Double dragon 2 android download
Press Start on controller 1 to continue the game at the end of the last level played. This cheat requires the Pro Action Replay cheat device.
Free Double Dragon 2 Mobile Games
This cheat requires the Game Genie cheat device. To defeat the boss in level 1, knock him off the edge of the building.
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This technique can be used in other situations too whenever you are near water, spikes or a pit. To earn hearts faster in Level 2, get to the part where you have to climb the fence, then walk across and climb down or fall off the right side. Do not jump. Edge over to the right until the two Williams thugs appear.
About This Game
Go back up the fence, and walk over to the left as far as possible, then head back across the fence and the Williams thugs will be gone. However, along the top of the fighting plane, begin kicking, punching, or using your bat until an invisible, stationary Williams is hit. This "ghost" opponent will not move or attack.

Simply keep attacking until you obtain the maximum seven hearts. When the helicopter is shooting at you, stand directly on the right side of the ladder to avoid getting shot. When enemies start appearing from the helicopter by twos, wait for both of them to get on the ladder at the same time, then execute a Cyclone Kick to knock them both off.
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Pause the game and wait several seconds when the helicopter door opens. The door will close when game play resumes. When you reach the part where the big enemies appear from the hut, perform a Jump Kick, Hurricane Kick, or Knee move the moment they walk out the door.
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I think it's funny that one of the reviews for this says that it's a loose comparison to the original Double Dragon. Uh, this is the original Double Dragon.
The controls aren't perfect, but this is a direct port of the original arcade games for better or worse. Is all 3 classic Double Dragon arcade games in 1.
Love the music. Thanks for this game. I haven't found any lag at any parts. In the arcade, if there are 4 enemies on the screen at ones, it will lag. Thanks for fixing the lag. Requires iOS 6.
Double Dragon 4
App Store Preview. This app is only available on the App Store for iOS devices. Screenshots iPhone iPad.
Nov 19, Version 1. Fix audio issues with iOS 9. Information Seller DotEmu. Size