Android developer navigation drawer tutorial
Now once the activity is successfully completed I would like to change the counter no. Try to change the counter value of one of the items in navDrawerItems and call notifyDatasetChanged on adapter. How to integrate with action bar? And Application open first page. Hi Ravi, my navigation drawer only shows up when I swipe from left.
It does not show up on tapping the action bar icon. Any idea what i might be doing wrong? Check whether you added these lines are not getActionBar. Hi Ravi, I type my email into subscribe input box, and click subscribe. It said it has sent an email to me. But after I waiting for a while, there is no email sent to me.
How to create a custom navigation drawer in Android?
Hii Ravi Thanks.. Nice Tutorial.. If you can post this tutorial soon then it would be more appreciated……. I have a doubt using fragments in this project.
Android Material Navigation Drawer library
I have created a custom listview in one of the fragments which you have created. Now I have also overrided onListItemClick for that custom listview.
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Now when I click on any element in the list, I need to move to another screen showing the details of the selelcted element. For that I have created a fragment as per your instructions and created a layout file for it also using the help of your article. But I have a doubt on how to navigate from one fragment to another upon clicking a custom list element. Can you please help me out. I have searched google and found out a way to navigate from one fragment to another.
Why gestures?
But it is showing an error upon clicking the listview element like this: java. Can you please help me out.. If this is not the way to move from one fragment to another, then can you please show me how to do it. Please help me.. Hi great tutorial, Thanks I am stuck in another problem, How can i place an image instead of app icon in left corner of actionbar such that if i click on image navigation drawer opens up.
If you can provide some code or link to the tutorial that would be of great help. Thanks again. HI I have made my app after following your tutorial and later I have realized that you have created a new fragment everytime. When he clicks, you check if an element exists in the HashMap with that key the index , if it does, you return it, if not, you create it and add it to the HashMap. I want to use activity instead of fragments….. So if i call an new activity the navigation drawer is not working…..
Plzz solve this problem……And even tell me how to call navigation drawer from each activity. Its because you main activity view will be hidden always as we are loading HomeFragment on application onCreate by calling displayView 0 ;.
App Drawers and other App Swipes
I wished that was the issue but it is no. I commented that line off as once it was chosen at default I am working with activities goes into loop and never ends. I might take that look at that to check it out. Seems not a lot options though. Will see it later. Im a newbie , so what ever codes that work on Activities shows error is Fragments… so i wanted to use activities.
By using only activities like HomeActivity. However, please listen what ravi8x:disqus said. Fragemnts are mini activities. However, I already have done most of my activities and need a drawer. This is the reason why i did not switch everything to Fragments. Well finally I have listen to author and converted all my activities into fragments.
And now I only have onr Activity which loads the drawer and different fragments which only replace the content. Nothing more than what the tutorial says. And yes, everything is much smoother and I love the transition. This is my situation: By using only activities like HomeActivity. I guess you need to work that part by your self. But I guess at a point you will hit the wall. But never have experience with so much activities.
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- 1. Android Studio Navigation Drawer Template?
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No need for extending two classes. Waw… This tutorial is just awesome… Congrats. This will help you. This Tutorials is the best. Please write me an example with code. Also, since YouTube is banned, I cannot watch the demo video, can you please share the link so I can watch using proxy. I want to add webview in all the drawer fragments.
Creating a Navigation Drawer
I tried but it is not working. Hi thnx for the demo but i have a query regarding when we go to detail page, this humberger menu icon changes to back button. Once again a great tutorial. It works awesome and will definitely be useful. One question I have is…if I wanted to show this on multiple activities, how would I go about doing so? As you have it, the app only stays on one activity and opens fragments. On the click of a Menu Item, I would like it to move to another activity and still have the menu available for use.
ANy ideas? Each of fragment contains async task which getting data from internet and displaying in custom list.. But when i am switching between fragments an async task started loading data again..

So how to save state of fragment. But it is very difficult can help on this as screen shots show a profile image name and email id. I am new in android development and this tutorial is great! Though I was wondering, I want to display the number of rows in my table in the counter. Thanks Will love to get your reply quick.