Lotus notes app for windows phone 7
On your workstation, extract the zipped installation package, which contains: IBM i Traveler binary save file. Open a Windows Command Prompt on your workstation and change to the directory that contains the extracted file. For example: Start an FTP session with your system and transfer the extracted file to the save file you created earlier. Use the same user profile that you used in Step 4. Ensure the Domino server is stopped prior to running next steps. Post-install check: Please be aware that uninstalling Notes Traveler 9.
To restore the previous Notes Traveler 9. Attachments 0. Edit the article to add or modify attachments. Versions 2. This version 2 Nov 7, , 1: Comments 0. Add comment. Copy and paste this wiki markup to link to this article from another article in this wiki. IBM Notes Traveler 8. People go to Walmart because its cheap. People wait in line to pay more for Apple products. That is not like Walmart.
Samsung has great hardware but runs an OS you can get somewhere else. I thought everyone understood that software defines most of the customer experience already! Unlike most Android devices and Windows of course. That has nothing to do with UI design. While condescending to users, there is some unfortunate truth to all of this. I apologize for coming across as sounding condescending to end users in my post. Those that know me, know that I am hell-bent on taking a customer first approach in building and selling products.
I choose the language I did to try to be succinct. The condescension from such a key albeit former windows phone person further solidifies the fact that I will never own one. A basic flaw in your argument is that the carriers are nobodies in the world outside the US. Promotion is done by the manufacturer and a decision on the carrier which usually has all phones comes down to coverage and price. Avro, You raise a valid point. But your point does not paint a flaw in my entire argument. It just says that in other parts of the world the imbalance in the virtuous cycle is tilted differently.
No, the rest of your argument has much merit. Just pointing out that the US market is rather unique. Everywhere else the carriers are just a big dumb pipe. Nokia has a great rep outside the US. Because the rest of the world, most parts of it at least, takes whatever is popular in the US. Take a look at cars.
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US cars have never made it big outside the US. The iPhone. The US Market is unique. Unfortunately at this stage anyhow the tie up with Microsoft is looking like a death wish. You raise a valid point. It will be interesting to see if Nokia can turn this around due to their relationship with carriers. Every other phone pales in comparison because the experience they deliver is worse, at minimum. Charlie — You could almost replace Windows Mobile for Android and get the same results. You can make the assumption that Google wants that to happen with Android, and then swoop in with something better monetizable controlled on their end.
I do not think Microsoft wanted Windows Mobile to go down the path of having carriers bloat and install WM on crap hardware. Microsoft could not stop it and now Google is unable to mandate minimum hardware requirements. This has and will continue to lead Android down a path that Google cannot keep under control and we all know the carrier corrupt anything they can. Such a silly comment from someone who is supposed to have attained wisdom in all of his years.
Google is the development force behind Android. They can guide the ship any direction they want to and even change the license any time they want to or even close the non GPL source if they want to. Get the picture? Each represents some amount of friction. Microsoft is doing these things because it believes making customers happy is the highest priority. Google knows this, Microsoft used to know this better than anyone.
There is only one Apple. No interest in innovation. MS comes in late to the market expecting to clean up. Why Bing? Well, eff you, buddy. The only people not using Google and iPods are MS employees and their children. Since when is burying ones head in the sand a good strategy? Tired off the same old MS crap that makes the day less fun. Pizza party for MS! MS is finally getting squeezed out of a market it has nothing to offer. Digging the analysis… nearly makes me want to go into this discussion from my own observations: Shame we are so carrier-centric here, because Nokia is almost the perfect partner for MS to make that kind of movement happen.
Hey, guess what! Apple is bigger than MS now! Fear them! In the next years i guess apple will stop growing that fast and will be stable too. Superior in what way? To whom? Android has https with client certificate authentication. So does Blackberry and iPhone. WP7 does not. WebOS used to be superior even to iOS when it came out. There are other market forces at work that are much stronger than simply having a better product in some ways. When Apple entered the market with the iPhone it had a drastically better phone than any smartphone on the market.
And market it they did. Verizon and all the other phone manufactures. Google came along with Android and in doing so was the first to offer the ecosystem a compelling alternative to the iPhone. Who was hungry for this? Verizon and all the other phone manufactures of course! They needed to convince consumers Android was as good or better than an Iphone to survive.
