Opera mini web browser for android phones
Opera on Android can now easily sync with the Opera browser for computers. Sites like Facebook can even send you push notifications, just like the app.

Reviews Review Policy. Thanks for choosing Opera! This version introduces improvements to ad blocking, session handling, and VPN. More changes: - Suggested sites when searching - Performance improvements - Chromium View details. Flag as inappropriate. Visit website.
Android Police
More by Opera See more. If you go to secured sites on a regular basis or really like the ability to open multiple windows in your browser, Opera Mobile might be the best choice. On the other hand, Opera Mini's easy zooming features make browsing non-mobile websites a breeze. So, if you don't need the multiple windows and don't go to many secured websites, Opera Mini might be better for you.
Finally, like many others, you can decide not to choose at all.
Explore Opera’s mobile products
Many people like having both the Opera Mobile and Opera Mini browsers installed on their mobile device. Simply put, Opera Mobile is good for doing some tasks, while Opera Mini is good for others, so the best of both worlds is to install both. Share Pin Email. Updated October 07, But Opera Mini also comes with its unique advantages:. Continue Reading.
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Categories: Opera Browser. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet? Create an account.
How to Set Up Opera’s Mobile VPN for Secure Browsing on Android
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Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. The wikiHow Tech Team also followed the article's instructions and validated that they work. Learn more Open Opera Mini. Tap the Opera Mini app icon, which resembles a red "O". If you haven't yet installed Opera Mini, open the. Tap the address bar. It's at the top of the screen.
Opera Mini 44.1.2254.143214 Update
Tapping the address bar will highlight the address bar's text. Go to YouTube. Use your Android's on-screen keyboard to type in youtube. This will load YouTube's main website. On some Androids, you may tap Search or Enter instead of Go. Search for a video.
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- A Comparison of Opera Mobile and Opera Mini.
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Tap the "Search". Select your video. Tap the video you want to download. This will open the video.