Paypal here on samsung galaxy tab
It won't let me log in and says i need to update to the new version, but when i go on the play store it says that my device is not compatible with this version!! My device, a Samsung Galaxy Tab A,is not even 12 months old. Why won't my app work any more?
Why can't i download a working version? Galaxy Tab S3 here, I'm annoyed that I have to use the phone instead of the tab all of a sudden. Fix this PayPal! Its the same app! Exactly the same app, the only different be is this one works. I don't know why the "normal" app stopped working, no-one has explained that yet but this download looks and behaves exactly the same. Cookies help us customize the PayPal Community for you, and some are necessary to make our site work.
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Learn more OK. Browse categories. Ask the Community Help the Community. Choose where to post your question. Send Request Business Help Community. Log in. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for. Search instead for. Did you mean: I would appreciate any of your advice, thank you so much! Thanks so much for the positive feedback! And congratulations on opening your store! PayPal Here has a list of compatible printers here.
Mainly, I want to make actual money on line like taking paid surveys or free lance writing etc. Look I am not looking to get rich but maybe make a few hundred a month if possible. Then what fees do I have to know about also? If you want to get rich off of paid surveys, then by all means, go for it! Who are we to judge? With that said, it actually does take you exactly five steps to transfer your money from Paypal to your bank account. How on earth did you know that? Choose the account you want to transfer money from. Choose the account you want to transfer money to.
Choose the amount you want to transfer. I would confirm with them before you sign up. Yes it is true. What is worse is, that they do it for every transaction regardless how senseless it is. PayPal updated the software application and took down the network for iPhone and iPad users. I lost hundreds of dollars in sales because I could not accept payments with this software. I am forced now to find an alternative in case this should occur again. The system went down around 5 PM today and I am writing this review at 9: Bad business PayPal!!
Due to this problem I had to close my shop early today. I want to first start off by saying avoid pay pal at all cost. I deposited from my pay pal account to my bank account on February 2nd After doing so I was told I would Receive my money within 5 business days. After 5 days my money was no where to be found. They told me to have PayPal send in a letter of identity and everything would be reversed. PayPal said they could not send over a letter of identity, they could only issue a pull back. So after speaking with about 20 different people at pay pal about 5 of them were supervisors.
And the last one told me that if this last pull back does not work that I need to Sue PayPal. Now I know after working in retail for a long time that I would have been fired for telling a customer to sue the company I work for. I have a Janitorial Business and they are holding MY money for 30 days!!!! Stupid Process for a large well known company! I just found that out too. How is one to conduct business? I am taking my money elsewhere tomorrow morning and the rest when it becomes available.
Some bad research. Gth paypal here. Not with me! Unfortunately withheld funds are possible with any pay-as-you-go processor. If you need help finding another processor, please let me know. I began installing PayPal Here. Fortunately the installation showed me all of the resources it needs to access before after installing. The app wants access to: It looks like an app I could benefit from, but not at the cost of giving up the contents of my phone. I could not agree with you more, ridiculous that they could believe that anyone cold be so stupid as to grant that kind of access to private information.
Anything over that and PayPal will hold your money in a pending account for over 30 days. They will not release the money until the 31st day and only if they are happy that the transaction had no complaints from the customer on it. I would avoid PayPal at all costs. We are a mainstream retail brick and mortar business read, low risk and were looking for alternatives to Square. Paypal announced after receiving deposits that it would take 30 days to release any and all funds. This was not disclosed verbally even when salesperson was asked about time between charge and deposit.
Square deposits funds the next business day. Paypal takes up to 4 days. I was OK with that but 30 days is beyond the pale. I run an Avon business and am about to go to my first Vendor show. Would this be a good option for me or, since my sales are still pretty slow and sporadic, should I wait and see if my business grows first? Yes, this would be a great option, and I would also recommend taking a look at Square. This article will provide more information on high risk industries. In this day and age, you do NOT need 30 days to verify the validity of a transaction. I have had three credit card readers from Paypal.
