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Downloading the 'Alternative Firmware' is not required at the moment. El Presidente likes this.
Me newbie, so what's the boot. Is this always necessary to flash this first for reinstalling new custom firmware? Or its just for this version of ARHD?
Also what's superwipe for? I thought Clockwork Recovery has the wiping features already like I listed??
Thanks Nav, I'm fine with the actual flash etc I'm a seasoned pro in clockwork , I just wasn't sure about the alternative firmware flash as I'm branded. Reading through it though, it looks as though the bootloader unlock blanks your CID. Romeo, clockwork can do it yeah, but the superwipe script does all the relevant wipes in one.
If you do them manually, it just takes a little longer. Also, the boot. Finally, sorry for hijacking your thread with my questions, I can create an new one if you want me too?
From what I understand probably wrong! Superwipe, as stated by El Presidente just does a quicker and better job of clearing out the caches etc. Looking through the ARHD forum pages, it seems that the majority of problems experienced are due to people not flashing boot. Ok i've just got my ARHD up to date 3.
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The whole thing took like no more than 10min.. Hope this helps! Apr 6, 24 6 Performance has definitely boosted.

If you're happy with what you've got, I'd say stay as is, flashing a radio is a risky business. Not sure about hboot though, I'd need to research what benefits the new one beings. Ice Cream Sandwich. As it is only a beta build, some things are not working correctly I believe that some of the more up-to-date versions of the ROM I have on my phone have more things working, but I have not been able to flash an updated version, as I've been too busy.
I'm really waiting for the CyanogenMod dev team to release their next version CM9 , as I loved their last one. Once it is released, I'm sure that it will be better than CM7. TheUsualChoice likes this. Meant to say kernel lol you have any ideas? Tags: htc desire hd. Share This Page Tweet.
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