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As I recall, I introduced David to Raymond Chen , the guru of all things Windows shell, and Raymond and David wound up working together to resolve several requests that the Windows Server team had in the user interface realm. In the end, Windows Server and Server SP1, which brought x64 support wound up being really important releases to the company, and I think they reflected the beginning of a new maturity at Microsoft on building a server product that really felt… like a server.
I believe the project cited in the original blog post I referenced above failed both because there were too many cooks, but also because it would seem that anyone with any power to control the conversation actually forgot what they were cooking. With 4GB, more modern versions will run Windows 10 well, but to what end? Using a compute stick requires you to have a keyboard and pointing device with you, and find an AC power source behind a hotel TV or shared workspace. And as to finding AC power behind a hotel TV?
Shoot me now. The stick PC has some use cases, sure. Home theater where the user is willing to assemble the UX they want. In short, I can see a very limited segment of use cases where compute sticks make sense. But man, that would be a mistake. It does not include a keyboard of any kind. It does not include a stylus of any kind. There are a handful of exceptions. As an aside, inventing a category called detachables when the brunt of devices in the category feature removable, but completely optional keyboards seems slightly sketchy to me.
Unlike the iPad Pro, the Surface Pro 4 does include the stylus for the device. A volt light fixture for use in your home and a handheld flashlight also both offer a standard way to have a light source powered by electrical energy. You use them to perform completely different tasks. None for Windows of course , and none for OS X. The Surface Pro offers a contrast at this point. Visualize my hand getting slapped here by platform fans for belaboring the name shifts. If you regularly need features only offered by Outlook, Excel, Access, or similar Win32 apps of old, then the iPad Pro is not the device for you.
But if every app you need is either available in the App Store, you can live within the confines of the limited versions of Microsoft Office for Office on the iPad Pro, or your productivity tools are all Web accessible, then the iPad Pro might not only be a good device for you, but it might actually be the only device you need. It all comes down to your own requirements.
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These questions will each have a wide variety of answers — in particular question 1. Question 2 is a trap, as the need to use the device as a true laptop will lead most away from either the iPad Pro or the Surface Pro. But these questions can easily steer the conversation, and their decision, the right direction.
These are the base prices for a Surface Pro 4 Core m3 and iPad Pro, respectively, equipped with a stylus and keyboard. Just a few cups of Starbucks apart from each other. The iPad Pro also offers cellular connectivity for an additional charge in the premium storage model not available in the Surface Pro. But it will never run legacy software. I think that doing so is a disservice.

In general, a consumer who cross-shops the two devices and buys the wrong one will wind up sorely disappointed. While the DMCA provides exceptions for reporting security vulnerabilities, it does nothing to allow for reporting breaches of… integrity. I believe that we need to consider an expansion of how researchers are permitted to, without question, reverse engineer certain systems. Simplistically, a rootkit is a piece of software — usually installed by malicious individuals — that sits at a low level within the operating system and returns forged results when a piece of software at a higher level asks the operating system to perform an action.
Rootkits are usually put in place to allow malware to hide. In this case, the rootkit was being put in place to prevent CDs from being copied.
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Basically, a lame attempt at digital rights management DRM gone too far. We talked at length, as he was concerned that his debugging and disclosure of the rootkit might violate the DMCA, a piece of legislation put in place to protect copyrights and prevent reverse engineering of DRM software, among other things.
So in essence, to stop exactly what Mark had done. Mark decided to go ahead and publish the blog post announcing the rootkit on October 31, — Halloween.
Exceptions that allow reverse engineering are great. In addition to different but confusingly similar names, the two features are platform exclusive to their respective platform, and perform completely different tasks that are interesting to consider in light of how each company makes money.
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Start a FaceTime call on your iPhone, finish it on your Mac. Start a Pages document on your Mac, finish it on your iPad. The Handoff feature that switches between the two devices works by showing an icon for the respective app you were using, that lets you begin using the app on the other device. On Windows 10 PC editions, you can switch Tablet Mode off and on, or if the hardware provides it, it can switch automatically if you allow it. Windows 10 in Tablet Mode is strikingly similar to, but different from, Windows 8. Tablet mode delivers a full screen Start screen, and full-screen applications by default.
Turning tablet mode off results in a Start menu and windowed applications, much like Windows 7. When Windows 10 Mobile arrives later this year, the included incarnation of Continuum will allow phones that support the feature to connect to external displays in a couple of ways. The user will see an experience that will look like Windows 10 with Tablet mode off, and windowed universal apps. But the value that they provide is different, as I mentioned earlier.
In short: Continuity is intended to help sell you more Apple hardware. Shocker, I know. With Windows 8. Your phone was… well… a phone. Continuum is intended to help users make the most of any individual Windows device, however they use it. Want a phone or tablet to be a desktop and act like it? Want a desktop to deliver a desktop-like experience and a tablet to deliver a tablet-like experience? No problem. Like Continuity, Continuum is platform-specific, and features like Continuum for Windows 10 Mobile will require all-new hardware.
However, Apple has an advantage here, with their premium consumer, and owning their entire hardware and software stack. People have asked me for years if I see Apple making features that look like Continuum. It is free. Completely free. But only if you meet the qualifications and take Microsoft up on the offer from a qualified PC before July 29th, You must have Windows 7, 8, or 8.
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See the bottom of this page for a significant disclaimer. No free upgrade for you. Talk to the people in your organization who handle Windows volume licensing. You have to have upgraded the system from a valid license for 7, 8, or 8. See this tweet from GabeAul. Not really, no. You may be upgraded, but expect to be nagged. Your OEM might also be able to help you get legit… Or you could always buy a copy.
Then you can perform clean installs on that device at any time. Microsoft will have more details about Windows for phones at some point later this year, when they talk about it being released. Enjoy your free lunch.
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I never would have imagined myself in an arm-wrestling match with the floppy disk drive. A few times. When I had started at Microsoft, a boot floppy was critical to setting up a new machine. Not by the time I was in setup. It only shipped with a CD. While you could download a tool that would build boot floppies for you, most computers that XP happily ran on supported CD boot by that time.
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The writing was on the wall for the floppy diskette. Early in the episode, a caller asks about whether they need diskettes to install Windows XP. For those of us on the team, it was amusing.