None of them work well. They charge more for that. We contacted PayPal Here support a few times to resolve issues, instead we feel we have been fobbed off and no support person seem to have the time nor knowledge to solve a problem with the Here App on a brand new iPad Air 2 and brand new Star mPOP Cash and Receipt Drawer. The PaypPal App is unreliable, period.
To prove this please see this link: When using PayPal Here often the the receipts fail to print and cash drawer fail to open even after taking cash from customers. This is embarrassing and time consuming. We opened shop only about 2 weeks ago and we feel we are letting our customers down and giving our shop a bad name. PayPal support failed to resolve our issue and we have been left to leave a formal complaint with PayPal, again no response! We are now forced to look for a different solution.
I am a crafter doing about craft fairs a year some months not at all. I currently only accept cash or check and am looking to incorporate the ability to take credit cards. Do you think using it so infrequently would raise suspicion and end with them freezing my account? I get a lot of request from people that wish I took a credit card. Thank you….
For something like this I would definitely recommend using a mobile processor. Hello Tom I have a small fireworks business. Someone stone me money from paypal account and they dont care. No answer for my email,When I am calling no answer for subject,And… Broken card reader, I have third one, still with problemsNo support, poor service. And everything with highest fees on market. Hi Slawek, I never ever use any ways of contacting Paypal, except through Fb message.
They usually get back to you within 24 hrs. At least via messenger you get a rather quick reply.
Tom, I have had an eBay store since and I am now adding a brick and mortar location. I would try Shopify. The nonprofit I do the books for uses Square and it is a nightmare for me. Or is there another service to better serve nonprofits? And can we get the chip reader? Using Square right now, but would like to get everything streamlined as most US sales come through PayPal on website.
After speaking to Alice about disputes from PayPal , we will setup a system in place where we send the Invoice 2 copies customer and company a hard copy contract with all terms and conditions and ask the customer to sign and return the company copy for our records As a proof of delivery and also the Welcome Call recordings where we read the Application to the Buyer for better understanding.
Since we are a startup we are finding it difficult to find a processor which is not expensive and involves high fees , would you suggest working with PayPal with this system in place IF not what Co. Will you suggest. I am really disappointed in Pay Pal Now. I called Pay Pal whom I run about 20k worth of sales through per year on my website and explained the situation. They assured me this would not be an issue and that keyed in transactions were fine. I had only used it a handful of times with AMEX cards. This is outrageous. I called and asked why and they said that keyed in transactions over a certain amount are held.
I cannot believe a company as large as Pay Pal has worse rules than Square — a company with a horrible reputation. I am now going to switch over my website sales to Bank of America as well so I never have to use Pay Pal again. Made the switch from Flint to PayPal Here and could not be happier. Customer support has outstanding for me. You can never get anyone on the phone. So after 2 days of calling them and emailing them I deactivated my account with them today. They are sending me a free credit card reader in the mail. I have not used it yet so I can not comment on it. My customers normally pay by check or cash but I do get people who pay by plastic once in awhile so I guess I will see how good it works when I get my first swipe transaction.
Forget about anyone calling you back or returning your emails, because it will not happen, you will never get a rep on the phone, I hope PPH is good. I work hard for my money and I for sure do not want to be scammed or my funds being put on hold for long periods of time. But I do wish they had something where once I swiped a card and it goes to my PPH account it would auto transfer to my business bank account instead of having to manually do it every time. This is a low volume business selling about 12 to 20 boats a year.
Would PP work well for these sales? Two deposits in one 7-day period would not trigger the day hold but is this negotiable or are there exceptions? Anything better you suggest for this type of business? Should we select Square or PP Here? Thank you. Do i have to upgrade to the new chip card reader now? I called paypal here and they do not know.