Then WP7 came along. So who needs WP7 when it releases? WP7 releases on all carriers so no carrier can use it as a weapon to attract more customers. Handset manufactures already have Android and are doing quite well with it. Nobody is incented to market WP because it offers them no large advantage. WP7 could be feeling the love Android is if it has entered the market as the first viable iPhone alternative.
If WP7 beat Android to any of other markets it would be interesting to see what happened there. Microsoft seems to believe they are loved because of their billion users. Great analogy. Kind of like getting herpes. Well you are the idiot. If they do go there they will most likely come out with a Windows PC. Get a broader viewpoint. RSPs are doing the same thing for Android in mobile as they are doing for Windows in traditional computing. On a different note, you are an idiot to think that comparing a product to an STD is not flaming.
Of course you took it seriously. You took it seriously because it makes sense. I compared the process of how people acquire Windows to getting an STD. Think about it. So every single iPhone 4 owner that lined up outside of an Apple store for a 4s for multiple hours was an informed consumer?
There are countless people that want Apple because they are being told by fanboys that they want Apple. A typical user has little to no clue what they want. That is the extent of what they know. There are obviously more types of people other than the dumb user but they are the masses or the sheep that are just led by the media. Obviously you cannot take the thought of the entire laptop ndustry being led by Apple sheeple as something reasonable as it will be an affront to your intelligence — for how can people who like to be cool and hip set the direction for nerds and geeks.
They get attracted to Apple for a good reason. The rest of the industry learns from this experience and strives to make something better. Not that this is good, but it is what it is. People want cheap, capable hardware, and open-source allows that to happen. Apple can afford it since they own the hardware. Apple forces upgrades but only if you want the latest and greatest, and thats after like years. The same cost advantage is the reason open source is growing throughout the rest of the world, even if closed software is basically given away.
Android is a development platform for carriers and handset manufacturers, not a computing platform for end users. Are you really that ignorant? Then load it onto your Nexus device and be happy. Do you even know what open source is? Open source, I. I do that with my nexus s and my Xoom using aosp android. Read that, suckah! No point in discussing this further with you. Have a nice day. Well said Jeff, the the f word comment at this stage of OS use is pointless, and mistakenly dismissive.
Its not all about the desktop. Linux already dominates all other embedded markets. Linux runs your phone, firewalls, routers, web servers, and whatever else…Now ask yourself why would a cloud computing company use MS tools, when they can build an Open Source Stack and support it themselves for free? Last I checked building yourself a cloud computing platform and supporting it is no where near free. They chose PHP for the same reason. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid..
NO WAY……. Terrible analogy. However, the analogy is bad because most folks actually DO like Windows. And like it quite a bit over any other OS.
Saying otherwise is simply hiding under a rock…. No proof for that statement. It is a bit like saying people like Fords better than Mercedes. Most people use Windows because they are forced to by their employer or lack of funds. Whether they like it or not is another matter entirely. I work in an environment where I get to see people switching from PCs all the time. Trust me when I say that most people and by most people I mean non geeks do not like windows at all. Their OS is demonstrably better.
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When people use it, they realize that. Internet Explorer is getting destroyed by Chrome and Firefox, and that snowball is gonna keep rolling downhill. Erm, my mom bought a Mac and asked me to install Windows on it, which i did, after debating how much faster a good looking Mac is. I know Mac Office is an exception. Demonstrably better? I doubt it. Having used every MS OS since 3. That might have been the case 10 or even 5 years ago, but it is no longer.
How convincing. OS X has a far superior interface and internals than the mess of spaghetti code that is Windows. The Windows 7 UI is amazing. The NT kernel is quite good. Wake up and smell coffee. Unfortunately, the sad reality is that people love Apples products because their products are great. The tendency everywhere is to attempt to second-guess the user, showing what the software thinks the user needs, and hiding everything else. Search is a poor substitute for a UI convention. Search also does you no good when MS capriciously renames features all the time.
Search sucks as a menu system. Your straw man just got knocked down. There are many programs whose names do not imply what the program does. Humble yourself, dilettante. What do you want to do: Add a new user? Join a domain? Just type it. Plus, all the run commands: How does that analogy translate, when if fact, Windows 7 is superior to everything else out there in almost every single way?
