Pass cell phone through metal detector
CEIA Security Metal Detectors
Two years later, lawmakers passed a bill adding "other wireless devices and components" to the list of banned items. Since January , the state has accepted for prosecution 91 cases involving smuggled phones. Eighteen people have been convicted of felonies for bringing cell phones into prison or possessing them. The rest of the cases are pending, said Gina DeBottis , the chief prosecutor of the prison system's Special Prosecution Unit.
Only two of the 19 convictions involved guards, the rest were inmates. Only one correctional officer served any jail time — eight days. Debottis said the inmates received anywhere between two and 40 years. Successful prosecutions are difficult to make against staff unless there are phone records or a phone is found in their possession, Debottis said. Prison officials agree with union leaders that raising pay for correctional officers would go a long way to tackling the problem of contraband.
The prisons are running with 3, too few guards; turnover is 26 percent.

Pay for correctional officers ranks 48th in the nation, Olsen said. In August, the board that oversees the prison system recommended 20 percent raises for all correctional staff.
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It will be up to lawmakers to approve next year. Undercover cop's past now under investigation after raid. Be prepared to fork over some cash. Related Stories. More cell phones found in Texas prisons Dogs learn a new trick — finding cell phones in prison. Trending Now.
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How can I pass a cell phone through a metal detector?
I wont be using it in class i will be using it to communicate with my family. My school does not allow cellphones and no i am not a terrorist you must have never went to school with over teens. Report Abuse. Are you sure you want to delete this answer? Yes No. Answers Relevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Phone Metal Detector.
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Source s: Add a comment. K well y do you need to sneak it through. Are you a terrorist or something bcuz cellphones are allowed on planes u just put it in the bucket things where u put ur carry ons shoes and belts and stuff you dont need to sneak it through.
Schools that have metal detectors in place have them for security purposes. If you absolutely HAVE to bring your cell phone into the school to communicate with your family, you need to talk to your school administration about this. Depends if your phone is made up majority of metal, but if its plastic take the battery off and place it flat down under your foot inside of your shoe.
- Creative efforts get cell phones into inmates' hands.
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- Foiling Metal Detectors - Schneier on Security;
It worked with me all the time but it was made up plastic mostly Take all the metal out. Existing questions. Related Questions How can I pass a cell phone through a metal detector? Can you wrap something around a cell phone or psp go that could make it pass through a metal detector?