They offered me a chip card reader for with rebate. No problem but i need 4 readers, do i get the rebate per unit? They could not tell me. Will my current windows tablet listed in the compatible tablets list work with paypal here. Their answer a most definite NO. What they list devices that will not work, what kind of bs is that. Horrible to work with. They froze thousands of dollars in sales claiming I keyed the cards in. Then, they had the gall to tell me my reader had to be working. Next, they held funds saying I keyed the transactions, when the cards were run by the user on my online store.
I am done with them. I will be opening a store on Etsy. Is PayPal a good choice? Hi,Thank you for your reviews, they are very helpful. I will be running a seasonal food truck three months out of the year. Due to being mobile, there may be times when I need an off-line mode. Do you have a suggestion on what to use?
I would try Instabill. What a nightmare, and after reading some of the above comments I am probably making the best decision in returning my item to Officeworks. What has that got to do with my application??? I am a risk! What a joke!! A risk in what way. I only found out after I had purchased the PayPal Here unit. It looked so simple.
Would the paypal here be the better choice over an actual merchant account at a bank? It depends first on your volume, and then your needs. If you need more features, shopping cart services like Shopify give one-stop solutions at reasonable prices. PayPal is okay, but not the best solution for all businesses. I have a been selling craft items on Ebay for about two years. Pretty low volume, usually between dollars per sale. I also had a website set up with Go Daddy but never spent much time trying to drive traffic to it so I canceled it just recently.
I have been trying to find software or a CC processor which would allow me to sell on Facebook without having my own website set up. I saw the information about Square offering on-line selling. Does this allow me to list and sell products similar to an ecommerce web site without paying for a stand alone website. Do any of the other providers offer anything similar? Thanks for your help, as you can see I am really confused…. Square would allow you to set up an online storefront with no monthly fee.
Some shopping cart services also provide this with no monthly fee. Flint does not provide you with a storefront, but they do provide hosted payment pages. You can share these pages via social media or email for payment. Each product will have its own payment page. Both of these solutions have pros and cons. If you want easily shareable payment pages, Flint is better. In terms of fees, Flint is usually less expensive.
PayPal now, instead of just acting like a processing company, is policing sales made on Ebay. Once PayPal can confirm this, then the funds are released which will take about 3 business days for your checking account to be credited. I get that they are trying to minimize their exposure to risk, however if they are still that closely tied to Ebay, they should take into consideration the length the seller has been on Ebay and the feedback.
Making a seller wait this long to get paid is ridiculous. Because PayPal polices the transaction instead of just processing it, they only get 2 stars from me. We are opening a brick and mortar store and will be selling for several artisans. I set up a PPH business account. Any ideas about how I can set this up with PPH business? Appreciate any help you can offer. I initially was drawn to Square. Any thoughts? Square actually does have some CRM features built in see here.
They have a few integrations available currently, but none for dedicated CRM. You will have to get the payment processing separately you might consider Payment Depot or Payline Data. This would also leave you with more CRM options. Using Square would definitely be the least expensive option.
I would love your help. I volunteer with a non-profit athletic booster club for a high school. We were recently burned by using Flagship Merchant Services. Our group sells spirit wear at football games and at a few other events throughout the year, offers concessions throughout the year, and invites people to become members.
We are working on creating a website and we have a Facebook page. We would like people to have the ability to purchase from us or become members in person or over the internet. Which credit card processing company do you suggest? Thank you for your help! I remember reading your comment on the Flagship review a little while ago.
It sounds like they should have referred you to a different payment solution, but instead set you up with an overly expensive account. I really hope that you were able to get some portion of a refund from them. I can guarantee you that we can find a better option that will have no risk of overcharging you. I would recommend that you check out Flint Mobile first and foremost. They have absolutely NO monthly fees.
You are only charged a percentage of each transaction. The app allows you to accept payments in-person, and they have other tools that allow you to easily create payment buttons for your website, or payment pages that you can share on Facebook. They are fairly low by default.
