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January 19, at 2: Razzmatazz says: April 20, at 4: November 27, at January 19, at 3: Burak says: EHF says: January 19, at 9: November 21, at 2: Rudra Patel says: December 20, at 1: Atom Bass says: January 20, at 9: Velox says: January 24, at 6: January 31, at 8: Dennis says: February 25, at 3: StanTek says: March 3, at 1: July 20, at July 29, at 5: AVInter says: August 6, at 1: March 13, at 2: LionBoy says: March 17, at 7: Lincoln says: April 1, at Mr 2G says: April 15, at 6: Steven James Scott says: April 22, at April 25, at Shoaib says: April 27, at 3: April 30, at 1: Kent Leal says: May 11, at Farrokh says: May 14, at 7: May 25, at June 5, at 6: June 10, at June 16, at June 24, at 5: Jim whited00r member says: June 30, at OldIosPT says: July 3, at 6: July 3, at 8: Ansem says: July 6, at 4: July 9, at 6: July 14, at July 14, at 1: Talha says: July 23, at Maria says: August 19, at A box This tutorial shows you the firmware and software you need to download, where to get it and how to get it loaded onto your Apple device to facilitate the jailbreak.
Curious about all those jailbreak videos and what they mean when they say "SSH into your phone"? In this tutorial, we learn how to jailbreak an iPhone 3g and keep the data. First, plug your phone in and connect it to your computer. Next, go to the website felixbruns iPod firmware.
Go to the bottom of the page and find where it says "iPhone 3g 3. First you download something called DemoGod. Once you have done that download ScreenSplitr from Cydia on your iPhone. It is very easy to use this application. To turn it on, In this tutorial video, we show you how to jailbreak Apple's latest device the iPhone 3G to start the process you need to do the following: Download the jailbreak by the iPhone Dev Team found: And the iPhone 3G firmware and how you do Learn how to unlock your iPhone or iPhone 3GS on firmware version 3.
Unlocking your iPhone has many perks, allowing you to break free from many of the iPhone's restrictions. Add this source to Cydia and install Ultrasn0w: This video shows you how to get the South Park mobile application from Cydia. Once installing Cydia, it's pretty easy to do the rest. Good luck! This little how-to shows you three ways to connect your iPhone to a TV. Also, you can add Cydia which allows you to download non-Apple certified apps.
Follow the steps to help your iPhone get out of jail for free! The video starts out with a person holding an iPhone. The narrator begins to say he is about to demonstrate how to jailbreak an iPhone.
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Step one is to update or restore the iPhone to 3. After the update is complete, click on the blackrain icon and download Cyd In this tutorial, we learn how to tether an iPhone 3G or 3GS. First, go to Cydia, then manage, then sources, and add "sinful iphone repo" to your phone. Now, click into the source and find the text that says "enable tethering" and choose which phone you have.
After this, you w Many videos out there tell you about how you need to SSH into your iPod touch or iPhone in order to do certain things. But what does this mean? On your iPod Touch or iPhone, get these packages from Cyd If you've been trying to find a way to download installous onto your iPhone or iPod Touch, this video tutorial shows you just what you need to do. This video tutorial from iWalous shows how to install Bossprefs on your jailbroken iPhone from Cydia. From main menu click Cydia. Install any updates or upgrades if the In this tutorial, learn how to get a little bit of Droid on your iPhone.
This requires a jailbroken, Cydia-enabled phone and a little work, but the cool effect is totally worth i In this tutorial, we learn how to control an iPhone from a computer. First, go to Google and search for "real vnc". Then, download and install the program. Now, go to your iPhone and open the program "Cydia" up. Once opened, search for a program called "veency" and download an Jailbreaking your iPhone or iPod Touch will allow you to download and run apps from stores other than the Apple store. This tutorial will show you how to use the redsn0w program to jailbreak either your iPod Touch 2G or iPhone 3G.
This tutorial will show you how to view your iPod or iPhone screen on your desktop. First of all, you need to have a jailbroken iPod for the applications necessary and secondly you will need Wi-Fi. Make sure iPhone is connected to your computer. Run SSH client to view all In this video, we learn how to download torrents on the iPhone 2.
Before you do this, you will need: This is a video tutorial on how to unlock an iPhone 3g or iPhone 3gs with Blacksnow.
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Then tap on blackrain. You need to instal The new 2. However, a lot of applications you will probably want doesn't exist there. C-Net will show you how to jailbreak the new Apple iPhone in this video tutorial. The way So, you've jailbroken your iPhone 4. Now what? Download some homebrew apps with Cydia!
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Reading List lets you save interesting articles to peruse later, while iCloud keeps your list updated across all your devices. On iPad, tabbed browsing helps you keep track of multiple web pages and switch between them with ease. Independence for all iOS devices. Activate and set up your device wirelessly, right out of the box.
Download free iOS software updates directly on your device. Do more with your apps — like editing your photos or adding new email folders — on your device, without the need for a Mac or PC. And back up and restore your device automatically using iCloud. Your inbox is about to receive some great new features. Format text using bold, italic, or underlined fonts. Create indents in the text of your message.
Drag to rearrange names in address fields.
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Flag important messages. Even add and delete mailbox folders on the fly.

And with iCloud, you get a free email account that stays up to date on all your devices. Get more perspective on your schedule with year view on iPad and week view on iPhone and iPod touch. Tap to create an event and drag to adjust the time and duration. Add, rename, and delete calendars directly from your device. And view event attachments without leaving the Calendar app. With iOS 5, you can get your game face on with even more Game Center features. Post a profile picture. Meet your match with new friend recommendations based on the games you play and the players you already know.
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So you always have your movies, TV shows, home videos, and photo albums everywhere you want them. Using four or five fingers, swipe up to reveal the multitasking bar, pinch to return to the Home screen, and swipe left or right to switch between apps. Wow your audience in the board room, classroom, or living room. AirPlay now supports video mirroring. And improvements to VoiceOver include custom element labeling.
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