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The girls began to claim they were being afflicted by witches and started making accusations. Thus, the panic ensued. Those who have studied the subject of the Salem Witch Trials have very few disagreements on these events.
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Though history may have documented the events, it has not presented a clear underlying cause to their occurrence. Why did the girls act in such a manner? Scholars have presented their own theories for this mystery. One theory that attempts to explain the hysteria is that there was a fungal poisoning such as ergot in the bread that the girls ate.
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This would be an ideal explanation for their convulsions. Another theory is that witchcraft was actually being practiced. This theory states that the incredibly odd behavior of the girls was attributed to the practices that Tituba was teaching them. A final theory that draws much interest is that the girls were acting. Scholars have looked at these events from a political perspective and suggest that Reverend Parris persuaded the young girls to act in an odd manner. The theory that answers the most questions without raising an equal number of new questions is the best explanation.
The theory that Reverend Parris used the girls to gain wealth holds such a status. The theory that there was an ergot infestation is advocated by a professor named Linnda Caporeal. Caporeal has argued that a fungal poison known as ergot, which grows on rye, had been ingested by the girls, causing their behaviors. This theory does not make sense when considering why the only ones affected were the young girls in the Parris household. Convulsive ergot poisoning most often affects small children, but the Salem Village had hundreds of residents. The whole village ate grains harvested from the same fields and this theory does not have an account of anyone else exhibiting the slightest convulsions.
It is far too coincidental that the only ones affected were a few young girls.
This theory has also been attacked by researchers such as Spanos and Gottlieb. They address the point previously mentioned as well as the nutritional condition of the villagers.
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According to their research: Ergot poisoning in individuals with adequate vitamin A intakes leads to gangrenous rather than convulsive symptoms. Vitamin A is found both in fish and in dairy products. Salem Village was a farming community and Salem Town, which bordered the village, was a well-known seaport; cows and fish were plentiful. The absence of any instance of gangrenous symptomatology makes it highly unlikely that ergot played any role in the Salem crisis Spanos.
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The theory that there was an ergot infestation does not seem to hold up to the accounts of Spanos and Gottlieb. The theory of ergot infestation has slowly lost credibility due to these pieces of evidence. Another theory that attempts to explain the paranoia is the theory that witchcraft was being practiced in the community. Witches have been viewed throughout history as servants of Satan, spreading misfortune.
This is an exaggerated stereotype similar to the misconception that witches fly around on broomsticks and transform into animals. A Wiccan author known as Sheena Morgan addresses issues regarding false stereotypes of witchcraft. The author implies that Wicca is a pantheistic religion that promotes harmony with the natural world and does not entail bloodletting rituals.
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