I asked who was president when I was born, reply was: Lyndon B was president! My husband was loading up dads tools to give to my nephew and GR said: I was sitting on patio, no one home and forgot I had GR on. All of sudden I hear Hi. I got so scared and went inside. When I looked at phone GR actually said: I do smoke weed for my spinal cord injury and pain.
Wow wow wow. It was the creepy voice that freaked me out. So far I have gotten over words. I will have to go check out Old Town Spring jailhouse! Been there many times and never knew that was there. Have fun ladie! My sister introduced me to this yesterday. My niece attempted to use it on a ghost tour in New Orleans, and she said it showed and said tons of stuff.
I thought it was a hoax, but downloaded the freebee for giggles to go trick or treating with my grandson. We rode in the back of a pickup, which was also occupied by a lb man sitting up on the toolbox. Later we stopped again, and the red light was right on top of me. This time it said my last name! I started reading this stuff on here out loud to my daughter, and she turned hers on. Think I will buy me some sage to burn tomorrow, pray the spirits away, and delete the ap! Call me crazy, but this thing is probably not good.
I recently got this app for a ghost tour. Since that time, It consistently shows a bright red entity at the bottom center of the grid, like there is something right with me, either behind me, beside me, right in front of me, attached to me? Am I just radioactive? It says it is Bill. My uncle Bill died within the last month, so this creeps me out. Thanks, Candy. I was thinking that maybe part of the trick to this app is that it uses GPS.
Which exactly described what was in the photo.. I had my phone in airplane mode. Just last night we were hanging out so we decided to turn off all the lights and turn off the TV and turn this on my phone to see what was happening. Within 30 seconds we saw 2 ghosts on my phone. My friend Jessica asked who they were and what they were doing. Suddenly the ghost by the bookcase through several books of the third shelf onto the floor. A moment later the ghost by the kitchen door knocked the lamp off the small table I had next to the doorway.
We were the only ones in the house, so I know there was nobody playing any tricks on us. When i was first showed this app i didnt believe it worked, and it was all a joke. I asked my co workers if they knew an elizabeth and it turns out that a woman named elizabeth was murdered by her husband in the parking lot 3 years ago. Just downloaded ghost radar app first word it said was mouse. I went with a friend recently to a presentation at the local library on paranormal investigation by a group of so-called experts. The high-tech equipment they use consists of flashlights, digital cameras, EMF detectors, digital tape recorders, and the Ghost Radar app.
The lead expert tells you up front that they go into investigations with the mindset that there will be paranormal activity as opposed to withholding judgment for proof. I write software as part of my job. Programs and apps consists of ones and zeroes. Anybody smart enough can write an app that spews out random or apparently meaningful words and produces blips on a radar screen.
Your brain filters out what it perceives as meaningless and makes sense of you want it to. And the authors of the Ghost Radar app, like psychics and fortune tellers, are making money from people who pay for the paid app version from those who are gullible enough to fork it over. Well all I know is I was in the woods and set my phone on a grave and it said grave unless it has eyes, how do you explain that.
But this app is creepy! That was a little too close to home for me. Their has been some weird things going on in my house lately. App Store Preview. This app is only available on the App Store for iOS devices. Screenshots iPhone iPad. Updated libraries and APIs.
Fixed several bugs. Updated support libraries. Updated support info. Bug fixes. Improved offers. Updated free apps button. Upgraded offers.
Improved startup ad. Updated text and added a new announcement. Major rework to support variable sized screens. Fixed a crash on iOS version older than 6. Updated copyright notice. Added support for the Danish Language. Added a new promotion. Improved battery usage. Added Connect announcement. Updated help text. Update word readout. Removed files no longer used. Replaced application icon. Built for iOS 5.
Added song promotion. Added translations for Russian, Chinese, and Korean. People who install the Ghost Radar Classic app will be provided with a huge green radar on the screen of their PC or Smartphone. The radar works in the background and displays any suspicious energy in the area that it deems to be worthy of further investigation. However, it is impossible to conclusively determine what the source of this energy may be and it could easily be caused by using a microwave oven or another device, which is sure to keep the sceptics feeling happy and smug.
Whether or not you actually believe in the paranormal, Ghost Radar Classic provides plenty of entertainment. This is a great app to pull out at a party to try and liven things up a little and the fact that the app is available for free means that nothing is lost by taking it out for a spin. What do you think about Ghost Radar Classic? Do you recommend it? View full description.