Heart rate monitor iphone 4s nike+
The key thing to note here is that the free version of Runastic's app is littered with so many adverts and upgrade messages for the Pro version and Premium features that it rapidly becomes unbearable. Essential guide : How to use Runtastic Pro to become a better runner. Another issue here is the glitches. It was often unresponsive, with plenty of second taps needed and lag between screens and it crashed on us a number of times. On other occasions hitting 'Start' on the watch started the phone app but froze the watch screen. All in all, not a great user experience. The Start screen itself is a simple affair, with three options.
Get this model, stick with what you have, or look elsewhere?
Choose your activity and then tell Runtastic if you want to enable Live Tracking so family members can follow your progress in real time, and whether you want voice updates on or off. Hitting Start fires up the phone app and you're good to go. In running mode, you get one screen with duration, distance, current pace, heart rate and heart rate zone.
The order is fixed and there's no option to customise the view. It's a shame that the vast array of data points you get on the phone app aren't reflected on the watch. The fact that you can swipe left for music controls that skip between tracks and pause your iTunes music is a plus, although we'd like it to control Spotify and other streaming services, too. Once you've hard pressed to end your workout you get the option to add an emoticon that sums up how you felt, along with what kind of terrain you ran on, although it's not immediately clear what the difference between Trail and Wilderness is.
The activity summary is about as detailed as any you get on the Apple Watch. It includes quite a list: distance, duration, calories, average pace, average speed, max speed, elevation gain, elevation loss, max elevation, average heart rate, max heart rate and dehydration. However, just like all the other apps on this list, once you've hit Close, all that data disappointingly disappears into the phone app and there's no run history at all on the watch.
A free Apple Watch app that lets you build your own offline routes or select from 70, pre-installed ones, RunGo's specialty is its ability to cater for the visually impaired through voice assistance. It can also give you the basics from the wrist, such as pace, distance, splits and elevation, while premium features include live tracking for friends and family to follow along, plus interval training. Read more: RunGo's Apple Watch running app for the visually impaired. While owners of the Series 2 and above can take advantage of workouts without the phone, RunGo has also jumped on to ARKit and developed a feature that allows to people to view routes and directions with the help of AR.
Expect this solid Apple Watch contender to branch out to Apple's purported smartglasses when the time comes, but for now it's limited to phones.
Test Run: Apple Watch Nike+ Edition
For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Mar 18, I am still not getting it to log the heart rate after the run. Does anyone have it work?
Am I missing something or a setting? Gwhite1 macrumors newbie. Aug 20, 13 6. Hi Mine was like that but it just seems to take longer to sync over. Give it a hour or two Gary.

Jan 23, 6, 1, East Coast. Make sure you have the correct setting on the Apple Watch. On the start screen, scroll down to the settings and turn "All Metrics" to the ON position. Another thing to check is your Health app data on the iPhone. Go to the HR data and check to see if there's any HR readings during the time s that you're using the Nike app. Here's the post. Reactions: DeepIn2U. Gwhite1 said:. Restlesslegs macrumors member.
Sep 14, 41 Same here - HR never shows up in the Nike app itself. Doesn't bother me too much though, I anyway use the complication only to start the app The tech could not solve the issue and the NRC app still won't pull and save the heart rate data after the run has been completed. He took my number and the next level support is going to call by Wednesday. So we wait.
Sep 10, The same thing happens to me. The Apple Watch Series 2 is a comfortable watch to wear on the run, the compact nature and relatively light weight help with this, as does the bright and vibrant display. The thing that really marks the Apple Watch aside from other devices both sports or smartwatches is the quality of that display. It's OLED, which helps, meaning that it has deep inky blacks, wonderful contrast and double the brightness of the original Apple Watch.
It looks fantastic, details are clear and bright, easy to read whether it's bright sunshine or raining. The thing we don't like is that Apple really doesn't want this display to be on and it turns off whenever possible. That's a common criticism of the Apple Watch in general, that there's no "always on" mode, as there is on Android Wear or just about every other sports watch out there.
Nike Run Club / AppleWatch / Polar BT HR monitor - experimentation | MacRumors Forums
We can live with that for day-to-day wear, but it's irksome when running. It denies you the chance to flick your eyes down and check your stats while running hard. Instead you have to make a conscious effort to rotate your wrist to view the details. We've sometimes lifted an arm and seen it's remained dark, meaning it's more effort than you sometimes want it to be. We just wish there was an option to have it always on as it would make this a better device to actively run with on a regular basis.
It'd also affect battery performance, but for the improvement in user experience that'd be worth it for us. To perhaps get around this need to look at the watch, there are voice reminders or beeps to let you know your progress. The voice instructions work through the speaker, or headphones, letting you know time, distance and pace every kilometre. If you're on a time or distance run, it will also relate your progress, switching from counting up to the half-way point, to relating the time remaining as you fight through the closing half, for example.
You can choose to turn these off - as having someone shout your progress every kilometre can get a little irritating, especially on longer runs. One of the advantages in choosing a smartwatch as a sports device over a dedicated sportswatch is a fuller range of functionality. For the Apple Watch that means music with seamless integration with iTunes. You have to switch to music to get control.
That's not the end of the world, though, as most Bluetooth headphones have a simple control to skip tracks and this is often easier than breaking stride to fiddle with the watch when running. This means access in a number of places - except on the Watch, it seems, which will show a summary of your run when you finish, but thereafter won't let you view your stats.
This all has to be done on the phone or in a browser, which is a little tedious, especially when you're walking back home and want to glance over your prior performances. One of the oddities we found was that although heart rate was displayed as a trace, it refused to populate its place in the iPhone app - as was the case with the fruitless NikeFuel value. Ironically, when we installed the Android version of the app, we found all those details correct, as they were on the website, so this might just have been a quirk with the iPhone we were using.
Your data is then rather static. But there isn't the direct sharing that some apps offer. If you mostly use Apple's native apps that's no problem, as it seamlessly appears in Apple's Health and Activity apps, but if you want your Nike runs in your Fitbit app, you'll hit a brick wall. It offers seamless integration with the iPhone, high quality hardware, a great display and eye-catching sporty band. The lack of an always-on display irritates us, plus the band could be better yet for sport. You could pick-up the excellent Polar V or Garmin Forerunner XT for less - both of which are top performing multi-sport devices.
However, it's not quite the perfect running partner. YouTube Instagram Facebook Twitter. Which Apple Watch should you choose?
Pocket-lint That said you can change the strap in a flash to something less sporty, if you want to switch out and make things smarter. Apple Watch 'Complications': What does this mean?