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Rather surprisingly Microsoft has launched its well known Office suite in app form for Nokia's Symbian mobile platform. The Office mobile app integration already features on the Windows Phone operating system — which both Nokia and Microsoft are pushing hard — but the partnership has decided that it needs to feature Office on the already doomed Symbian as well.
In a press release the Finnish firm said: "Third party apps can be good, but they often don't feel quite like the real thing. That's why, as from today, you can download the Microsoft Office Mobile app right onto your Symbian smartphone. Which is short translates to: we're missing out on money which is going to third party developers who are creating office compatible apps. An alternative is to partner with a phone manufacturer and have the software included on the phone itself.
Symbian's design is subdivided into technology domains , [53] each of which comprises a number of software packages. Every package is allocated to exactly one technology domain, based on the general functional area to which the package contributes and by which it may be influenced. By grouping related packages by themes, the Symbian Foundation hopes to encourage a strong community to form around them and to generate discussion and review. The Symbian System Model [55] illustrates the scope of each of the technology domains across the platform packages.
Packages are owned and maintained by a package owner, a named individual from an organization member of the Symbian Foundation, who accepts code contributions from the wider Symbian community and is responsible for package. It has been termed a nanokernel , because it needs an extended kernel to implement any other abstractions. It contains a scheduler , memory management and device drivers, with networking, telephony and file system support services in the OS Services Layer or the Base Services Layer.
The inclusion of device drivers means the kernel is not a true microkernel. Symbian features pre-emptive multitasking and memory protection , like other operating systems especially those created for use on desktop computers. To best follow these principles, Symbian uses a microkernel , has a request-and-callback approach to services, and maintains separation between user interface and engine. Later OS iterations diluted this approach in response to market demands, notably with the introduction of a real-time kernel and a platform security model in versions 8 and 9.
There is a strong emphasis on conserving resources which is exemplified by Symbian-specific programming idioms like descriptors and a cleanup stack. Similar methods exist to conserve storage space. Further, all Symbian programming is event-based, and the central processing unit CPU is switched into a low power mode when applications are not directly dealing with an event. This is done via a programming idiom called active objects.
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Similarly the Symbian approach to threads and processes is driven by reducing overheads. It also includes the Text Window Server and the Text Shell: the two basic services from which a completely functional port can be created without the need for any higher layer services. Symbian has a microkernel architecture, which means that the minimum necessary is within the kernel to maximise robustness, availability and responsiveness.
It contains a scheduler , memory management and device drivers, but other services like networking, telephony and filesystem support are placed in the OS Services Layer or the Base Services Layer. The EKA2 real-time kernel, which has been termed a nanokernel , contains only the most basic primitives and requires an extended kernel to implement any other abstractions. Symbian is designed to emphasise compatibility with other devices, especially removable media file systems. The internal data formats rely on using the same APIs that create the data to run all file manipulations.
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This has resulted in data-dependence and associated difficulties with changes and data migration. Each of these has a plug-in scheme.

PRT" protocol modules to implement various networking protocol schemes. There is also a large volume of user interface UI Code. Only the base classes and substructure were contained in Symbian OS, while most of the actual user interfaces were maintained by third parties.
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This is no longer the case. Symbian also contains graphics, text layout and font rendering libraries. These classes create the fundamental application behaviour. The remaining needed functions, the application view, data model and data interface, are created independently and interact solely through their APIs with the other classes. Many of these are frameworks, and vendors are expected to supply plug-ins to these frameworks from third parties for example, Helix Player for multimedia codecs. This has the advantage that the APIs to such areas of functionality are the same on many phone models, and that vendors get a lot of flexibility.
But it means that phone vendors needed to do a great deal of integration work to make a Symbian OS phone. Symbian includes a reference user-interface called "TechView.
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It is very similar to the user interface from the Psion Series 5 personal organiser and is not used for any production phone user interface. Symbian, as it advanced to OS version 7. Things became more complicated when applications developed for different Symbian GUI platforms were not compatible with each other, and this led to OS fragmentation. Samsung: i Omnia HD , [77].
In Q1 2. Symbian Ltd. This has been attributed to North American customers preferring wireless PDAs over smartphones, as well as Nokia's low popularity there. On 16 November , the millionth smartphone running the OS was shipped.
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Symbian has lost market share over the years as the market has dramatically grown, with new competing platforms entering the market, though its sales have increased during the same timeframe. Prior reports on device shipments as published in February showed that the Symbian devices formed a In the number of "smart mobile device" sales, Symbian devices were the market leaders for Statistics showed that Symbian devices formed a In Q2 , according to IDC worldwide market share has dropped to an all-time low of 4.
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The users of Symbian in the countries with non-Latin alphabets such as Russia, Ukraine and others have been criticizing the complicated method of language switching for many years. After typing the Latin letter, the user must repeat the procedure to return to their native keyboard. This method slows down typing significantly. All other mobile operating systems, as well as Nokia's S40 phones, enable switching between two initially selected languages by one click or a single gesture. In November , Smartphone blog All About Symbian criticized the performance of Symbian's default web browser and recommended the alternative browser Opera Mobile.
There are many different versions and editions of Symbian, which led to fragmentation. Apps and software may be incompatible when installed across different versions of Symbian. Symbian OS is subject to a variety of viruses, the best known of which is Cabir. Usually these send themselves from phone to phone by Bluetooth. However, with a view that the average mobile phone user shouldn't have to worry about security, Symbian OS 9. Commercial developers who can afford the cost can apply to have their software signed via the Symbian Signed program.
Developers also have the option of self-signing their programs. Some operators opted to disable all certificates other than the Symbian Signed certificates.
Some other hostile programs are listed below, but all of them still require the input of the user to run. Symbian OS 9. The hack was criticised by Nokia for potentially increasing the threat posed by mobile viruses as unsigned code can be executed. EPOC32 was a pre-emptive multitasking , single user operating system with memory protection, which encourages the application developer to separate their program into an engine and an interface.
One of the first licensees was the short-lived Geofox , which halted production with less than 1, units sold.
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This release has been retrospectively dubbed Symbian OS 5. The 'u' in the name refers to the fact that it supported Unicode. Bluetooth support was added. Almost , Symbian phones were shipped in , rising to 2. Development of different UIs was made generic with a "reference design strategy" for either 'smartphone' or 'communicator' devices, subdivided further into keyboard- or tablet-based designs. The first one of them was the Nokia smartphone featuring Symbian OS 6.