I also think WP is as superior, but i am aware of some serious problems first and foremost, memory expansion. From finding help in case of the problem, to software availability. And has tons of malware, poor touch interface, only runs on x86, looks garish, lacks an app store, etc. Windows is trash. Malware problem is not nearly a problem as people make it out to be. Touch interface? On w7? On all other point also, seriously? Touch interface on every version of real windows that has ever existed has been trash.
I was not talking about tablets, i was talking about desktop OS. Windows 7 is a desktop OS. I like Microsoft just fine. Rather, I see two fundamental flaws that have hindered adoption:. Quoting Rober Scoble: Do they talk about Android? Yes, of course. Of course! Windows Phone 7? Hell no. Perfectly put!!!!!!

Myself not as a Microsoft exec. Such a great device but no that no one knows about is almost self mutilation on the part of the company. You should put the kibosh on the multiple exclamation marks. People buy what they perceive to be the best value on the market. Right now, iPhone and Android are perceived to be the best value. Microsoft problem is that they are a late-comer, and they have an uphill battle to establish a market presence. MS does have a couple of in-house technologies that they can leverage to their advantage: If they can do those two things well, then they will build a solid base.
They were second in the last generation of consoles.
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They are second in the current generation and, even though they had a full year head start on Sony and Nintendo, trends suggest they might fall behind the PS3 by the end of the year and actually end up dead last in this generation. This is dispite the huge failure rates from launch devices. During Black Friday Microsoft pushed out 1 million units.. IN 1 DAY! I think the question for XBOX..
They did both extremely well, but ultimately they are much less likely to convert an android or iPhone devotee than they are to capture a 1st-time smartphone user. This means 3 things are needed: What I find ironic is that the carriers treating Microsoft in the US is them using their heft unfairly…. Which is exactly what Microsoft has done with a lot of the companies it deals with in other lines of business. This is a situation unique to the US where Carriers demand this level of control.
This is why in Emerging markets where users have control the Microsoft Windows combination will be formidable. Both of the brands have amazing name recognition here and the users like them. That is a big reason WP7 has struggled. Look at windows XP and Windows Mobile. I only tried a WP7 because I got it free. Try double clicking the Home button…. The problem with the back button on Android is that what you are taken back to is unpredictable. Most people are fashion-conscious in some form, and Microsoft is just not fashionable, Kinect notwithstanding.
If there had been only one tire company for a decade or two, many people would indeed choose the competition as soon as it appeared.
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Oh really and you have this based on what, anecdote? Did you sample the global population? Have you shown there to be a causal relationship between a hate for Microsoft and the buying of competing product in the global population? I have hardly ever met someone who likes Microsoft. As a matter of fact, we just had this discussion the other night. Win8 will roll out, whether people like it or not.
Just like changes to Facebook; everyone hates it until they have to change to the next new, but no one really wants to go back 2 versions even if they had the choice.. You seem to forget the larger trends that fueled the iOS explosion. Namely, the unification of the mobile phone and portable music player platforms. If Apple had tried to create a phone before the iPod, it would have flopped.
It was obvious that people were going to be carrying around mobile music players AND mobile phones. Rather than take the brute force approach that the rest of the market was merrily trudging along with hardware manufacturers creating myriad devices with specialized purposes for social, music, office, etc , Apple decided to capitalize the vapid portable music player space. Moving to incorporate radio features was then an easy task that people wanted. Microsoft actually dominated the smartphone office-centric market until RIM came along and took another simple and too narrow, as their impending death has shown approach and said: Which made sense because most people use their mobile devices for consumption only.
These were all clues to Apple, and looking back, they are clues for us to see how Apple devised its strategy. Initially people were sold on the touch screen concept because it would make hardware design easier, and developers could do whatever they wanted with the completely open interface. But ultimately there is method to the madness of a consistent interface, and still the same struggle exists. Moreover, those interfaces that are empowered by touch-only are not productivity-friendly. And this is where the Win8 benefit comes into play, combined with the natural unification of platforms that is coming down the pipe.
