Iphone apps for creating podcasts
After setting up the podcast, promoting it and gaining a bit of an audience, we finally decided to upgrade the equipment to something more substantial that works better for what we were doing. It allows you to connect professional XLR condenser or dynamic microphones along with line-in channels from a separate source, such as your phone or laptop for multi channel recording. This worked perfectly for our setup where I personally would be on one channel, Martina on another and our guest on the third channel. With the H6, there is an ability to control the levels for each channel with the onboard mixer.
This reduces the amount of equipment you need.
How to record podcasts on iPad part II: The apps | Cult of Mac
It all records directly to the SD card on the device and is easily transferred to a computer for post production. Highly recommend the Zoom H6 when you're ready to upgrade your podcasting process and move up from the smart phone recordings. Apps for Recording Podcasts Here is a quick run down of a few apps that we've used in the past to record podcast interviews. SoundCloud SoundCloud is not only is a great audio hosting platform but also comes with a great application programming interface API that allows you to use so many different applications from desktop, tablet and mobile apps to record and publish your sounds.
Spreaker Spreaker, very similar to SoundCloud but with its own flavour. Stepping Up After setting up the podcast, promoting it and gaining a bit of an audience, we finally decided to upgrade the equipment to something more substantial that works better for what we were doing. These are sets of shows that refresh as new episodes release.
For example, I have a Morning playlist that contains four daily news shows so that I get an overview of what's happening in the world as I start my day. I have another playlist for shows I like to listen to while I cook. If organizing playlists tops your list of needs or wants, Overcast may be the best fit, as it lets you create both playlists of shows which it calls Smart Playlists and playlists of specific episodes, a better solution for one-off activities, such as a summer road trip.
Below you'll find the 10 best podcast apps, listed alphabetically, with images of the mobile apps, details on their prices, and a few words about what makes them unique or useful. Breaker is a free iOS-only podcast app with a social bent. By connecting it to Twitter, Facebook, or your contacts, you can find other people you know who use Breaker and follow them to get recommendations. You can see what shows and episodes people listen to and read comments they leave on episodes.
The easiest way to make a podcast.
When exploring new podcasts, you can see how many other Breaker users have subscribed to the show. The app is entirely free to download and use with no upsell. It makes money by offering podcast creators a way to sell content directly to listeners and taking a slice of the action. Castbox is the podcast app to use if you're interested in discovering new podcasts.
Its hook is suggesting new podcasts using a unique recommendation engine.
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The results are quite different from the typical "top " lists seen in other apps. You can use the Android, iOS, and web apps for free, as long as you don't mind seeing and hearing advertisements or being limited to channel subscriptions. Castro is a free iOS podcast app that is fairly average if you use the free version. The rest of Castro's features are average, including a button that trims dead air from your listening experience, a voice booster setting, the ability to customize settings for each show in your feed, and a dark mode.
I don't recommend the free version of this app; if you're interested in a Plus account, you can try it for a week before you need to pay. Downcast is among the best podcast apps for iPhones and Macs. It also works with Apple Watch and CarPlay. You pay once for the apps and own them forever with no subscription fees.
It's easy to subscribe to podcasts, whether you browse or search for them or add them via a URL feed.
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Rich settings let you automatically start your favorite shows a set number of seconds in, or end them early, letting you bypass lengthy intros or closing ads. There's a great list view of shows that you've either subscribed to or downloaded that gives you details such as how many episodes are in your queue, when the most recent episode debuted, and an icon indicating if you are not subscribed to automatically download the next release. If you're an Apple-only user and don't need a web app, Downcast is one of the best podcast apps for you.
A newcomer to the podcast arena in , Himalaya is both a podcast player app and a service for podcast creators. Setting aside the creator arm for a moment, the podcast player is free, and you can get it on Android, iOS, and the web. The app recommends shows left, right, and sideways. It suggests playlists for different times, such as your morning routine or getting through the midday slump. It recommends shows you might like when you play an episode of a show.
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I had already recorded my first podcast and obtained some reviews. I didn't want to have to start from scratch with Anchor. Fortunately, it is super simple to switch your existing podcast to Anchor and there are numerous benefits:. This trendy audio recording app doesn't come without flaws. For me, the biggest is that you can only record audio for five minutes at a time. While you can easily merge audio clips together, when you are recording a podcast and have to stop your train of thought when you are approaching the five-minute mark, it is frustrating.
For the digital marketing podcast that my sister and I created, we record it on Quicktime and then upload the audio from our desktop using Anchor's Clipper. Even when we upload this onto Anchor, it splits our audio recording into a bunch of different clips rather than keeping it as one minute clip.
This can be frustrating, especially when you aren't familiar with the app.
![The easiest way to manage lots of podcast subscriptions](https://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2018/02/best-podcast-apps-android-iphone.jpg)
I learned, however, that when you take the clip and upload it as an episode which will send it to the iTunes and Android store it will then keep the entire recording together. Every morning, I record a quick digital marketing tidbit on Anchor, which is like Instagram Stories and Snapchat and disappears after 24 hours.
Once a week, my sister and I record our weekly podcast about a different digital marketing topic, directly from Anchor's app, which gets distributed onto the iTunes and Android store. I'm also able to see analytics on how many people have listened to my podcasts. It's been a long time coming but thanks to this great new app, I have a podcasting and audio recording strategy. Entrepreneur Media, Inc. In order to understand how people use our site generally, and to create more valuable experiences for you, we may collect data about your use of this site both directly and through our partners.
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