Airplane mode samsung galaxy ace
Method-2 1.
How do I put my Samsung Galaxy S5 in Airplane Mode?
In the next method we will be entering your Samsung Galaxy Android Smartphone into "Flight Mode" from the notification panel. To get the above expanded notification panel option tap on the menu symbol on the top. Now tap on the "Flight mode" and your phone will be entered into the "Flight Mode". Method-3 1.
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Now the last but not the least. For this tap on the "Settings" from the app menu on your Galaxy Smartphone. Now tap on "Flight Mode" and the next screen like the one shown below will appear. Here tap on the slider switch given on the top right corner and you will be entered into the "Flight Mode".
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That's it guys, I have explained you every single method to enter your Samsung Galaxy Android Smartphone into "Flight Mode", hope it helped! Normal queries for this tutorial 1. What is "Flight Mode" on Galaxy Smrtphone?
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Thanks Meter : 0.
Post Reply Email Thread. Hello everyone, this is my first post here I have a frustrating problem. Yesterday i update my Galaxy Ace 2 from 2. Anyone knows what i do wrong? I also have a problem with Airplane mode, i just cant turn it off.. Please, help me. Sorry for my english.

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