For now, this predominantly-consumption-driven metaphor for mobility will suffice, but as it becomes more pervasive, so too will the need to be more productive. And this is where Microsoft has been the undisputed winner. For most businesses to be productive, they need Windows. And no matter how productive Apple tries to make their iOS products, there is another high barrier to entry into the corporate space: What does Apple have in store for consumers on this front?
Parental Controls. Having a single OS that spans all potential platforms means that everything a corporation has come to expect from managing Windows Desktops will natively just work for the new platforms. Everything about the open ecosystem that MS built that led to their dominance in the PC era will stay true and keep them relevant.
Microsoft as a brand is associated with computers. Computers are seen as complex, unreliable tools that require lots of expensive add-ons like software to be useful. Microsoft has had many phone products now and they have all failed, even the ones that provided a great deal of customization flexibility for carriers and device makers.
During focus testing, the Xbox name was left on the list of possible names to demonstrate how unpopular the Xbox name would be with consumers. Try http: Are you attempting to say that the people in this poll were only given one option? You think that same C.
And please, I've maybe met three people other than you that considers the Android operating system to be "sexy. But it is not sexy. Android is a hella powerful and amazingly nice operating system, but I don't think it's a consumer-oriented OS. And no, I'm not a part of MS. No one in my family has a job at Microsoft. It seems that you're switching between Windows 8 and WP7 in the paragraph…I'll try to answer to both.
Windows 8: You have two arguments here. Let them stand by until it becomes extremely stable, thats OK. But then again, Microsoft gives away it's beta builds for free, so they are getting a lot of feedback for months, if not years, before the product is released. Still, I could care less if they wait until W9 to upgrade…all you're proving here is that Windows 8 is an extremely large change to Windows 7. You're arguing that the Office feature on the phone is a problem because if people do their work on the go then the phone could get stolen and the IP taken.
I'd like to ask you — have you ever used the voice recognition feature on Windows Phone? Or used Bing on Xbox with Kinect? Not to mention the amount of work Microsoft Research has done in the field of voice recognition http: Even apart from voice recognition, where's Apple's Kinect? I doubt Apple could do anything like that either…I mean, while Apple's trying to make touch interfaces work, Microsoft's deleting the interface altogether.
You should see the kids using Kinect in the microsoft store. You should see them using Surface or Windows Phone or the Touch mouse…these are the kinds of things that people never thought possible. Microsoft did touchscreens a decade ago; now they've moved on. Oh, unless you're talking about how Siri "understands" what you're asking for when you ask it something like "what's the weather like in San Jose?
Siri pulls all of it's fact-related answers from WolframAlpha. Microsoft has never innovated anything…. Innovation is… 1. If you want to see innovation, http: Windows for Pen and Touch in the s. Must I go on? The entire office suite.. Products stolen from other companies want me to show you the lawsuits settled? Where SQL came from. Where Word Came from.
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AFAIK, there is none. If they sell the console as cheap as possible, people will buy more games and Microsoft gets more money, in the end, from that. But ignoring that, yes they did. Even some 4 years before the iPad came out Bill Gates was saying that tablets were the future http: Now we have to wait and see for W8. See this news…. Wonder how much longer it will take MSFT to catch up? Who would want a fax to their phone…Someone already solved that..
Will launch Live Mobile T. The last great hurdle Live T. But once the iPod arrived, Average Joes and Janes began to take a second, third, and fourth look at Apple products. By the time consumers were done looking, they were the proud owners of several Apple devices. If Microsoft has any hope of getting back in the game, the company needs to release a gateway device that inspires consumers to care about Windows again.
Maybe Windows 8 will be that product. Maybe it will happen with the next Xbox. It is also possible that, just as Apple stunned the world with the iPod, Microsoft will release a new product that no one could have ever anticipated. But even if that were to occur, there is no chance that Microsoft will release an iPhone 5-killer in Ubuntu was supposed to be the answer, but even that has failed to catch on. Chrome OS sort of has an opportunity, but until the hardware comes down in price at least three-fold, people will choose Windows most of the time.
Microsoft has done well to establish themselves in this market but have crumbled in the cell phone market. People have a bajillion choices, why are any of the twenty phones you have worth more than the other bajillion minus twenty phones? Windows is not a poison word in the minds of most people who are in the market to buy a phone. He phrased it poorly, and took a roundabout path, but I think his ultimate point is correct. Now you want to put that experience on my telephone?