For many small businesses, this is not a problem. Usually they are able to raise your limits if needed. If they cannot accommodate the volume you need, then you should check out Payline Data. They have a more complicated pricing structure and feature-set, but they will be able to set you up with higher limits if Flint is unable to. This was a great read. Would you recommend PayPalHere for that or something else? I do not currently have a smartphone, just an ipod touch but I plan to get one soon.
Would love any input or directions you can point me with. I really love this article! Since your needs are so simple, my top recommendation would be Flint Mobile. The app should absolutely work on an iPod Touch running iOS 6. If your device does not have data access, you will have to make sure that you have a wifi connection.
Which devices are compatible with PayPal Here?
Data or wifi must be present to process transaction through most apps. You can apply for higher limits if needed. PayPal Here is a good secondary option. Thank you for your helpful review. Looking through the comments, it seems like you have a good grasp of many credit card reader providers so I was wondering if you could help me with figuring out what to use. Most of our concerts are away from our campus so most of the transaction will occur without internet.
Therefore, I will need to have a card reader that will still work in that condition. So, I will be linking my bank account to whatever service I am using, withdrawing that money, and depositing with the college. But then since the business manager of the choir changes almost every year, we would need to be able to change what bank account is linked for depositing. Is it possible to get a credit card swiper of some sort that can meet these conditions? Merchant accounts and payment processing services like these are unfortunately not transferable, so if you left a new account would have to be created.
There are risks involved with linking your personal finances to this account. You become personally liable for anything that happens with the transactions. Ideally the choir would have its own tax identification number and bank account, or could use an account and ID number associated with the department or college itself. Assuming that is not possible and that you are willing to take on the personal financial risks involved, your best option currently on the market is Square. That will be the least expensive option no monthly fee , and one of the few that allows offline processing.
When you leave the position, DO NOT simply change the bank account information over to the next manager. The account itself is linked to you personally regardless of which bank account is linked, so it is very important that the account is closed, and a new one is created in the name of the new business manager, if he or she chooses to agree to the terms.
Hi Tom, I am 3 months into opening my boutique. I use Paypal here. Here is my dilemma…on a cash sale of many items there is no way to single out an item for a return. I contacted Paypal and they have no feature for this according to the person I spoke with. This really causes havoc on my books, particularly if it is in a previous month. So you have to return the entire sale from January for example and redo sale in current month. Also There is no way to see a list of current returns in the month you have to scroll back thru all months sales to see each return.
Please advise! Thanks, Lisa. It has good basic features and functions well considering it has no monthly fee, but some features, especially ones related to inventory management, are just not there. It is very weird that some mobile apps, including PayPal Here, have no partial refund function for cash payments, when there is for card payments.
Some apps actually have no cash refund option at all. Unfortunately there is no easy fix for this, except for using a different app. Have you considered using the Vend POS integration? If you only have a handful of items to sell, there is no monthly fee. Otherwise the monthly fee is still pretty low compared to alternatives. The cool thing is that they integrate with PayPal Here, so you can continue to use the PayPal processing service and card reader.
Vend offers a free trial even if you end up needing their paid version. Other than that, the best you can do is mark it as a complete refund and then enter a new transaction, unfortunately. Tom, thanks for the helpful information! We need something mobile for an upcoming festival where we will take our products and sell them.
We already have a Pay Pal business account for online sales, so Pay Pal Here sounds like the perfect solution for us. Would we need to enter all of our products into the app or can we just enter the dollar amount of the sale? The app allows you to just type in the amount of the sale if you prefer. You can set it up so that tax is automatically added to this amount, or you can make it so that no tax is added and just the amount you type in will be charged.
Adding items to the inventory is completely optional. Thanks, Tom! And thanks for your hard work keeping all of us in the know! I am thinking of opening a PPH account, but have a question. It took awhile for her to find my item by scrolling on her phone. She said PPH had no search feature that she could use to speed up the sale. Is that true? Thank you! That is fortunately not true.
