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Habitat Heroes curriculum resources include various hands-on activity ideas to help understand and explore your local area. If you have any questions, or would like to share your environmental action stories, please email us — conserved doc.

These include posters, ID guide books, hut passes and more! Becoming Habitat Heroes is a great place for them to start! The Habitat Heroes programme encourages children to go outside, explore a local place, and think about how they can make a difference. Find resources to support conservation teaching and learning, and DOC supported education programmes you can get involved in. Habitat Heroes. We hope these case studies provide educators and young people with inspiration to explore and take action in your local environment. Green heroes Image: Haumoana School Haumoana School, Hastings — students developed a 'taking action' plan to bring back native birds to their school through tracking, trapping and planting.
Stream Heroes Ruawai College, Northland — Year 7 and 8 classes undertook a thorough investigation into the health of their local stream that leads to the Kaipara Harbour. To see more of the hard work being completed by Ruawai College, the year 7 class have made this presentation: We are habitat hero's and the year 8 class have made this website: Year 8 enviro project Koraunui School, Lower Hutt — students investigated their local stream and took action by planting along its banks.
Share your stories and be in to win! If the rules are uncertain and unclear, please message one of the mods for a question. Last week's Lineup Help Thread was a success! With plenty of people asking for help and giving out advice. These three users have proven to be the most helpful of all!!! To the winners: if you want to gain permissions to edit the faq or the resources page, PM me. Future weeks might bring more benefits, like custom flair!!!
Can someone help me with to choose best lineup for PVE. Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image. Source Why? Creator ignoreme deletthis. Heroes of note:. I have near-maxed priest and ranger tech, only a bit in mage and warrior. I heard Malassa is ok, so try her and Barea as dmg too. Hey guys! Got a bunch of 5 stars, which ones should I prioritize? Get Amuvor maxed. He should give solid damage. Sig should get a long look as well especially if you're deep in warrior tech.
Depend on your team.
Finn (FN-2187)
If the 10 star is Vesa, then feel free to do so. I am at tower level Waiting to advance main campaign because it is level gated. Norma early game is great, and can still be used as fodder 6 or 9 star later on. Feel free to lv her up to 9 star if you don't have any decent Abyss heroes. The games at Bristol City , Bristol Rovers , Charlton Athletic , Crystal Palace and West Ham United were all postponed, as they were all situated within a short distance of areas which had seen some of the worst disturbances.
The international football friendly match between England and the Netherlands at Wembley Stadium due to take place on 10 August was cancelled, [] as well as the international friendly between Ghana and Nigeria scheduled for 9 August at Vicarage Road , Watford. Tottenham Hotspur 's opening game of the —12 Premier League season against Everton on 13 August was postponed.
Following the initial disorder in Tottenham, the constituency Labour MP David Lammy appealed for calm, saying that "true justice can only follow a thorough investigation of the facts" [] and that Tottenham had had its "heart ripped out" by the riots. The way we police in Britain is through consent of communities. May said: "I condemn utterly the violence in Tottenham Such disregard for public safety and property will not be tolerated, and the Metropolitan Police have my full support in restoring order.
A spokesman for the Prime Minister's office added: "The rioting in Tottenham last night was utterly unacceptable. There is no justification for the aggression the police and the public faced, or for the damage to property. The deputy prime minister Nick Clegg said that the riots were "completely unacceptable" and described the rioters as "needless and opportunistic". London's mayor, Boris Johnson , who cut short a holiday in Canada to return to the UK on 9 August, said: "I'm appalled at the scenes of violence and destruction in Tottenham" [] whilst his deputy Kit Malthouse told a Sky News reporter that "criminal elements were to blame for the trouble.
Prime Minister David Cameron condemned the "terrible scenes of people looting, vandalising, thieving, robbing" and told rioters "You will feel the full force of the law. And if you are old enough to commit these crimes, you are old enough to face the punishment.
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In a strongly worded criticism of what he deems to be a misplaced "hyper-sensitivity about race", dating back to the Macpherson Report of , Civitas director David Green attributed the reluctance by police to use force to a fear of disciplinary action. He said that "officers in charge of a riot think it safer to wait for orders from the top". In a public speech on 15 August, David Cameron blamed a "broken society" in "moral collapse" [] — broad societal change themes common to his party's election campaign theme Broken Britain.
The city councils of Manchester and Salford are reported to be investigating their powers for ways of evicting tenants if they, or their children, have been involved in violence or looting in their cities. Several countries issued warnings advising caution to travellers visiting the United Kingdom during the riots.
German far-left activists suggested using the riots as a role model to be applied to their political activities in Germany as well. The riots were described by one journalist as "the worst disturbances of their kind since the Brixton riots ". Commentators likened the riots to the Broadwater Farm riot of , during which a police officer, Keith Blakelock , was murdered. In April [] there was a large nonviolent march to Scotland Yard as a result of the death of Smiley Culture.
The Sun called the scenes "shameful" and lamented that "[w]ith the London Olympics less than a year away, our reputation is being damaged at the worst moment". It added: "This is anarchy, pure and simple. And it presents a serious threat to life and property. The Daily Telegraph ' s editorial said: "What we have experienced in London and elsewhere since Saturday night is a wholly new phenomenon: violent disorder whose sole intent is criminal In such circumstances, there can be only one response if the law-abiding majority is to be protected: the thugs must be taught to respect the law of the land the hard way.
The Guardian called on the public to back the police: " Britain's riots have become a defining contest between disorder and order.
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In that contest, important caveats notwithstanding, there is only one right side to be on. The attacks, the destruction, the criminality and the reign of fear must be stopped.
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The rule of law in the cities of Britain must not only be defended against delinquent destruction. It must also be enforced. Most were men or boys, some apparently as young as 10…. But families and other local residents, including some from Tottenham's Hasidic Jewish community, also gathered to watch and jeer at police.
In its 9 August leading article, The Independent said the police's handling of Mark Duggan's death "looks to have been poor", and that there is "context of mistrust of the police here. Peter Hitchens of The Mail on Sunday disputed the idea that the events were riots on the basis that they were fundamentally apolitical. He further stated: "This is an equal-opportunity crime wave. The lawbreakers are not from any distinct ethnic group, and attempts to explain this behaviour on these ground are baseless and poisonous.
Psychiatrist Theodore Dalrymple wrote an opinion piece for the New York Daily News , in which he blamed the "sense of entitlement" that he sees as being common among Britain's youth as a cause for the riots, and said that British youth are today among "the most unpleasant and violent in the world" as a result. Some journalists made comparisons between these riots and the riots in France.
Many people called for the government to urge the police to deploy anti-riot methods often used outside Great Britain, such as water cannon and baton rounds which have been used in Northern Ireland , the use of which has long been resisted by senior police commanders and politicians.
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Pauline Pearce , a year-old woman from Hackney, was filmed close to the rioting, furiously chastising looters over their criminal behaviour. Its rapid spread was helped by tweeting from famous people such as newspaper editor Piers Morgan [] and former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott. On Amazon , sales of baseball bats and truncheons increased significantly overnight. People are angry.