No thanks! I agree completely. You are absolutely right. I have several friends who own decent Android devices, they are not aware that they are not iPhones. The general public is clueless as to what they own technically and how it works. I happen to be a techie geek and early adopter. With Windows Phone Microsoft has taken a different approach. WP raises its middle finger at both the device manufacturers and mobile carriers. Ask yourself. And which Handset maker besides Nokia—and how relevant are they? You are a crack smoker along with the rest of the MSFT fan boys.
Thanks for the personal attacks and suggestions of drug use. Have you ever considered writing coherent comments in reply to people instead of foaming rants? It might make your points more convincing if they were phrased reasonably. A few years ago I started building my own Windows computers and have never had a problem with any of them.
I trust them to make a decent OS. MS has addressed this problem. Give it a try. Windows for desktop — the only real alternative for the wide public is mac os. Desktop Linux is not an option. MS Office — now this is a product which does not have an alternative yet. A very simple step, but difficult for MS to take. I hated Microsoft. If I had no prejudice I would loved them. Nobody wants to look like a fool, I meant PC … running Windows. I think what WP8 too late for WP7 is one arrogant and aggresive commercials campain with a dominant figure that everybody would like. I mean — like a lot.
Apple has the retail presence that allows them to mold customer perception. Microsoft is no longer a trendy company, as opposed to Apple. In the general public view, having an Apple product will make them more trendy, and as the aesthetics of the hardware agree with this popular notion, they go along with it. At least at first. I have two observations: I think your analysis of the market is interesting but your analysis of Apple is way off. They turn your model on its head FAR more than you give them credit for. You mention that they cut the hardware manufacturer out, but they go past that and flip the balance of power away from the Carrier dominance you posit.
So now they are the Device Manufacturer without the marketing disadvantage. One of the most impressive features of Notes is its level of backwards compatibility between versions. It's possible to take a Notes application built in version 1 back in , and run it in the current Notes 8 release without any need to convert or rewrite the application. We're not talking about showcase "proof point" applications, but real-world legacy applications which are still giving good value to the organization and do not need any feature enhancements. Few software applications can boast about compatibility across versions like Notes can.
This means your application development investment continues to return value long into the future. Often, a Domino server migration consists of running the install utility for the latest version. In as little as 15 minutes, the server is upgraded. All the applications built in prior versions of Notes still continue to run with no conversions necessary.
Today's knowledge workers don't come to the office at 9: They are " always on ," and they need to access their data whether or not a network connection is available. The Notes client accommodates this requirement by replicating data between server and local versions of your mail files and applications. It's among Notes oldest and most cherished features—for good reason. When a network connection exists, Notes synchronizes data between the server and client. The replication occurs at the field level, so two people can update different fields in the same document such as an invoice or travel request ; the server merges the updates so that the document shows both sets of changes.
Frankly, this is slick. Nobody else has ever achieved this level of WayCool synchronization sophistication, particularly because it's so trouble free that the feature is usually invisible. Notes e-mail users replicate their mail files to local versions on their laptops, so they can be productive offline.
When they once again connect to the network, all the changes are replicated with the server and messages are sent to the appropriate people. That applies to Notes databases and applications, not just e-mail. Part of the flexibility of Notes is that you can build both Notes client applications and applications that are accessed through a Web browser.
Domino takes the application's design and data and renders it into HTML "on the fly" for the browser. That's one quick way to migrate an in-house legacy application to an intranet or extranet. Because you can deliver both Notes client and browser content from the same source, your application development investment can pay off with greater flexibility for the end users.
Notes has been declared dead multiple times. When the Web came along, some opined Notes would be replaced by web browsers. When Java became the hot new development platform, many felt that Notes would be replaced by a full-fledged Java Enterprise architecture. And now that Microsoft has a popular collaboration offering in SharePoint , some are again predicting the demise of Notes. Not only has Notes survived—it has adapted and thrived. IBM added Web capabilities to the Domino server long ago, when intranet applications became a business requirement.
Java became another language supported in the Notes programming environment.