PayPal Here does have a search feature in-app. I just tested it again to make sure. It works well. Just click on the little magnifying glass on the main entry screen. PayPal Here and Spark Pay should both be able to do exactly that. Hi—I hope a question is appropriate rather than a comment. I am a volunteer for a non-profit organization. We hold two consignment sales a year to raise funds for the purchase of books from the Dolly Parton Imagination Library that are sent to pre-k children in our county.
I am trying to evaluate three services: My initial preference was square but there are so many bad comments about the lack of customer service; I have a personal paypal account and buy a lot from Amazon and know their customer service is outstanding. We do not charge sales tax and the accounting is fairly straight forward. Any comments about our choice are really appreciated! My second recommendation would be PayPal Here. Their app has a few more features than the Flint app including a great system for collecting customer contact info, which could come in handy if you end up using it to collect donations.
They also will allow you to accept all major card brands, plus PayPal. Flint only accepts Visa and MasterCard. Hi, What would you suggest for Canadian businesses? We often sell online using Square, but some customers are not happy giving over the phone or email us CVV and Postal Code which is Square requirement.. What could be another option? For Canadian businesses with a low volume looking for a low cost solution, I think Square is actually your best bet. Note, however, that you should never have customers provide payment information via email.
This is a huge security risk. Square offers a number of solutions to avoid this. Have you considered using Square Invoices to charge these customers? This would allow them to enter in their card data from their own computers. You could also set up a Square online storefront no added charge for this or the invoices to avoid this, depending on your business type.
All these transaction go through at 2. You should also consider that by keying-in the transaction data, you are paying at least 0. All processors will require you to collect a postal code and CVV in order to mitigate risk. Collecting this information by phone is standard operating procedure for all businesses, so you should remind your customers of this. But if you are looking for another great Canadian option, check out Helcim.
Tom I have written once and also called but never heard from anyone on your end…I have a store which I can sometimes do 3, Since I did not hear from you I went with Flint and tried it first today. It was okay but a little slow for me to use and now I know for sure that I can not use it full time because some of my workers are elderly and can not hold the phone still enough.
So I want to go with one that you swipe so I would like to know which one would be best for me? I am really tired of the traditional merchants and all their fees that just happen to pop up from time to time…This last month I got a surprise So can you help me decide which to try…Thanks for your help JIM. The best mobile-based option for you will probably be PayPal Here. You can use it on a smartphone or a tablet, and unlike Flint it includes receipt printer connectivity so you can offer paper receipts.
I also like that it allows you to accept all of the major credit card brands, plus PayPal payments. Really, though, to get the best value you should consider a traditional merchant account provider. The decreased rates will more than make up for the monthly fees. You can still use a phone-based swiper even with a traditional account, or you can opt for a countertop machine.
I will reply promptly! Tom, thanks for getting back to me. I will look at helcim but I was wondering if you have ever heard of Transnational Bankcard? They have a high rating at BBB but their online reviews are horrible. I have had a rep come in recently and promised me a ton of savings from what I am paying now and easy out of the contract if I am not satisfied. These seem to be the same promises that everyone is complaining about saying they are all lies. So again I am wondering if you know about Transnational Bankcard?
Should I give them a shot or run? All my business owning friends say run. My advice is to tell them no thank you. Would you recommend just sticking with PayPal Here or is there another option you would recommend? It works well and is adaptable. I cannot understand something that maybe you could explain. Why is there a difference between mobile processing of payments and POS? It seems Square has essentially both….
I need three payment services on two devices for my wife and I. I Need to: Sell pottery at a remote arts and crafts show 2. Since I have Paypal and can do both selling and buying transactions it seems to make sense that I center my needs around it. The POS point of sale is the software and hardware combination that you use to track inventory, create orders, accept payments, track sales, etc.
This is not true of other full-featured POS software. They also have very low equipment costs. For low-volume businesses, these systems often make the most financial sense. They also will not be able to give you a fair rate on your debit transactions. They can set you up with mobile smartphone-based processing, power payments for your online store, and allow you to accept all forms of payment in-store.
