Aqa applications of mathematics 93702h practice paper 2
A single entry is all that is needed for the examination paper, coursework entry and certification. This specification is available as a final re-sit only opportunity. All coursework marks must be carried forward. Candidates may enter for only one of the four options per series. A single entry is all that is needed for the examination papers, coursework entry where applicable and certification.
Coursework marks must be carried forward. This specification is equivalent to an AS level. A unit entry will not trigger certification. You will also need to make an entry for the overall subject award if certification is required in June Candidates may enter for only one of the eight options per series.
GCSE Grade boundaries GCSE November -
For more information, see the Changes to exams section on page 7. Candidates may enter for only one of the three options per series. Centres need only make one entry under the specification Personal and Social Education each series. The entry window will be made available as per the scheduled dates in the Administrative Procedures and an e-mail will be sent to all centres that have submitted estimated entries for these qualifications. The entry code is dependent on the combination of tiers being entered. Within each of the three subject areas Biology, Chemistry, Physics candidates must take the same tier for both papers 1 and 2, but need not take the same tier in each of the three subject areas.
The qualification code for unit 3 and the subject award is AQAC. The two FSMQ choices must not be from the same topic area.
Candidates may enter for only one of the two steps per series. A single entry is all that is needed for the nonexam assessments and certification. Only one of the two NEA components for either step can be carried forward in the same exam series. The other component must be re-taken. Certification is available for the first time in June and then the January and June series thereafter.
These units are available to private candidates. These units are available to private candidates only at centres approved for the pilot. Entry for the Reading, Writing and Speaking elements will not trigger certification. You will also need to make an entry for the overall Entry 1 subject award if certification is required.
June 2016 Linked Pair Question Papers
You will also need to make an entry for the overall Entry 2 subject award if certification is required. You will also need to make an entry for the overall Entry 3 subject award if certification is required.
You will also need to make an entry for the overall Level 1 subject award if certification is required. A different entry code is used to identify on-screen and paper based options: please ensure that the correct entry code is used. The software required to run the test can be installed free of charge.
Further information on the on-screen tests, including details of the minimum system requirements, can be found on our website at aqa. You will also need to make an entry for the overall Level 2 subject award if certification is required. You will also need to make an entry for the overall subject award , as appropriate if certification is required in June A final re-sit only opportunity will be available in June You will also need to make an entry for the overall subject award , , , , as appropriate if certification is required in June Private candidates wishing to submit coursework for assessment must make arrangements for their work to be authenticated.
Details of their authentication arrangements must be submitted to us using a Private candidate coursework information form at the time their entry request is made. Please see our website aqa. Candidates studying the coursework unit ARCH4 are strongly advised to submit a Personal study outline form to ensure that the proposed topic of study lies within the bounds of the specification.
It is also strongly advised that the approval of the topic is obtained before the candidate embarks on any investigations.
Grade boundaries - January 2012 exams GCSE
You will also need to make an entry for the overall subject award A, A as appropriate if certification is required in June A single entry is all that is needed for the non-exam assessments and certification. These specifications are not available to private candidates. You will also need to make an entry for the overall subject award B, B as appropriate if certification is required in June You will also need to make an entry for the overall subject award C, C as appropriate if certification is required in June You will also need to make an entry for the overall subject award F, F as appropriate if certification is required in June You will also need to make an entry for the overall subject award D, D as appropriate if certification is required in June You will also need to make an entry for the overall subject award E, E as appropriate if certification is required in June A single entry is all that is needed for examination papers, endorsement entry where applicable and certification.
The AS specification is available to private candidates. The Advanced specification is available to private candidates provided that the centre is able to make appropriate arrangements for the practical skills endorsement to be completed and assessed. These specifications are available to private candidates. A single entry is all that is needed for examination papers, non-exam assessment where applicable and certification. Students starting AS studies for the first time in September are expected to study the new specification.
Centres entering 5 or more students will be eligible for an examiner visit to assess the NEA. Centres entering 4 candidates or fewer must attend an assessment hub. Examiner visits 1 March — 30 May are arranged based on Estimated Entries.
You must submit estimates to receive a visit. This specification is available to private candidates only where the candidate has previously received a result for the practical performance unit s , which must be used to certificate the appropriate subject award. A single entry is all that is needed for examination papers, non-exam assessments and certification.
The Advanced specification is available to private candidates provided that the centre is able to supervise, authenticate and mark the non-exam assessment. Candidates wishing to take the Advanced qualification will only be allowed to enter for one of the two Advanced options A or B per series.
A final re-sit only opportunity, for which the visiting examiner units will not be offered, will be available in June All such copies must be deleted no later than the date of the publication of results for that series. A single entry is all that is needed for examination papers, non-exam assessment and certification. A single entry is all that is needed for examination papers and certification.
You will also need to make an entry for the overall subject award , , , as appropriate if certification is required in June This combination would require centres to offer a British B unit 3 at A2. Advanced A2 The requirements of the criteria will be met through the years study within the requirements of the Historical Enquiry unit 4 matched with a study of either a different country, or state, or period, chosen from unit 3.
Candidates may only enter for one of the AS entry options per series. The table below shows all the valid combinations of papers and associated AS entry codes. Candidates may only enter for one of the Advanced entry options per series. The table below shows all the valid combinations of papers and associated Advanced entry codes. Increased number of sites for ICTequipment may cause more security risks. This PDF book contain ict june mark scheme wjecinformation. To download free wjec gce marking scheme january you need to register. Paper 1 Syllabus.

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