T4 desktop application version 13.0
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Visual Studio , , , and are supported. ReSharper ForTea is only a ReSharper plugin at the moment, and doesn't provide any Visual Studio service, meaning there are some limitations. Amongst those, syntax highlighting is fully handled by ReSharper rather than Visual Studio: Plus, there is no code outlining support yet. Concerning ReSharper support, a custom code formatter for T4 files hasn't been written yet. You can use code cleanup on. However, there is currently no way to overwrite them, and there are no rules for T4 specific elements, such as placement of opening and closing blocks.
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A plugin for ReSharper that adds support for T4. Find file. Download ZIP. Launching GitHub Desktop Go back. Here is how I tacked it. Basically building on top of a great blog blogs. I came up with This. It's useful when you are using other dll-s inside of your. You can remove the custom tool from properties inside of Visual Studio so the VS does not try to transform and fail miserably every time.
Because we removed the assembly references in step 2. Some guy built a nuget package for this. Side note: I get compile errors from both TextTemplate. So apparently the behavior is not the same; heads up. By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies.
I have found other questions similar to this: T4 transformation and build order in Visual Studio unanswered How to get t4 files to build in visual studio? JoelFan JoelFan While I would personally be quite interested to hear an answer to this, what is your particular scenario? Normally the output of the template should be a function of the input only, so generating on change is fine. My template uses reflection to examine other assemblies, which may have changed since the last build.
What about this idea: Seth Reno Seth Reno 3, 4 31 Nice solution.
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I preferred putting the full path to TextTransform. Wrap it in double quotes. I updated the code to automatically detect the 'bitness' of the OS that is running the script. Why do I have to go through the work of providing it again when I'm building from a Visual Studio context?
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In short: Open your project. Cheburek Cheburek 1, 17 Here's a link to Oleg Sych's blog post: This is a very nice solution. However is there a way to get this to work without requiring the install of the SDKs? I've been trying to get it to work by copying out the. Chirpy appears to work without having to download any SDKs I'm still trying to discover a solution that works on a default install of VS, and will be available via the source repository so that developers only need to check out the repo for it to work.
All these other solutions require way too much per-developer attention. If you build your projects using x64 version of MSBuild - you will get this error: The imported project "C: Moreover, you don't need to patch the. From the command line invoke something like msbuild mySolution.
Kalypso News Letters
There is a great NuGet package that does just this: TransformOnBuild Details about the package can be found here. GavKilbride GavKilbride 6 There is an 'unofficial' fork: It's nice extension but it's running TextTransform. JenishRabadiya Add this line to the top of the template: Content build action is working now with the latest version. The batch file just has the line: Go into Build Events and add the following Pre-build event command line: Mark Melville Mark Melville 6 The pre-build can be reduced to a single line: If you don't want the build output then you have to work around some "interesting behaviour": Peter Taylor Peter Taylor 3, 1 26 SprintStar, if you have VS there's probably a better way of doing it.
Other answers talk about better ways already existing for VS This is the best method, because I don't have to install anything. Saw there was no 1.
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Just had to update the folder path to use This was the best solution in my opinion just changing It runs all T4 templates on build automagically. Saul Saul 15k 6 51 Configurable, and works with VS It even supports use of the EnvDTE assembly for getting build configuration , which not all methods do. The only downside is that all team members have to install the extension. MarkGr MarkGr 9 Exit MySolution. Your best bet is to write a MSBuild task with a custom host. For desktop builds, just make a macro that does a TransformAllTemplates, and then a build. Alex Essilfie Alex Essilfie 9, 9 60 It happens right at this line: Any idea what I'm missing?
I have gone through the batch file several times without spotting what could be causing the error. Kindly try the method proposed by Seth Reno to see if it generates the same error. In the mean time, can you please post your t4list. I can't post the t4list. I had really wanted to help solve this but it looks like it's going to be impossible since I have no data to proceed. Good luck in fixing the issue and kindly remember to post your solution when you are successful.
GarethJ GarethJ 6, 25 Second link is a Link rot has set in MadRabbit MadRabbit 79 8.