But, that said, there are two scenarios where using PayPal Here might make more sense. First, if you want access to a free tablet-based POS system. It has limited functionality, but it is free and does have printer connectivity. At that point, a pay-as-you-go service like PayPal Here can be more cost effective.
Hi, Tom. I was hoping you could advise me on which credit card system I should go with. The main part of our small business is turning carpet into area rugs, cutting and binding them to a certain size. Most of our client base is wholesale, so they pay by check.
A few of those ask to pay by credit card every now and then over the phone. The remaining client base is the personal consumer. We call to let them know we are delivering and often they ask to pay on the phone. Other times they are at home when we deliver so we could take a card then. Finally, customers do come into our workshop from time to time to pick up their rugs. Sometimes they show up not knowing we do not process cards. So, I have to trust they will mail me payment.
I would say I get a handful of customers each week asking if I can take a credit card. Hardly ever are they over a few hundred dollars. My office is in my house, hence my computer is in the house. We do not have any computers in the workshop. So I would probably have to use my cell phone for cards most of the time when in the workshop or delivering to customers. The rest of the time I could process it on my computer in the office.
We are a really unique business, so I wanted to try and explain everything.

I would really appreciate your input! What POS should I use for my business? PayPal here said I was not eligible because of the information I provided. I think. Any recommendations. That business type may be considered higher risk. You should check out Payline Data. They are flexible and fair. Thanks for the good work you do! This is confusing for a newbie. I will be doing art fairs until it gets too hot here in AZ. No telling how many will sell yet, gotta get a reader. What do you think my best option is?
I have a Samsung Note 2, a couple years old. Please advise as I am now totally overwhelmed with info and fear from the scary reviews, yikes! Have you checked out Flint Mobile? They are our current favorite for inexpensive mobile processing. The two limitations you should be aware of with them are 1 no AmEx or Discover processing is provided, and 2 no paper receipt printing is included. Even so, I find their other features and overall reliability make them a great option, especially for sporadic and low-volume merchants. Funding holds and account terminations are always a worry with mobile processors.
Thanks for the Report. I have been waiting patiently for Paypal Here for over a year. When is Paypal going to officially released them here in Canada? I have been using Paypal for over 10 years on my online business and I feel very comfortable using them. Also , does Paypal Here scan fraudulent credit cards and rejects them?
On my Paypal online business, we only shipped out order s that have shipping addresses that has been confirmed by Paypal. The seller is protected when the item have a postal or courier tracking number. High price items must have a signature confirmation. Is it possible to link the funds transfer to anything other than your paypal account? If I want to link it to my business account is that possible or will I have to login to paypal and transfer funds to that account?
The nice thing about PayPal Here is that your funds are available in your PayPal account immediately after you complete the transaction. In some cases, you will have to contact customer support to enable this feature. But you certainly bring up a noteworthy shortcoming of this service. Consider checking out Flint for faster, more direct withdrawals. No, we are an independent review site. I have been using PayPal.
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First problem I ran into was their virtual terminal. This could be a great program for small business. But instead they charge a ridiculous fee to use this program. So I started using their iPhone app. This should be a great program for those of us that do not have a brick and mortar store. Every show it seems that PayPal has a new twist. The last one I ran into was two. First they keep asking to have a picture uploaded or logo. But then they decided to force you to be tracked. So now they know where you are making the sale.
And then had to pay the fee for those credit cards I had to hand enter. Some day businesses working with software will learn they should never add these add on programs. Always keep software simple and solid. In this case I not only do not want them tracking me, to add it on cost me sales and made this program difficult to use. Really not something that should ever be added on a credit card acceptor. Yes, unfortunately this is the case.
Square and GoPayment work in Canada. Of those two, I prefer Square. Depending on your business type, there may be better options.
Which mobile devices can I use with PayPal Here?
Let me know if I can help your further! For most of the transactions, the card will be present. For some supervisee in another state , it will not be present.