Application on wireless power transmission for biomedical implantable organ
Chiu, H. Schluter, M. Ghallab, Y. Finkenzeller, K. RFID handbook: fundamentals and applications in contactless smart cards, radio frequency identification and near-field communication. New York: Wiley. Electromagnetic field theory. Sweden: Upsilon Books. Tesla, N. Experiments with alternate currents of very high frequency and their application to methods of artificial illumination. New York: Wilder Publications. Barrett, J. Electricity at the Columbian exposition pp. Chicago: R.
On light and other high frequency phenomena. Rockville: Wildside Press. Nikola Tesla — Belgrade: Nolit. United States Patent Office, Retrieved, Emerson, D. Marconi Wireless Tel. United States, U. Anderson, L. Tesla, Nikola Tesla on his work with alternating currents and their application to wireless telegraphy, telephony, and transmission of power: An extended interview : 21st Century Books. Yagi, H. Beam transmission of ultra-shortwaves.
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Antenna for an external power source for an implantable medical device, system and method. Systems, devices, and methods including infection-fighting and monitoring shunts. AUA1 en. EPA1 en. TWIB en. GBB en. HKA1 en. Systems, circuits and methods related to controllers for radio- frequency power amplifiers. Systems and methods for providing wireless power to a power-receiving device, and related power-receiving devices. Communication method, device and system for device to device communication system. However, digital modulation has drawbacks related to difficulty in designing complex structures, analog counterparts, and bandwidth size.
The major criteria for selecting the type of modulation schemes are based on the application, simplicity, system efficiencies, power, and bandwidth [ 93 , 94 ]. The common modulation techniques used in implantable devices are amplitude shift keying ASK , frequency shift keying, and phase shift keying.
The required data rate between the two parts of the inductive link varies depending on the application. Retinal implants, cochlear implants, and endoscopy capsules require high data rate transmission. The stimulator to be implanted also depends on the number of electrodes.
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Inductive coupling link is the best and most suitable method to power subcutaneous implantable devices because of its lower band ISM frequencies and higher data rate than the other methods. In the s, when the first biomedical implantable devices were implanted, the focus was on scientific success, and the economic aspects were not important at that time.
However, with the increasing use of the biomedical implantable devices, the economy of the implantable devices is becoming very important issue. In addition to safety and comfort for the patient. Thus, low-cost and simple designs became an important factor and challenges for the designers [ 9 ]. Now days, one of the most important factors influencing the design and manufacture of the devices planted inside the body is the commercial factor.
Most of the companies, which manufacturer the biomedical implantable devices lay in their accounts cost business process, commercial commercialization and the scientific commercialization [ 95 ]. The global market for implanted medical devices is significant and growing and has become a lucrative business and vitality because of its relationship to the human health.
Application on Wireless Power Transmission for Biomedical Implantable Organ
For example, over , pacemakers were implanted worldwide in , with 3 million of the devices in use at that time. In addition to pacemakers and defibrillators, implantable devices now include pumps for diabetes and pain management, neurostimulators for pain therapy, and devices similar to pacemakers to electrically stimulate the stomach, throat, and other muscles. Regarding to the methods given in this study, the Implantable biomedical devices is classified into two types.

The first type includes devices powered by energy harvested from the human body. The second method includes those powered by energy harvested from the environment, and for commercial purposes rating; it has been divided according to the commercial commercialization and scientific commercialization and the possibility of marketing. No days, the implanted devices which used the human energy harvesting such as piezoelectric generator is one of the best methods in which manufacturers prefer, because of their low-cost and the increasing demand.
This study describes the various energy harvesting techniques used in implanted biomedical devices. All methods for harvesting energy from environmental sources and human body motion and vibration are reviewed and discussed. These methods can be used in portable devices and implantable devices, such as implantable micro-systems, cochlear implant, and pacemakers.
The major characteristics of harvesting energy by human body motion involves kinetic and thermoelectricity generators. Kinetic harvesting includes piezoelectric material, electrostatic generators, and magnetic induction generator. The characteristics of physical—mathematical methods of energy harvesting are detailed, including the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Overall, after comparing the past evolution of all methods, including piezoelectric, electrostatic, electromagnetic, thermo-electric, batteries, fuel cells, ultrasound, and inductive coupling link, we concluded that the inductive link remains the best mode of harvesting energy.
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German Engineers Develop Wireless Power Technology for Implanted Medical Devices | Medgadget
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In Proceeding of the 18th Int. Sensor Actuat A-Phys , 2—3 — Available, Online. Nature Material, chemical, physics , — Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA; — Sorrento, Italy; — San, Jose; —8.
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